Chapter 10

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The two girls found David and Peter easily, David had a stack of books while Peter was sitting on top of them, talking about how he's on top of knowledge.

"There is always one thing that will be above you," David put the book he finished reading on top of Peter's head. "And in your case, it's a book."

Peter jumped off the pile with a huff and sat down at the table. The two girls joins them, and almost immediately David noticed Emma's hand.

"Hey, what happened?" David asked, pointing to her hand.

"Ah, I just was holding the wooden sword wrong and I got quite a few splinters, it's not a big deal." Emma pushed off the topic, and Jasmine could tell why. Emma reached into the magic hovering ball above the table, and grabbed herself some fish and chips with some coleslaw. Jasmine got herself a giant burrito.

"Guess what Peter did in the male gym class today." David said. Peter looked at him immediately, shaking his head violently. Dispite him, David kept going. "Peter though it was a good idea to sat his wooden sword on fire with his magic, next thing we know, the teacher was on fire."

"If it wasn't for David's water, we would be eating roasted jerk." Peter said. Jasmine laughed and made Peter blush, while Emma let out a giggle. That seemed to be enough for David because his face was flushed red.

The four at their food with a smile, talking about riddles and their childhood story's. This didn't help Emma though, cause she was still hearing some other students insults from across the room. Although they were just wispers, Emma could still hear them, making her good mood drop.

Once lunch was over, the four headed to dragons class, the class that taught about dragons. When they entered the class, they took a seat in the back, Jasmine was beside Peter, and Emma sat in between Peter and David.

The teacher soon entered, his black hair was gelled to the side. The teacher wore a white long-sleeved shirt with a black vest over top, and he wore some jeans to match. As the teachers Black eyes scanned the students of the room, they stopped on Jasmine, then continued along.

"Good afternoon students, I am Mr. Arthur for those who didn't know, I am the dragon expert on the academy grounds." Mr. Arthur took out a piece of paper from his desk, printed on the paper was the body of a dragon, an all if it's internal organs. Taking out his glasses and wiping them with a handkerchief, he put them on his face and pointed to the dragons third stomach.

"This is the dragons third stomach, otherwise known as the storage stomach. This stomach does not digest the food, but instead holds it for later use. The dragon normally only uses this stomach when food is low, or when feeding its young. This however," He pointed to the middle stomach. "Is the stomach that digests the food. It is close to the storage stomach, so it doesn't take as much energy to move the food.

The teacher pointed to the very last stomach, one of the most fascinating ones. The empty sack of flesh located in the neck of the diagram of the dragon.

"This is the most fascinating stomach. This is where the dragon produces its magic breath. It is conected to the heart because it is said that our magic resonates closely to our soul."

The stomach had royal purple veins entering and exiting it's third stomach, and most of the veins connected to the top of The bottom of the dragons massive blue heart. Some of the veins scattered all around the body, mixing with the dragons blue blood veins. Jasmine suddenly shouted a question to the teacher, much to Emma's suprise.

"Isn't it because of our magic that we can communicate with our dragons minds?" She asked. The teacher looked at her with his eyes furrowed, most likely because of Jasmime not raising her hand, but he was quick to brush it off.

"Yes, but that's not all of it; when we are born, we have a dragon that is born at the same time as us. This only happens to the people with magic, but the people without magic are born with nothing. People with a very low magic level are called cripples, and I can think of one in this room." Mr. Arthur took a quick glance at Emma then continued.


"When we find our dragon for the first time, we go through something called bonding. The bonding process let's our magic infuse with eachothers, and we both exchange half of our souls to each other, causing our minds to be linked, our powers to be heightened, and our strength outnumbered."

The teacher looked at the clock, then at the papers in his duffle bag.

"Students, I want you to get with a partner and write some things you share with one of you dragons." With a clap of his hands, students were quickly picking partners while Jasmine linked arms with Peter. David and Emma quickly looked at each other and nodded, quickly, Emma sketched a picture of David's dragon, while David quickly wrote down a list of a few of his dragons attributes.

Soon enough, class had ended and most people handed in the assignments. And The four friends split up to their seprate classes.

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