sweet like candy » yoonmin

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little!jimin (mental age 3-5)//caregiver!yoongi


Yoongi sat on the couch with Jimin at his feet, the younger boy silently playing with whatever he was playing with, the only sounds in the room being that of the keys on Yoongi's laptop and the buttons on the toy Jimin was playing with.

When, all of a sudden, Jimin sneezed - small and cute - but loud enough for his whole body to jerk from the force.

"Bless you, baby," Yoongi looked up over his laptop, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose since they had slipped down without him noticing.

"Tank ou, Daddy," Jimin replied quietly, soon going back to playing with his toys.

"Jiminie-bub?" Yoongi asked after a few more minutes of silence, saving his current document and placing his laptop on the couch next to him, and Jimin turned to look at him silently. "Come sit, honey."

Yoongi patted his - now empty - lap and Jimin stood up, sticking a finger in his mouth as he hobbled over to Yoongi, crawling up into his lap and setting himself down so he was comfortable.

Yoongi rearranged himself so that Jimin was sitting across his lap and cuddled the younger boy close to his chest.

"What'sa matter, Daddy?" Jimin asked, voice muffled slightly by the finger in his mouth and Yoongi gently pulled the hand from his mouth, running the backs of his fingers down Jimin's cheeks.

"Nothing's the matter, princess," Yoongi reassured, kissing Jimin's temple over blonde hair. "Daddy just really really really loves his little baby."

Jimin smiled at the praise and cuddled further into Yoongi's chest.

"I love you, I love you, I love you so much," Yoongi whispered over and over again into the atmosphere between the two of them, almost like he didn't want anyone to hear him.

"I wub Daddy more," Jimin interjected and Yoongi smiled against his hair.

"If you say so, poppet," the older male replied, kissing Jimin's temple and hugging the boy even tighter if that was possible and beginning to rock the two of them back and forth. "But you know you'll never be able to beat how much Daddy loves you."


idk what this was really, just some yoonmin fluff

also, yes, ya boi is back. i know it hasn't been a full month yet and i'm still a piece of shit but i realised something: being a piece of shit isn't bad. sure, i'm a complete pessimist and i piss people off with my pessimism sometimes but the real people who actually want to be there for me stay with me despite me being a pessimist and a piece of shit.

and while taking a break from wattpad helped somewhat, i also realised that i can't be gone forever. if i get too used to not posting then i would be giving up on what's taken me four years to build and i would be giving up on my dear readers which i could never do. i believe that things happen for a reason, and that every shitty thing that's happened to me has happened to make me stronger. so with your help, guys, i'll keep posting and i'll keep living until life decides i shouldn't - not me.

i want to apologise for pussying out and leaving for a while, but i hope you guys can forgive me :)

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