Chapter 46

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Emma was lost.

She forgot to ask where her room was. Blindly walking through the halls, the girl took occasional glances at the glass floor. Random people, no doubt to watch the trials tomorrow, we're staring at Emma, questioning each other as they stared at the girl above them.

Emma kept her head up after that, mostly because she wanted to seem worthy of being on the top floor, but also because she wanted to keep eye contact at a minimum.

Running a hand through her hair, she tried looking for someone to ask, but knowing that she might run into the fire elite by knocking on random doors frightened her. She eventually found a place with no glass floor, a small open room with couches and a fireplace in the center.

Sitting down on the soft furniture, Emma let out a sigh of relief knowing that some eyes weren't on her now. She thought she was alone, which was a big mistake.

Breathing over Emma's shoulder was another elite, curious about what she was up too. Emma's head shot back, trying to see who was behind her, but only saw the hallway. Turning to look at the fire, a man, wearing an elites cloak, stood in front of her.

"Well hello Emma." They spoke. Emma's eyes widened as she looked at the man in his pure white cloak. Small, silver designs were sewed professionally into the cloak, making the silk shine. The man behind the shadows concealing his face, was clearly powerful, even if he didn't intend to be that way.

Emma let out a sigh of relief, watching as the elite examined the room, his white eyes shining through the cloak he was wearing. Once the man made sure the coast was clear, he sat beside Emma, plopping on the couch. He pulled his hood down, revealing a surprisingly handsome man underneath.

His pure white hair was like the snow from the tall mountian tops of the northern barrier, and his eyes were a strange mixture of whites, and some small glimmers of other colours. The light of the room playing a trick on Emma's eyes.

The man smiled, and Emma shook her head, getting all the useless thoughts out of her mind.

"Hello, umm..." Emma trailed off, remembering that knowing the elites names were practically illegal. The man laughed, his voice a quote and soft tone.

"It's Justin, Justin the light elite." The Man said. He got up from his seat, gesturing for Emma to follow. The brunette did as told, following Justin as he put his hood back on. Looking below the floor, people pointed excitedly at Justin and Emma, there words inaudible from the glass.

The light elite ignored them, continuing his long strides down the hallway. Emma struggled to match his pace, and almost tripped, but she managed to stay upright. The elite walked off the glass hallway, stepping into a room. Emma followed, still uneasy after her meeting with Mira.

'jeeze, does everyone in this school have to be weird?' She thought to herself. The brunette knew her thoughts were growing increasingly dangerous, and the urge to find out a solution for everything was becoming one of her top priorities.

Emma struggled to gain anything from the past events. Nothing but pain came from the creatures that threatened the northern barrier. And Ashely's dragon....

Why did everything have to be messed up around her?

Guilt wrapped around Emma's heart, and a deathly presence was placed on her shoulders. She just wanted to float away from all of this, to be free from pain.

As the brunette walked into the room, her emotions were sealed inside her, her guilt holding onto her thoughts like a snake holding it's prey. The room she walked into was fournished, and didn't look like anything an elite would stay in. Everything in the room looked modern, and a small fish tank was placed on top of a marble kitchen counter.

"Welcome to your room Emma." The elite said. The brunette looked around, taking even more mental notes about where everything was. When her grey eyes landed on the elite again, she saw that the man had taken down his hood again. Justin created a light orb in his hand, the light dim enough so that anyone could look at it without her mind their eyes.

"Thanks you very much for showing me this light elite-"

"Justin is fine."

"-Justin, I was actually, pretty damn lost." Emma laughed, her embarrassment showing through her flushed cheeks. She tried her best to shrug what ha just happened off.

"In glad I showed up when I did, none of the other people up here would have helped you, but that's because they're all dicks." Justin said. Although he was an elite, the top rank in society, he hid magic well, and was one of the most relaxing people to be around in the whole academy.

This time, they both laughed, the previous tension now melting away. Justin took a splinter of light from the orb in his hands, and threw it like a dart. The light spear passed Emma, it's razor sharp blades only a few inches away from her. The blade his a small black orb, the glass ball spitting out some sparks. This move was repeated until around 50 of the small black orbs were destroyed.

"Those were the cameras set up by the fire and earth elite, and personally, they look like little bugs to me, and I kill bugs with a passion." Justin tried to lighten the mood up one more, but Emma was still shocked.

"Cameras?" She repeated. Justin nodded,

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