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I grabbed my car keys and walked out the house jogging to my Lambo. Getting inside, I started the car and buckled up.

Today I'm going over to Swae's house. He called me and told me he wanted to hang and talk to me about something. I was down with it, especially since I didn't see him after I disappeared with Wendy.


I knocked on the door and it opened revealing Swae on the phone and smoking a blunt.

"Just bring it to my mom's house and I'll pick it up later.." He told the person and handed me the blunt. I took it and we dapped. Walking in the house, this nigga place was smelling like sex.

Swae was a fucking addict so I'm not surprised if he had a house full of hoes last night.

I sat on the couch smoking the blunt with Swae as we rotated back and forth until he got off the phone.

"Aight well I'll see y'all later, love you too Auntie.. bye," He hung up sighing putting his phone down then looked at me and laughed passing the blunt back. "How'd you like waking up to Wendy?" He smirked.

I shrugged. "She got good pussy man and the head, shit!" I said shaking my head.

"Yeah I fucked her a couple times." He said and I looked at him. We stared at each other then bust out laughing. It was a little weird knowing he ducked Wendy but I mean he knew her already and Wendy do look like a little pass around.

"Yeah but this morning bro, Valery came to the crib," he frowned. "Same look I had. Anyways, she wanted to come talk about our "relationship" or whatever you want to call it. But Wendy opened the door so that pissed her off."

"Wait , they fought?"

"Nahh she had her daughter on her hip." I said. "Wendy said some shit, I tried getting her to leave but she wouldn't, Valery just left." I shrugged looking at my phone.

"Wendy a messy ass bitch too. That's another thing about her. Her and Paula , totally opposite of each other."

"Yeah I know. She told me upstairs after we went for another round ya feel me , she told me Valery messing with her baby daddy again." I said.

"Nigga what?" He cocked his head.

"Ian believe her at first but then she was like they been fucking for about a week now , and she ain't been texting me or anything for a week! So I don't know if it's true or not. She don't like talking about the dude though so that's what I'm skeptical about too."

Swae shook his hesd looking away.

"I can't say you should believe Wendy because she messy and messy hoes lie but do you man. Do whatever you want."

I nodded agreeing. "I am. Ima have to talk to Valery though." I looked away thinking about Valery. I care about her and if she messing with dude again, then I don't want shit to do with her anymore. "So what you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked changing the subject.

Swae sat up looking away from his phone. "Oh yeah. How do you feel about being a drug dealer?" He asked.

I looked at him and bust out laughing. I was dying at this point. I looked over and seen he wasn't laughing.

"Wait , you serious?" He nodded his head. I wiped my eyes and shrugged. "I mean , I tried it a couple times. I dropped out each time." I explained. "Why , what's going on?"

"I'm thinking about joining this gang. They're the highest gang in the city. They're called , Tee Mafia." I nodded my head knowing who they are.

"I heard about them."

"Yeah. I'm cool with the leader , Terrence. He said he needed more higher dealers since he just lost a couple. I might do it and that's why I'm asking you if you want to join with with me." He explained.

"I mean .. it's good money and all but my kids man , I get them every weekend I don't want them to become targets to these wack was niggas out here."

"I know , I get that. And look , you don't have to answer now. You got time. Terrence giving us a minimum of a week to think about what we wanna do." He explained.

I know how these streets work and Tee Mafia is at the top of the fucking game. Everybody scared of them niggas. They been in and out of the system since they was young teenagers.

I really don't want to start doing this and then have to make sure the kids are in the house every time they come out here. I don't want to put they're lives in danger.

"Oh and were going to be the highest dealers. Meaning we go everywhere he go. Meaning we're just as loyal and important as Terrence. And with me being close to him and everything , he'll really respect us." Swae went on.

"Aight bro, ima think about it." I said shutting it down.

This is alot to think about. I don't want to mess up my name. Going from one of the most famous WNBA players to being a damn drug dealer.


Should Erica Join The Game?

I'm Trying To Spice This Book up Since Its Close To Ending..

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