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We got in the car and I looked at Jeremiah wiping his teary eyes. I rubbed his back.

"Mom, why are we doing this?" He asked. "I don't want this to happen to her."

"Jeremiah I know baby but if we want to become extremely rich, we have to. Trust me when this is all over, we won't even have to worry about her anymore okay?" I told him. He shook his head.

"I don't want to do this." He said

I sighed starting the car. "Jeremiah this is our chance to get everything we wanted! You can have any and everything you want! This is gonna happen Jeremiah and that's the end of the discussion!" I yelled and he stayed quiet sniffing looking out the window.

•  •

So your probably wondering why Jeremiah and I are back right?

Well, we're trying to get Erica killed.

Erica's ex-girl friend, Naomi's sister, Paige recently got in contact with me. She said she wants to get back to Erica because of Naomi's death because of Erica.

( A/N: If You Don't Know Or Forgot Who Naomi Is, She's Erica's Ex-Girlfriend. Erica Cheated On Naomi With Lee And Got Lee Pregnant. That's Where Lindsey Comes Along... Paige Is Naomi's Sister And She Hates Erica With Everything In Her. She Never Liked Erica And Now She's Back For Revenge For The Death Of Her Baby Sister, Naomi. Read The First Book Again If Your Still Confused. Mostly The Beginning Of The Book. )

I didn't even know about the Naomi girl. At first I didn't know who she was. Paige told me and wants to kill Erica and she doesn't want Erica to live any more.

I don't want to do this but she's offering me 100 mill! And you can't past up any money like that!

She texted me on Instagram and we talked about it. I don't want to do this to Erica but I hate her. I hate everything about her. If it wasn't for this Paige chick to get back at Erica, I wouldn't be talking to her to this day.

I even got Jeremiah to help me and it's working. All of this is funny to me though. Even though Jeremiah doesn't want to do this, I don't want to hear his shit.

I just want my money and I'm gonna get it.

•   •

"She doesn't care about us anymore Jeremiah. She basically kicked us off the property when we first got there. I'm glad you opened your damn mouth and said something because we would've left without doing our job!" I yelled at him.

Jeremiah isn't a talkative kid. He's more quiet and a good boy. He listens to me, has good manners, and gives me no trouble.

I know this has to be hard for him because this is her mother and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to Erica.

I could tell when they were hugging that he missed her. I feel bad at times but I just want my money and move out of the state maybe to Miami.

Buy a bigger home, make more money, and spoil my Jeremiah. Hopefully I'll be able to find someone along the way and have another baby.

Erica was right about us on some spy shit because we are. Helping Paige and in return, becoming millionaires. 😊🙌


My mom is really crazy. I don't know what's been getting into her lately.

Men probably. She's been going out almost everyday and doesn't come until the next morning. I don't get sleep or anything because I worry that she won't come home one morning.

That's why I got homeschooled.

•   •

I'm not gonna allow this to happen. When I get home, I'm gonna have to text my dad and tell her that she should keep her eyes open because i really don't want my little sisters and brother get killed.

I'm not gonna let my mom do this. She's sick and need help. I hate to turn on her but I have to. I miss my other side of my family.


I Wanted To Bring A Past Character Back And I Know Paige And Erica Wasn't Seeing Eye To Eye So I'm Bringing Her Back.

Jeremiah Missing His Family? 👀

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