Chapter 28

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When the two females arrived to gym class, they changed into the uniform that consisted of a navy shirt and black shorts. They began the class with stretches and a 15 minute run.

The teacher came out and marked them on their performances. They had to keep themselves up on a bar for as long as possible before collapsing in the ground from exaustion.

Emma, only lasting for a minute, sat on the floor and took a drink of water. Jasmine was next after her and managed to stay on the bar for three minutes before she fell to the floor as well.

The two of them have each other a high-five and changed back into their normal school uniforms after taking a cold, two minute shower.

Wet hair in a ponytail, Emma walked through the hallways with Jasmine to the cafeteria.

They were the first to arrive before David once again showed up side by side, giggling as they entered the large room.

They all are there separate meals, and the whole day was a blur for Emma. She couldn't stop thinking about what Ahsley had said earlier. What did she mean, not for longer? Was she planning on humiliating them?

Or was she going to try and expose some dirty lie.

The day was over before they all knew it. Someone must have suggested going outside because that's what they did. The four of them sat outside by the large tree that day in the center of the academy's yard. They all sat in thick pairs of pants and black coats, keeping themselves warm from the winters bitter cold.

The silence was peacful, a few distant bird songs echoed through the trees of the forest and the sun was beginning the set behind the forest.

David was the one to break the peaceful tranquility.

"I have something to tell all of you." He said. Jasmine smiled as she replied with a joke.

"Your gay." She said bluntly.

David's face furrowed and he scoffed.

"How'd you know!?" He said in a humorous tone. Peter's eyes lit up.

"I'm kidding." The light in his eyes faded and Peter quietly sulked, in a joking matter.

"I was chosen for the spring trials."

"You did?!" The two girls asked in unison. Jasmine's eyes were filled with exitement while Emma's were filled with worry. People could die in a trials, and she sure as hell wasn't letting one of her friends be one of the deaths this year.

"You can't go." Emma pleaded. "You'll die, so you can't."

David shook his head. "When your chosen, you don't really have a choice, your forced to fight against the other 10 elementals, but even before that I have to prove myself by beating the other three chosen water users."

David was explaining the trials in detail, but Emma already knew what it was. She had watched many undergo the dangerous fights, and some came out physically crippled, or didn't come out at all.

The simple way to put it, it's a gamble of fame or death.

And one of her friends might end up dead.

The first three fights was with someone of your elemental type, you have to prove yourself and beat the other chosen mages, and after you have beaten them, you go on to fight 3 other diffrent types mages before fighting in the finals.

In the finals, you have to fight for no more then 5 minutes and knock the opponent out. If you win, your forever reconized as a high-ranked Dragon rider, but if you lose.

Half your magic is stripped.

No one knows why. Many people believe it's to help those with weaker magic, but a very few amount of people believe the trial makers are using their powers for something else.

But Emma believes it's all a lie. Besides, everyone who loses comes out fine after a battle, unless someone goes over restrictions and murders the other, and it has happened more, and more often.

If you try to back out of the competition, your status will lower, and you can only ever get low paying jobs.

"It's all for the entertainment industry, or so the 9 say. I just can't believe they chose me!" David shouted, his hands pulling his hair. Peter rubbed his back in a calming manner and the blue-haired male leaned into his friends embrace.

"Why me? I'm just a nerd who likes to read books about magic." He continued to complain as Peter combed his hand through David hair. Jasmine had a smirk on her face as she looked at Emma, and the brunette was confused.

Until she looked at the two makes again.

She smiled at Jasmine and listened further to his arguments.

"It's not your fault David." Peter tried the explain. "They must have thought you were interesting, especially with your healing magic."

"I never wanted my healing magic in the first place." He replied. His mind faded in and out of a flash back, detail seeming to fade as her replayed his memory from so long ago.

He had tagged the dragon, that was it, but now His skin glew an aqua colour, and a squeaky female voice rang through his head, along with an older female voice.

'Dear water and healing magic user, you are a Dragon rider, and that Dragon in front of you, is Aqua.' David looked at the feathery baby Dragon and saw looked into its eyes. They must have been hearing the same thing because They looked at each other in sync.

'You must leave for one of the closest academy's safe zones immediately before the next new moon. If you fail to do this, then we cannot guarantee your saftey.'

The message in David's head seemed to grow quieter, coming to an end.

'All will be explained once you make it to a safe zone, there, you will be accompanied by an older Dragon rider."

"Well see you soon, Aqua and David."
The message was over, and the now bonded pair collapsed on the ground, their heads pounding from the unatural visit.

David layed on the stone floor, the other dragonlettes surrounding him as his thought. The closest safe zone was in town, but he knew that place was bad for its black market.

But if that's where he had to go, he would.

'Let's go little dragon, I wanna see the world!' David said courageously. The little Dragon huffed in agreement, but it's mother eyed them.

Tears brimmed the mothers cold blue eyes, and it brought it's snout down to say goodbye to it's hatchling. The two shared a moment neither would forget.

David on the other hand, would feel nothing if his mother said goodbye. If anything at all, he would feel ecstatic.

David and Aqua began their way out of the cavern, and have a final farewell before diving into the water that lead back to the surface.

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