Chapter 2

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"Let's get started!"

The students all grabbed random herbs while Emma only took a couple. She had been studying, unlike many, and she could see that only a few others were actually grabbing what they needed. She couldn't blame the others though, since this class did lack an interesting teacher. Or interesting content for that matter. 

The class was a giant mess, students blowing things up, others cracking under their lack of knowledge. Emma had to sneak a look at a few notes to remember what to do, and she almost got caught, if it wasn't for the student next to her shattering her cauldron. The teacher was a fuming mess after that, and demanded that everyone put the tools and supplies away, her face pure red. Emma pocketed the sleeping potion in her sweater pocket, making sure the teacher didn't see.

The look didn't match her green hair.

Emma had a hard time not trying to laugh, and when the teacher had finally calmed down, an alarming noise was heard all through the school. Massive wing beats were heard taking off the school, along with more smaller ones. Emma's eyes stared out the window to watch headmasters dragon fly away with its top speed, the smaller dragons following closely behind.

"Stay safe." Emma said to the large silver dragon the headmaster was riding. She got no reply, but felt the sense of cheerfulness through the link she had formed so quickly.

With the snap of the teachers fingers, Emma whizzed around to look at the pissed teacher who was at her wits end. Before she even managed to get a word out of her mouth, the bell rang, and every single student rushed out before the red faced teacher could scream in frustration. Emma let out a laugh as she began her walk to the dragon stables, ready to await the headmasters return.

Her moment of excitement was short lived as she looked behind her. Surely enough, some of the first years were behind her, each set of eyes trying to tear holes into her back. Emma tried to quicken her pace, her breath quickening as she clutched into her notebook and all the precious drawings inside. The younger students didn't leave the chase though, and instead kept following the girl with menace in their eyes.

One of Emma's three pursuers casted a fireball her direction, the tips of the flame just barely licking Emma's skin. Emma spun around and chucked a pencil at the group, narrowly missing one girls eye. The brunette began sprinting through the halls,smirking as she heard the triplets protests to get her once again.

Noticing a water mage ready to prepare an attack at a small plant in the hall, she grabbed the boys hand, turning it to the triplets. It was too late to cancel the spell, and a jet of water cascaded out of his hands, hitting one of the girls in the legs and freezing her to the floor on the spot. Emma laughed and continued to run, one down, two to go.

Fury was in the last two's eyes, and Emma had actually begun to worry if she would be caught today. She turned another corner and darted up the stairs, watching as the two remaining sisters ran after her. Emma ran up two more flights before looking down at the sisters, her hands digging into her pockets to pull out the glass bottle of sleeping potion.

"You look tired! Have some rest!" Emma shouted to the two girls. She chucked the bottle right in front of one of the girl, while the other sister narrowly avoided the smoke that cascaded out of the shattered glass. The girl tried to hold her breath, but the smoke wouldn't dare move as it entered the girls lungs. The sister collapsed, her snores proving the potion had done its job.

The last girl looked at Emma with a burning hate, and the brunette simply winked at the fire mage, setting her anger off even more. Emma entered a pair of doors, the hall completely empty. She looked back to see the final fire mage behind her, gritting her teeth.

"Your a magicless bastard, snooping around the halls without a care in the world." The girl with black hair lit another flame in her palms, her red eyes staring right into Emma's. "Burn in hell"

Throwing the flame, Emma watched as the fire spun towards her, it's ends trying to find a source of power to consume. Emma ducked, the ends of her hair singed from the flames.

"It's funny really," Emma said before avoiding another ball of flames. "With you here, I'm already in hell."

The comment made the girl load another fireball, but she built the flame up, it's size almost touching the sides of the halls. Before the girl could launch her flame, Emma ran to the girl, sliding under her legs and tripping her at the same time. The fire ball was launched forwards, but the black haired girl had fallen with Emma to the floor.

Emma wasted no time in elbowing the girl in the head, knocking the fire mage out cold. Breathing heavily, the brunette stood, clutching her hand that was burnt from the flames. She watched as her wounds healed right in front of her, the burnt skin healing in mere seconds. The sisters had been taken care of, but unless she did something about them, there was no guarantee they would leave her alone. 

Looking down at the unconscious girl, Emma sighed and hauled her body to an infirmary located in the school, trusting the doctors and nurses to take care of them without question. After all, they were paid to keep their mouth sealed.

The rest of the day was a blur, since the headmaster was gone due to an unexpected roadblock, she had spare time to read one of her favorite books in her dorm room, the words in the page playing a movie in her mind.

The book was one of the most common love stories. A girl bumps into a guy in class and she instantly falls in love. And blah blah blah they fall in love after a while. Even though the story line was crappy, the author did a great job of the character development and personality, but before the book could be finished, the author had passed away, leaving the series unfinished and a mystery.

It was twilight by the time Emma went back to her room, and even then her roomate, Ashley had not returned. Frowning, the brunette put on a night gown, the silk of the outfit cool against her skin as an stared out the window.

The full moon seemed to look back at the girl with a sad face, but her attention was directed elsewhere.Just above the forest was flashing lights of different colours. A thumping noise was heard and the distant smell of alcohol and urine stained the air.

Sneezing, Emma closed her window along with all the other ones in the room. She sprayed a vanilla and strawberry air freshener to get rid of the smell.

Satisfied with her work, Emma slipped into her bed and dreamed of the dark empty voids of darkness that night.

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