angel » jimin x bts

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little!jimin (mental age 0-5)//caregivers!bts

i haven't actually written a jimin x bts one yet


Being relatively new to the whole 'little space' thing, the rest of Bangtan didn't really know what to do for or what to expect from Jimin when he was little. That didn't mean that they weren't supportive of his lifestyle, they were just unsure and curious as all.

Taehyung had been blunt about his confusion and asked Jimin to his face what he needed to do when Jimin was little, and the older male almost cried from how determined they all seemed to want to learn about little space.

Seokjin had gone out and bought special children and baby foods for when Jimin was in his headspace, Namjoon had been tasked with buying toys and equipment for his dongsaeng while Hoseok did most of the research with Taehyung.

Jungkook and Yoongi were sceptical at first, and didn't really know how they were supposed to care for Jimin when he was like this, especially Jungkook. He was still young, only 21, and he could barely take care of himself let alone someone else.

But Jimin had assured Jungkook that he didn't need everyone looking after him at one time, and it really just relied on who he wanted that day. One day, he would want Hoseok, then the next he would want Taehyung, then on another day he would want Seokjin and Yoongi. It varied.

But in the one month that Jimin had confessed his little space to the others, a lot of people had noticed his liking towards Yoongi.

Hoseok saw it coming, with how attached he was to the eldest rapper when he wasn't little, and also for the little soft spot Yoongi possessed for the younger.

And, surprisingly, Jimin didn't demand Yoongi of much. Since he already knew the rapper was busy producing and making music, all Jimin really wanted was to sit on his lap while he mixed tunes together and occasionally a forehead kiss or a back rub or a small tickle fight.

And Yoongi was able to give him that, no problem, but when Jimin went from calling him 'Yoonie' to one day calling him 'Daddy', Yoongi almost choked on his coffee.

Later that same day, when Jimin was taking his afternoon nap, Seokjin noticed his dongsaeng looking troubled and decided to investigate.

"What's up, Yoongi? You look very distressed," he asked, taking a seat at the table beside Yoongi. "Did something happen?"

"Not really. It's just Jimin-"

"Jimin? What happened? You didn't hurt him, did you?" Seokjin began interrogating like a worried mother and Yoongi shook his head.

"No, no, of course not," he replied, eyebrows creasing. "It's just...he called me 'Daddy' earlier and I think I may have reacted in the wrong way."

"Well, how did you react?" The eldest of the two asked quietly so nobody else would hear. Not like it was some major secret anyway.

"I don't know, if I'm honest," Yoongi sighed. "We were in my studio yesterday and he was just sitting on my lap like he normally does and it was all good until he suddenly said: 'I love you, Daddy'. And it's not like we haven't said we love each other already but I was just shocked because he called me 'Daddy' so I didn't say I loved him back, I just said: 'yeah'."

Seokjin facepalmed.

"And he seemed really upset- well, of course he would be upset and now I feel really bad because he hasn't spoken to me since it happened," Yoongi concluded and Seokjin sighed heavily.

"He's been asleep for a few hours, now," Seokjin stated. "Go wake him up and apologise. If he goes to sleep angry then he'll wake up angry so you may as well make it up to him before he gets to wake up angry."

Yoongi nodded and the two stood up from the table to find themselves to the room Jimin shared with Namjoon. The rapper opened the door slowly and saw Namjoon sitting at the desk on his laptop, and he looked awfully confused when he saw Yoongi and Seokjin standing in the doorway.

Seokjin went over to him and whispered something in his ear while Yoongi crept over to Jimn's bed and sat down on the edge of it, lightly shaking Jimin awake.

"Hm," Jimin whined, and Yoongi shushed him gently.

"It's just me, baby," he reassured when Jimin opened his eyes. "It's just...Daddy."

When Jimin saw Yoongi, his look of confusion merged into a look of anger as he stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.

"No wanna talk to chu," Jimin mumbled and tried to turn away from Yoongi, but the hand resting on the boy's arm stopped him from doing so.

"I know you don't, angel, but please just hear me out," Yoongi pleaded, and Jimin huffed before lying still. "Earlier, I reacted in a way that I know upset you, and I wanted to say sorry, Jimin. I was just so surprised because you've never called me 'Daddy' before and I just couldn't believe my luck. Being your Daddy is an absolute privilege, baby, and I would love to take on that role if that's what you want me to do."

Jimin's sour expression had softened up after hearing Yoongi's apology, but he still wore a small pout.

"Daddy made me sad," he murmured, and Yoongi reached over to stroke Jimin's hair.

"I know I did, princess, and Daddy's sorry," he whispered before leaning down to kiss Jimin's forehead.

"Baby?" Seokjin spoke up, and Jimin sat up to look at Seokjin and Namjoon on the other side of the room. "Since Yoonie is now Daddy, wouldn't you like to give the rest of us pretty nicknames, too? I'm sure TaeTae and Hobi would be very excited about that."

Jimin nodded sleepily, and Seokjin disappeared to get the other missing three - who were probably playing Overwatch in Jungkook's room.

"What's this about nicknames, baby boy?" Hoseok asked upon arrival, sitting down on the bed after Yoongi had made more room on the mattress by lifting Jimin up onto his lap so the others could sit on the bed too.

Jimin started by softly gripping onto Hoseok's t-shirt and staring at him for a few seconds like he was analysing his face before coming out with a, "Dada."

He then pointed at Seokjin, who smiled sweetly.

"Eomma," he giggled out, and Seokjin reached over to ruffle Jimin's hair playfully before the little moved onto Namjoon. "Appa!"

Jimin looked at Jungkook next, who seemed a bit nervous about the whole ordeal. Crawling out of Yoongi's lap, Jimin settled himself between the maknae's legs, who instinctively wrapped his arms around Jimin's middle.

"Oppa," Jimin gurgled as he curled up to Jungkook's chest, and he felt the youngest chuckle against him.

"What about me, sweetheart?" Taehyung asked from next to Jungkook, and Jimin looked up at the male like he had forgotten he was there and all of a sudden just realised.

"TaeTae!" He squealed, now making grabby hands at Taehyung, who pulled Jimin into his lap immediately.

"I'm still TaeTae, hm, baby?" He asked, and Jimin nodded enthusiastically.

"Those are all beautiful nicknames, Minnie," Yoongi smiled as he reached over to rub Jimin's back just because he wanted to.


i'm sorry i'm so soft for yoonmin i couldn't resist

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