S I X T Y • E I G H T

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The Next Day 🌞...


"Erica, wake up!" Lee yelled shaking me. I groaned turning over on my back.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" I yelled. I hate when people disturb me during my sleeping time.

"Baby look at this message that Jeremiah sent!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes grabbing my phone out Lee's hand squinting my eyes a little.

jeremiahbrown - " Hey Dad. I don't know if your going to believe me when I say this but I think you should really watch your back with mom. She's crazy and she's setting you up. I don't want to type all of this so I would like if you would come get me and I can explain everything. "

I frowned shaking my head reading the message a couple more times.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT MAN!" I yelled getting out the bed. "

"Baby.." Lee said.


"ERICA CALM DOWN, PLEASE!" Lee yelled pulling me in the bed.

I sniffed snuggling my head on her chest and she wrapped her arms around my head kissing my forehead.

"Baby I'm sorry. Listen, how about I go get him and we can get some answers and find out the plan she's going off of."

"Alright. Did you make breakfast?" I asked and she nodded getting out the bed. I got up as well walking to the bathroom brushing my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I put my hair into a quick bun and walked back in the bedroom seeing her putting on some tights.

"Lee it's 90 sum degrees outside, where the fuck you going with these tights?" I asked her.

She tied her hair. "Just in case this bitch wants to get out of hand, I'll be ready." She said applying Vaseline to her face.

I sighed grabbing some basketball shorts and a shirt out the closet. I got a feeling this isn't going to go well so I might as well go before someone be taking a trip to the hospital, while the other is going take a trip to the jail.

"What are you doing?" Lee asked me.

"Coming witchu. I know you ain't just gonna go and get Jeremiah. Knowing you, you gonna say some slick shit to Regina and everything is gonna go left." I explained and she rolled her eyes.

"What about the kids, I'm not bringing all of them."

"Baby Lindsey can watch them for a little bit. I mean come on now yeah she's 10 years old, but she can hold her own. Nobody coming here anyways." I said and grabbed the keys and my phone.

I walked into Lindsey's bedroom seeing her eating an Apple and in her computer.

"Omg and did you see the way they were together like ew! She's not even that pretty. I know wh -- Oh, hey dad." She said looking at me.

"Hey Princess, listen mom and I need for you to watch your brother and sisters okay?"

"What, why?" She sat up.

"We're going get your big brother and he's coming spend the day with us. Aren't you happy?" I asked smiling hoping she would return the smile.

"Dad, can I say something?" I nodded sitting at the foot of her bed.

"Wassup princess ." I said playing wit her stuffed she has on her bed.

She looked like she was hesitating to tell me whatever she wants to tell me. Like something is really bothering her.

"What is it Linds?" I asked .

"You know what, nevermind. Its not important."She said grabbing her laptop.

"You sure?" I asked and she nodded.

Now that she brought this shit up to me, I really wanna know what it is she has to tell me. But for now, I'll it go. But I will bring it up again.

"Alright princess, lock the doors and don't open it for nobody okay? Love you." I said kissing her forehead.

"Okay, love you too."

•   •

"Took you long enough, everything okay?"

I nodded. "Lindsey is hiding something and she don't want to say." I said.


I nodded. "She was hesitating to it like she was scared. I'll have to talk to her about it another time. Come on lets go. Text Jeremiah for me on my phone and tell him we're coming." I said walking to the door.


I watched as my parents left the house. I sighed.

"Lindsey are you okay?" My best friend, Gracie asked me. "Did you tell her?"  I shook my head.

"I tried convincing myself to, but I couldn't. I didn't want to.." I explained.

•  •

When my dad told me that they were going get Jeremiah, I felt sick to my stomach. I already gotta deal with Eric nasty self, two boys is gonna disgust me.

Plus, I don't even see why he's just coming back into our family. He wasn't here couple years ago, and it was better that way.

I already don't like having brothers and sisters. It was better when I was the only child but you know, parents made more.

Well, dad did really..

All I can say is that I don't want Jeremiah coming back round here. I like feeling like I was the oldest.


How Will The Kids React When They See Jeremiah?

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