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A Week Later..


I was at the bank with Jeremiah and Lindsey. We just come from shopping for the day and now we're ready to head home. But first, I need to add some money to their cards since they basically spent half of it. All of my babies are spoiled , all of them. I love spoiling them.

"Ma'am are you sure this is your correct pin? You didn't change it or anything?" The woman asked. I looked up from my phone.

"Yea, I been using it for the past couple of years." I said laughing. She had this unsure look on her face. That's when I knew some thing was up.  "Is there a problem?" I asked putting my phone down.

"The pin isn't working. You must've changed the password or someone hacked into your account." She said.

"What?!" I semi-yelled. I really hope nobody hacked into the account. Erica would KILL me if she found out someone hacked into the account.

"Wait, mom did you leave it open when you came last time at the ATM?" Lindsey asked.

"No! I make sure every time they're closed. I don't understand, something isn't right." I said on the verge of crying.

"Mama I think I know why the pin isn't the same," Jeremiah said. Lindsey and I looked at him. He showed us his screen. It was a picture of Erica sitting on a new Lamborghini with Briana. The caption said,

" Back And Better. Ready To Live Life Again. A New Way. Still Blessed With My Money And Happiness. Thank God. ❤"

I shook my head grabbing his phone out his hand.

"Oh and she posted this in Twitter," He grbabed his phone back and then showed me again. The tweet said,

" It's a shame.. Can't even trust the ones you thought had your back... I know now not to give away my privacy.  #bankrobbinghoes "

" Ever told someone about something that really meant the world to you? But then when you get locked up in jail , they out here selling those most important things to a complete stranger.  #nobodytrustedanymore #staytoyouself #thesehoesaintloyal "

I looked away from the phone completely heart brokend. I know those tweets were about me. I know they were.

I didn't even see them, that's the point. I deleted my old social media accounts and made new ones. Just so I wouldn't have to deal with the petty fans.

"Her tweets are going viral now." He said.

I sighed. "Ma'am I think that's why your pin isn't going through." The worker said.

"WELL NO FUCKING SHIT!" I yelled crying. She jumped handing me my card. "I'm going home. Come on guys." I mumbled sniffing and gathering my stuff walking out the bank.

What am I gonna do now?

I still have good money from my hard work and stuff from the stores but that isn't going to last me forever.

For Erica to just go and put me on blast like that isn't fair. She know what she did and I'm highly pissed about it.

Don't worry, Erica Brown and I will have a good discussion next time I go to California.

If she thinks I'm scared of her, she got another thing coming.


"Erica your tweets are going crazy! So many people are talking about it. Its all  over explore on Instagram!" Briana yelled.

I laughed shrugging not giving a fuck. Lee deserved that shit. I know she seen it because the kids are all on social media. I follow Jeremiah and Lindsey on Instagram and they follow me back. Jeremiah got me on Twitter. My yungin is handsome.

"Erica don't you think your going a little too far though? I mean think about it, your --"

"Bridget stop that! She's doing what she wants. Lee should've never been a snake and did what she did. Erica , I congratulate you." Bridget's sister , Brandy said.

I smirked. "Thanks. And I'm glad I did it. But I'm leaving tomorrow though." I said pulling out my iPhone X plus.

"What you mean, where you going?"

"Valery and I are going to Hawaii." I smirked. All their faces dropped.


I bust out laughing. "Nahh man I'm jus fucking witchu. Me and shawty just kicking it for right now.  I'm got me a new crib." I said.

"Damn and you waited to tell me this now? What else you hiding you got another female pregnant?" We all laughed. "Nahh man Im just fucking witchu. But I'm happy for you." We dapped.

"Thanks. And thanks for letting me crash here."

"Your welcome Erica. Where are you going to be staying?" Bridget asked.

"Ima be staying back in my old neighborhood. Found a new home just a block away from the old house." I explained.

"What's the point of doing that?" Brandy asked.

"Because if I get my house back, all I would have to do is bring it down the block and not across town."  I explained and they nodded.

"You got those divorce papers ready?"

"Yuup. Upstairs in my bedroom now. Just waiting for her to come down here and sign."

"How you know she coming down? " brandy asked.

"She's the mother of my kids. I have to see them. I inboxed her and told her to bring them to see me this weekend. Little does she know, the pins are changed. I wish I could see her face when she sees that." I said thinking about Lee's priceless face.

"You two have been through so much together. This'll be your what, second divorce?"

"Yeah. Second and last one. I'm not marrying no other woman."

They laughed. "Erica you and Valery been fucking back to back for the past 4 Days , come on now." I laughed because it was true.

•  •

That's a good idea. I can use Valery to make Lee jealous this weekend. I can get her to pretend like we're together and make her ass mad.

All me and Valery are doing is fucking. We go out in the evening and everything but other than that, I get that pussy. Her sex not as good as Lee's though.

Lee gonna see this weekend that she fucked with the wrong person. She actually should've been knew what she was doing.

She know how I am and she knows the type of attitude I got.

•  •

My phone dinged. It was a message from Valery.

"Speaking of Valery." I smirked.

Valery 🌹: " Hey, wanna hang out? I just brought Bella to her dad's and I really need the comapny. "

- " Yeah. I'll be there in 15 😏"

"What you smiling for?" Brandy asked looking in my phone.

I pushed  her big ass head back. "Fuck out my phone." I joked and she playfully smacked my leg. "Ima hit y'all up, I'm going hang wit Val."

They ooed and I laughed grabbing my keys to my brand new yellow Lamborghini. That's one thing Lee Didn't fuck with. My cars.

Briana nd Bridget kept them secured for me at their house so I'm happy for that.


Lee That's Whatcha Get! 😛

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