The Game : 55 { Making It Or Not .. }

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We been here for a couple of hours. Ms. Hati went home to check on her husband. She stayed the first 2 which I was thankful for.

Especially since we're in Jamaica by ourselves and no help. I been praying all Day that she's getting better. They haven't came up here and told me anything so I'm worrying even more. Especially hearing that you'll be lucky if you live.

•   •

I was going through my phone looking at the pictures and videos of Lee and I and some with the kids.

"Erica Brown.." I looked up seeing the same nurse from couple hours ago that told me I couldn't go to the back.

"That's me. Tell me, how is she? Is she doing good?"

She sighed. "We're doing everything we could. This is a very serious sickness. There's a chance she'll make it, and there's a chance she won't.."

"So is she responding well?"

"Somewhat.. but when we're doing good, everything immediately goes bad. We're going to keep trying and if it doesn't work then we'll have to pull the plug." I shook my head falling to the floor and started crying. "I'm so sorry." She said rubbing my back.

"She has to be okay! C-Can I see her?" I asked looking up at the nurse

"Not now. They're still working on her," I sighed shaking my head. "How long has she been feeling like this?" She asked taking out a notepad.

"Since this morning. She was perfectly fine yesterday and last night. She just woke up and was feeling under the weather.." I explained.

"And do you know or have a prediction of how this could've happened?" I looked at the floor. Wanting to tell her about Brandy but I really just want to kill her. "Ma'am, please answer the question."

I sighed letting it go. "Someone cursed her with it.."

She frowned. "Who?"

"This woman.. her name's Brandy. She's about --"

"My sister.." She said and I looked up at her confused.

"Did you just say she's your ... s-sister?" I asked.

"Yeah.. my little sister. I don't socialize with her anymore though because she does stupid stuff like this." She sighed. "I feel so bad. If there's anything I can do --"

"Let me kill her.." I said lowly and her eyes widened.


"Let me kill her.. If my wife dies, I want to kill her." I said.

She shook her head. "Listen I'll help you report her to the police, but your not going to kill my sister."

"Fine then you help me find her and we'll confront her." I said standing back up. I'm not about to go back to jail anyways.

"Your not going to kill her are you?"

"No! So are you going to help me or not?" I asked looking at the time.

"Fine.. tomorrow, I'll come over." She said and I nodded. "You just get home and go to sleep. Get your rest and tomorrow, we'll call you.."

We exchanged numbers and then she grabbed her folder. "Take care of my wife, please." I said and she nodded walking away.

No wonder she looked like Brandy a little.

•  •

I grabbed my belongings and walked outside to my car getting inside and driving home. Getting home, I walked inside and took a shower.

I really hope my baby's alright.

She has to be. Brandy's gonna pay.

* : * : * : * : * : * : * : *

* Will Lee Survive? 😯

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