Chapter 3

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Emma woke up to the sun peeking over her windowsill. As her grey eyes opened for the first time that morning, the sounds of waking dragon cries filled her ears. She crawled out of her bed, and glanced over to her roommates bed. As expected, it was empty.

Ashley, Emma's roommate, was a top ranked student at the school. She was the same age as Emma, but known to be one of the most powerful magic hybrids in the school. Though Ashley was a top ranked student, she would sneak out of school late at night and do who-knows-what in the forest with other guys. Lets just say she lost her innocence early.

Groaning, Emma got up and headed to her oak wood dresser, the floor creaking under the slightest amount of pressure. Searching through the uniforms, she picked out a white shirt and a black vest, including some black tights to add on to the bland look.

Next, she clipped on a dragon necklace she cherished. Emma's fingertips brushed the metal that she took off that night and she headed to the washroom, brushing her brown hair that went down to her shoulder blades.

For what seemed like forever, she managed to finally finish brushing her hair and she brushed her teeth, keeping her eyes glued into her reflection on the mirror. She studied her eyes for a bit, noticing her eyes were a bit dull. She shook her head, spitting out the toothpaste and washing her face.

She had no time nor care for makeup, so she simply got her black shoulder bag with all her class books and headed to the cafeteria for some breakfast and the morning announcements.

When she managed to get to the cafeteria for breakfast, almost everyone looked at her. News of the girl beating the fire triplets had spread across the school, and that only made students dislike her even more. Emma rolled her eyes and headed over to one of the empty tables, eyes drilling holes into her back. Some people went back to eating, while others had hushed conversations.

Emma tried to ignore the whispers, but they made it into her ears anyways, echoing through her head.

'holy macaroni do these immature kids ever shut up?'

She grabbed an Apple from the baskets laying out on the middle of each table, turning the other cheek with her fellow students. Sure, it was only the second week of her second year, and many still had to learn that the girl with grey eyes was not going anywhere. When she walked out, some conversations picked back up again, but most were silent and fading, making the once gloomy aura disappear with her.

Emma made her way to the dragon stables, the only calming place to get out of the whole academy. Once she made herself comfortable in some loose straw, she began to eat her bruised apple, letting her head drop along with her mood. When she was halfway done her breakfast, the girls ears picked up two dragons making their way towards her.

"What seems to be the matter little one?" the first dragon asked telepathically, judging from its voice, it was a male dragon.

"Nothing." Emma looked up and whispered. Her voice came out hushed due to the fact that she hadn't talked since waking up, so She cleared her throat, stabilizing her voice. A female voice talked this time.

"Girl, you have said the same thing, and the day before that, and ever since you came here there has been nothing wrong. We can sense your sadness."

Emma lifted her head to get a better look at the dragons. The first one, Emma did not recognize, but his red scales gave him a ruby glow, and his orange horns were like amber, clear orange horns that casted a honey light through the room. The dragon's eyes were a striking red, a fire dragon.

The second dragon Emma recognized right off the bat, it was Ashley's dragon. It's pink scales makes her stand out, and her purple underbelly made her look like a dragon a child would dream up. Her eyes were a pink with purple streaks in them, and her purple horns curved elegantly behind her. She had golden rings attached to some parts of her horns, put there by Ashley herself.

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