Chapter 60

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The dragons in the stable were all happy, purring whenever they saw the girl. Emma had to visit one last Dragon before she could finally go and check on David's wounds, but with Aqua's healing spell, Emma was reassured that he would be fine.

With the creak of the large wooden door echoing throughout the whole hallway, Emma entered the dark pen. This was Bailey's dragon, the long serpent. The girl could feel the Dragon lurking underground, slowly waiting for movement. She let her mind search for the serpents, a mass of blind rage in its mind. Whatever Bailey had taught this dragon, it wasn't right.

With a swift movement, Emma doged am attack that erupted from the ground. Her name, what was her name?

"Elmyra." Emma cooed, and the Dragon immediately stopped at its face approached the girls. It seemed to recognize the girls voice. Emma let her hand carefully touch the dragons scales, the Dragon leaning into the warm touch of the girl.

Emma searched through the dragons mind, but was disgusted as she realized that Bailey hadn't even taught the poor Dragon English. Elmyra cooed as she sent pure emotion into Emma's mind, embracing the girls warm mental touch.

The brunette felt anger, pride, sadness, but mostly longing. The poor Dragon longed to be with Bailey, it's emotional state a mess. The tangle of emotions were dragging Emma deeper into the dragons mind, to dangerous places even the bonded couldn't go. Emma quickly pulled out of the link, leaving the dragons mess of emotions.

Elmyra whined as it slithered down it's hole once more, giving Emma a grateful and dedicated glint in its eyes. Emma smiled, leaving the stable as she mumbled multiple cursed directs towards her life's problems.

It just doesn't make sense. How would Bailey have so much power, yet have a weak bond with his Dragon?

Her mind flashed to the vials of magic the elites had. Surely they weren't the only ones that had the magic, and even if they did, plenty of other ways to boost magic quickly was exploited. Bailey was using magic boosters, but he hadn't gone mad yet.

With a strong stride, Emma continued till she made it to the healing wing, where the very rare healing mages worked on the injured. There were only about five healing mages in the whole world, or at least ones that had strong enough healing magic to heal others, but they were a rare occurrence, but there was one thing rarer then a few healing mages.

The girl rubber her eyes, wishing that they were a burning red, Amber Orange. Maybe even an electrifying yellow that symbolized mother nature's wild creations.

A peaceful green, one that symbolizes the dirt and life that sprouted from it. Blue for water, the very source of life itself. The colour of the wide sea, or the sky that was so far above the surface. A mysterious purple, one so far beyond the world that only a very few species could create. A rare combo of red and blue that never really relied on physical strength, for the beauty and strength lied within. Pink, a much lighter shade of purple that seemed to shine off innocence and beauty. But it could easily change its form and become a different colour, and with its constant changing, no pink was exactly the same.

Black and white weren't technically colours, but they seemed to make the world more contrasted and brought out colours. It was important yet heavily ignored in the world full of colours, and many admired the bright feelings from light, while they shunned the darkness.

Any colour was good.

But the girl was blessed with a rare curse. An eye colour that held no power beneath. There was never two grey eyes at the same time, so seeing one was as rare as a fully bonded rider.

Emma searched the mess of recovering bodies. Many had looks of saddness as they awaited their turn to be stripped of their magic. Emma shivered at the thought, it could have been David here, he could have lost if she had not been in the stables at the right time. Aqua had a plan, she knew that, but Emma did not wish to know what it was since it had failed.

A scream came from a cross the room, and most of the other patients flinched as dread filled the room. Emma's eyes wandered over to where the scream was, and saw a strange sight.

It was a fire mage, one of the last to lose the fight. He had a needles and tube stuck to one certain place in his body that sucked out his blood. The blood went through a tube an into a stange device, the device then separated the blood into one tube and a dark red mixture in the other.

Following the dark red tube, half a bag of the condensed magic has being dripped into a bag, one that was easily recognizable from the one the elites had on hand. At least five other full bags we're filled to the brim and sitting on a tray, ready to be given away to their highly anticipated user. The fire elite.

With a simple shift in glance, the girl brought down her eyes to look at the fire mage. His face was scrunched up in pain, and his skin was pale Like there wasn't much more to use. His limbs were clamped down on the stretcher he was on, and his previous wounds had been healed and secured with gauez.

A warm feeling crawled up Emma's throat, her reflexes telling her to hurry the hell up and get out of the room. But she stayed and watched, like a vulture waiting until it's prey had died. She watched as the bag filled completely, the boy as pale as paper. He was fading in and out of consciousness, but in either world's he was in, he felt saddness.

The boys once burning ruby eyes were now dull, and he looked around the room frantically, his eyes landing on Emma.

"Why are your eyes glowing?" He said slowly. Emma blinked, the boy in shock seeing illusions from the lack of blood in the brain. The boy attempted to reach out to the girl, but the clamps did their jobs and held him in place. Emma began to walk away, her mind done gathering information about the strange magic gathering.

"W-wait, please! Don't leave me in this darkness! Don't take the light with you!" He began to scream. A doctor walked over to the boy and took off the bag of magic, replacing it with a bag of blood, a calm face always seeming like it was permanent.

"Don't leave me with the ghosts here....." That was the last thing he said before the boy had collapsed in his bed, finishing the draining.

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