Chapter 63

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Emma's eyes widened as she tried to avoid the plummeting fire ball, narrowly missing the burning flame that burned the wall behind her. She glared at the elite who was generating another flame, this one bigger than the first. The girl tried to run out of the room, but the roof collapsed out from a flame burning straight through a pillar that supported the weight.

"You fire prick." Emma cursed under her breath. If she made it out of the fight alive, she would personally make sure the fire elite had a piece of her mind. She spun around and ducked as the second fire ball was thrown at her. It spiraled through the air and missed again, but the fire elite's aim was getting better, and Emma knew she couldn't keep avoiding him forever.

"Quit running experiment 7, this test needs to be done either now, or later, and I'm a rather impatient man." He laughed. Emma scowled, keeping an eye on the lurking girl with random spazing limbs. Her skin was growing darker by the minute, and the fire elite has seemed to completely forget about her and her threat. She seemed to be watching the fire elite, but her eyes were distant, her conscience somewhere else.

Another fire ball, except the flame was smaller, faster then all the last. The flames kicked Emma's skin, the flesh of her hand burning and sending uncontrollable waves of pain though her body. She muffled a scream by biting her bottom lip, the noise perking up the dark creatures ears. It seemed to snap out of it's trance, but now its eyes held no sanity.

The fire elite looked over to the creature, his expression that of a rock. His eyes flickered over to his growing attack and the creature, questioning his next move. Emma took this chance, speeding towards the unsuspecting elite. He saw the girl, but was to late to react. Emma landed a blow right on his temple, the elite flying back and into the carts of medical supplies. The creature looked at the grey eyed girl, a sense of approval shining from it's eyes.

The beast made it's way out of the room, leaping out a broken window and into the forest below. Emma wasn't sure what would happen to the monster now, but if it was really going to join the other demons from before arriving at the academy, then it would mean another enemy for them.

"Bold of you to assume that they're your enemy, especially when one of your own tried to kill you." The strange voice chuckled in her mind. Emma shoved the voice deep into the folds of her minds, it's sentence now just a distant memory. The girl felt her burnt hand throbbing, but the feeling of seeing the fire elite sprawled out on the floor have her an amazing feeling of justice.

The rubble blocking the door was being removed from the other side, the distance talk and calls from the other side was full of panic, but it wasn't loud enough to hear Or make out voices. Emma walked over to a sink and ran cold water over her hand, her burn healing fast. The blistering skin was slowly being set back in place, the reddness turning back into her light skin tone. With a final breath of relief, her hand was healed, the pain a fading memory.

Turning around, she saw the fire elite move a bit, but she knew he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon. Emma walked over to David, his medical machines still operating in perfect condition. Emma grasped his hand and sat in the chair beside him, leaning her head on his mattress.

She watched the heart monitor move up and down, the rise and fall of his heart beat echoing in his chest. The girl grew drowsy, her eyes calling upon her into the realm of dreams. She wanted to stay awake, to be there for David when he awoke, but time was unsure of when he would wake, so the girl decided to sleep as well


Back in the central academy, teachers were filing onto their dragons with high ranked Dragon guards. News spread from the eastern academy, a battle that was desperately losing. They needed as many survivors as possible, and immediate action was taken. Dragons sped off into the sky, the sun shining off the many colours of their hides. The high riders flew with sparking armour, sliver blinding enemies that looked at them in the wrong way. They flew with speed, not caring one bit for anything but getting to their target.

When they arrived, the building was already in shambles, but dark creatures with long humanoid limbs crawled all though the halls and walls of the academy. The dragons and soldiers flew into the building, tearing apart any creature that came for them. Survivors were quickly weeded out by the creatures and the teachers, some being saved and flown off into safety, while the others were ripped apart, limb by limb.

One of the highly respected soldiers was met face to face with grief. He recognized his younger brother, one of the first unsuspecting victims to be slain by the creatures. His books were still in his grasp, books that would help him get into the royal guard just like his older brother.

The guard looked at the creature standing above his brothers body, it's permanent smile looking up to the crestfallen brother.

"Why him, why did you choose him today? On his birth day?" The soldier choked. The creature just watched the guard with anticipation, it's body twitching to end the guard's life. It took a step closer, it's dark eyes locked onto the boy's lightly pink tipped hair. The guard didn't move, not knowing that the creature was moving in for the kill.

It lifted its long black limb, it's two meter arm swooping right towards the boy. As it was about to make contact, the boy let out a shout of greif. His magic poured out in a blinding light from his eyes. The creature let out a scream of its own, it's call attracting many more like it. It was a call of pain, skin melting right off it's body.

As it died, more of it's bretherin came, all ready to pounce. The boy's Dragon came swooping in, it's light pink scales shining off the light from the torches. It growled and readied itself, ready to die for it's partner. With a smile, the guard closed his younger brothers eyes, ready to fight till death.

"Which one of you fuckers want to die next?"

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