Chapter 57

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Maybe one say when I'm not lazy, I'll go back and edit all the chapters.

But for now, enjoy~


The boy looked behind him with terror in his eyes, only to realize the fire snake was right on his heel, it's large fangs protruding out of its body. The snakes tooth managed to scrape the boys leg, causing a large gash in his left leg. He trembled but continued to run into another competitor.

The fire beast flew back up into the air, giving off a shrilling shriek of its own to warn others. The fire elite laughed a bit, his sadistic mind taking immense joy from the others pain. Emma watched with saddness now. Her whole outlook of the trials had been changed from a competition of life and death, a game for many of the strongest to try to become the elites favourite, or to become a dragon knight. No. This was not a game for others to enjoy, this was a game for the elites to collect data and power, to make themselves stronger.

The fire elite looked to be about in his early thirties, but knowing that he was the eldest elite here, Emma knew he should have been almost two centuries old. With the concentrated magic in his pocket at all times, he was basically an unstoppable flame thrower. Emma watched the game with her previous and worried hope now crushed. She wanted David to win with all her heart, but another part of her was wishing for him to not step into the arena at all.

"Are you worried for your water friend?" Mira asked with a motherly smile. Emma nodded while still watching the game. The board would transition from mage to mage in order to keep the watchers intrested. Emma thought about David fighting in the arena in less than fifteen minutes, but thinking about him dying was such a heart wrenching topic to think about.

Water was such a dangerous element, one that had so many sub-divisions that it was impossible to keep track of them all. Water was the bringer of life, and with water mages, the thought of controlling life itself was attempted many times, but was never fully executed before the mage was found and killed.

"I am very afraid, Illusion Elite, for the thought of my best friend possibly dying in that arena without me saying goodbye is a terrible thing to think about." Emma said respectfully. The water elite looked at Emma in silence, a calming aura pouring off of them. Mira had gentle eyes as she reassured Emma.

"I talked to the water elite earlier, don't worry, nothing will happen to him when the fight comes." She said with a small laugh at the end. Emma gave the elder woman a very confused look. What could this cryptic woman possibly do to help David?

A burst of blue flame erupted from the arena as Emma's head shot back to look. It was a spectacular sight to see such a hot flame at the size of a bus, and was even more impressive when a white hot flame formed closest to the mages hand.

The fire has burnt one competitors leg to a crisp, black bone. The mage let out a gurgled choke as he collapsed, being dragged away by the medical team. The fire mage spun his blue flame around wildly, hoping to hit anything that he could find close to him.

Another fire user, a female with long blond hair had snuck up behind the blue fire mage, knocking him out cold with a simple knock to the back of his head. The loud thundering of the horn blew out, signalling that the girl had just won.

Emma began to sweat as the fire elite stepped down, his blood red eyes staring directly at the grey-eyed girls body. He smiled as he saw the scared look in her eyes, and have her a small laugh before sitting down. The water elite walked up gracefully, they were the final show and one of the most fascinating fights that have happened for the past twenty years.

The water mage stepped on the pedistual, it's markings glowing blue as the elite rose their hands. Water poured out from the ground in one large hole sitting directly centered in the center of the arena. Water continued to pour out as ice pillars were constructed from our of the water.

The levels of Water rose up until it almost reached the audience. The water mages were sent out and each placed on an ice pillar by small dragons, their tiny wings struggling to carry everyone.

Emma's heart quickened as she saw David stand on one of the closer ice pillars. The girl wanted to call out to him and wish him luck, But he was so concentrated that she doubted that her small voice could catch his attention. David was tense as his eyes darted around the ice pilars, each one of them different height and shape.

He felt a warm gaze look behind him. Turning around he saw Emma sitting uncomfortably in the elites chair. She looked as if she was going to burst out and yell something, but held it in.

"Dang, she really worries about me." David said to himself with a smile. He felt himself relax as he once again focused on the battle in front of him. He had a few thoughts going through his mind, but most of the voices in his head was chanting one thing.

'Win for her.' A calming and elegant voice said in his head. He couldn't protect the girl a year ago, but now, he knew he could protect the girl he loved.

Looking down, a whirlpool had begun to form, almost like how when you pull a drain out from a tub, but this was a much larger hole that led to the underground water pockets that no man could dig to.

Taking a deep breath, David focused as he ran a hand through his blue hair. He could feel the excitement run though his veins as his dragon invaded his mind right before the battle had started. He felt his dragons mind brush against his as he blinked. He knew what his dragon was doing, and only very rarely was it ever done with a rider and a dragon.

"If you insist Aqua, I'll gladly take it."

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