The Game : 57

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2 Weeks Later..

{ Erica }

I grabbed the car keys and walked to the door behind Lee. "Where you going?" She asked turning before walking out the door facing me.

"Just to the gym for a little workout, chill out." I said walking out the house and Spikes outside with his toy in his mouth.

"And your taking Spikes?" She asked pointing to him

"Yeah. I'm trying out this gym and they have a doggy park or whatever you want to call it next door so why not let him interact with other dogs and shit." I said
patting his head and he licked my hand.

"Oh. Well when you get there, FaceTime me." She said kissing my cheek walking to the bendz.

I scoffed shaking my head getting in the Ferarri and so did Spikes sitting in the front.

•   •

Lee wasn't playing. Ever since we came from Jamaica, Lee been on my ass. She got really went through my phone deleting half of ALL my contacts. Even some of my pictures!

She didn't delete the naked pictures I have of her though, haha. 😏👅💦

Every time I touch the door knob, "Where you going?"

Like damn. Can't even check the mail that much.

•   •

I haven't even been worrying about Brandy. She'll get here down the line some day.

Karma is gonna come back and bite her in her fat big fake ass.

Long as my wife is safe and healthy, I'm good.

•   •

Getting to the gym, I walked next door signing Spikes up and watched as the girl took him away to the back. Surprised he wasn't acting stubborn or anything.

He usually wouldn't leave my side. Spoiled just like the kids.

When they're at school, he comes to either me or Lee. Like now.

"Take care my dog." I said and they laughed.

"Trust me we will. All I'm saying is don't be hurt or surprised if he doesn't want to leave." She said and I giggled shaking my head walking out.

I been lazy lately ever since basketball season over. It's got even more boring too. Getting old and lazy.

What is there to do?

"Welcome to Fitness Is Right, are you a member or would go like to sign up?" The woman at the desk asked.

"Just a little visit. Trying a new gym." I said and she nodded 

"Enjoy " She said and I went to the lockerrom getting dressed.

Well, let's see how this goes.

{ Lee }

"Glad your back." My co-worker said and I smiled.

"Likewise," I said back.

•   •

Yes, this is my first day back from work. After coming from Jamaica , I wanted to make sure I was fully healed and not that I had even a little more of that shit in my body.

But now that I'm back, I'm ready to continue making my money. I have a lot of emails and orders to catch up on.

•   •

I'm still on Erica's ass because .. I'm not saying i don't trust her .. but I don't her ways.

I deleted all them bitches out her phone and pictures. She'll know not to fuck with any other woman ever again 

Got a new tracker on her phone and everything.

Every time she tries to leave, I want to know where she going and who's she going to be with.

Call me crazy or whatever you want but I know what I'm doing.

Saving my marriage that is.

Now I'm to waiting for my FaceTime call from Erica  Ann Brown. ☺

* : * : * : * : * : *

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