Chapter 51

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Emma had only gotten a few meters away from her friend when another hand grabbed Emma's free hand. The maid who was dragging Emma away stopped, and looked back furiously. David was holding Emma's other hand, refusing to let her go again.

"Exuse me sir, only trial participants are allowed inside, I must take whoever this is back to the front gate." The woman said harshly. Emma's eyes darted back and forth from David to the angry woman, her mouth parting to say something, but nothing came out.

At this point, Bailey stepped in, trying to talk to the woman that she was supposed to be here. But the angry ape- I mean maid was insisting that Emma needed to leave, trying to drag Emma along.

"Please, just let me talk to one of the elites so I can prove that I'm supposed to be here, can't you let me Just do that?" Emma asked. Both David and the maid let go of Emma's arms, the brunette rubbing her stretched limbs.

"Absolutely not, we had the same thing happen last year, but they turned out to be an assassin, and I am sure as hell not getting in trouble again just because of a stupid Exuse. Not get going you rat!"

The woman was raising her voice, sending a bunch of curses at Emma to try and get her to move. Meanwhile Emma just stood there, the disrespecting names echoing around her head. The names seemed to stir something inside of the brunette, a feeling that made her cut clench, to make her bite her bottom lip to maintain control.

'it's anger my friend. Use it."

Emma felt the rage building inside of her, the bubbling feeling of wanting to do something to the other woman as she did her. Something physical, or maybe another name? Just then, another girl with wavy blonde hair and very light green eyes appeared behind the ranting woman, tapping on her shoulder.

The blonde woman stood tall, almost the same height as David and Bailey, her apron was a crisp white and had frills sticking out of the edges, small details lined the white simple piece. A calming aura came off of her, but a small hint of hate glimtong off of her her eyes.

The blonde woman's light green eyes flickers to Emma, her eyes widening as she recognized the brunette and her widely known grey eyes.

"Ahem, Marcy, that's the grey eyes, the elites guest of honour, so I suggest you shut your damn mouth and get back to cooking."

The older maid huffed, giving Emma one last dirty look before walking away, entering a pair of steel doors that Emma could only guess was the kitchen. The blonde turned to face David and Emma, the crowd trying to get inside the room now slowly filtering inside.

"I am terribly sorry for her attitude Ms. Dragonstar. It's just been a very busy day for us cooks, so she is a bit stressed." The blonde woman bowed, her voice pouring out apology after apology. Emma panicked, not knowing what to say after the woman's heartfelt apologies.

"You can handle this." Emma stood behinds David, gently pushing him forward. He stumbled, but got the idea of what Emma was referencing too.

"Hey, it's ok, stress makes us do things we regret, and we understand that, but thank you for defusing the situation, umm...?"

The lady looked up with joy, her bright personality practiacally shining through her skin. Her bright green eyes shone as she looked at David and Emma.

"Its Riley, but it won't be important, everyone is waiting for you two, so get going!" Riley laughed, pushing David and Emma to The large open doors. The two walked in side by side many pairs of eyes lurking on the two.

David noticed one more empty chair where many other water mages were sitting together in a cluster. In fact, the whole table seemed to be divided unintentionally by types of magic. Emma watched as David began to take a seat by the new strangers, leaving the girl behind.

Emma looked around the long table, a few of the elites sitting down already. Emma's eyes landed on Mira, the purple elites eyes shining under her cloak. A small, thin purple line appreared in front of Emma, leading to a chair beside the elite who was casting the magic. Emma followed it, each time she took a step forward the line fading.

Once she reached the chair beside Mira, Emma took a seat on the extremely soft chair. The smell of food was strong in the room, and the chatter from the table almost made Emma feel like she was back in her own schools cafeteria. The girls grey eyes looked around the table.

Her eyes met up with David's light blue ones looking back at her with happiness, sending the brunette a smile as he felt his ears grow warm. Emma have him a smile back, but the small interaction quickly ended as one of the people beside David immediately started up a conversation with the blue haired male. Emma's eyes looked for another familiar face, but Bailey seemed to be busy taking about another story to his friends sitting beside him.

Then Emma saw an old friend, almost family. Her headmaster, is black and white eye shining as he talked to the two last headmasters. The northern headmaster wore a black suit like the central, but his bright pink eyes were giving off the illusion that they were shining all the time.

The western academy's leader was a woman, which was a bit suprising. Her black hair was as dark as Peter's soul- I mean- as dark as the night itself, and her green eyes made the woman look like she was a witch. The three headmasters all looked at Emma at the same time, each of the three staring at Emma with shock as they stared at where the grey eyed girl was sitting.

One chair was empty, meaning that almost everyone was here Before the dinner could begin. The room began to heat up uncomfortably, and a small talking of dress shoes against The wooden floor as they person approached the table with an intense aura.

"The fire elite...." David said breathless. Everyone turned to meet the mans eyes, all but Emma. The person walked closer to Emma's chair, the heat growing until the water in the cups were begging to bubble.

The man's breath tickled the girls neck as his old voice rumbled like thunder during a storm.

"Why Emma, why don't you say hi?"

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