Chapter 31

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'Just give more minutes.'

"Emma...." They teased again

"Emma, you're boyfriend is calling." Ashley teased. Emma shot up from the warmth of her bed and swiped the black phone out of Ashley's hand, the caller ID reading David.

"That's not my boyfriend." Emma muttered. She hesitantly pressed the green button on her screen and the first thing she heard sounding from its speaker was yelling.

"Peter! Give me my phone back!" David cried on the other end of the line, his voice sounded like he was struggling to breath, and the static from the logins speaker didn't help to make the audio any clearer. A loud laugh was heard before Peter spoke, a playful tone in his voice.

"Only if you promise the finish my homework, you know how forgetful I am~" He sang. His voice was louder then David's, and much less distant, but his heavy breathing was also sounding through the phone.

"Fine! But only this once!" David replied. The sound of a phone being passed from one to the other was heard and a gasp rang through the phone.

"Dude! You called Emma!" David shouted from the other end of the call. Peter was heard laughing as he slammed their door closed, the noise so loud the two girls could have sworn they heard it echoing over to their room.

"Sorry about that Emma, Peter forgot to do his homework yesterday and began to blackmail me." He laughed nervously. Ashley began to collect her books and tuck them in her bag, almost ready for her first class.

"That's quite alright, in fact, I think if you're going to keep you're promise your going the have to start now, class is in 10 minutes." Emma looked at the digital clock that read, and surely enough of read 7:50.

"Oh sh- talk to ya later!" David ended the call and Emma tucked her phone in her uniform pocket. Ashley left the room hastly, her pink and purple hair bouncing on her shoulders as she slung her book bag on her arm. She gave Emma one last look before making her way to brekfast.

The brunette just stood there, confused at what had just happened, but time would keep moving, and she knew she had to get ready for classes.

Taking a fast shower, Emma quickly made her way though her morning routine and was out of her room in records time. She wanted to be early today, and have enough time for breakfast.

She saw Jasmine waiting for her at the doors leading to inside the school. The linked arms and made their way inside, keeping an eye out for Peter and David.

The day went on as normal as it could get, in fact the whole school was normal to say the least. For the two long weeks nothing happened, and Emma counted the days until spring.

Surley she was nervous to see the eliet's for the first time, and she couldn't help but worry for David, but she knew he would win, and ho would also be there to help her get through the days to come.

But Ashley's Dragon remained in the underground quarentine the entire time, the headmaster instructed for blood samples to be taken and for them to be analyzed for any disease.

But when they found the truth, the secret would already be revealed.


"The breeze is wonderful today." The girl said calmly.

Emma stood in the field alone, the only company she had were the small purple birds flying from tree to tree in the forest, singing there mystical songs. She took a beep breath, the now close scent of spring filling her lungs. Her eyes ached from seeing the whites and browns of winter, and she longed to see the livley colours once again.

A small purple bird landed in the ground littered with small melting piles of snow. The grass was brown from the lack of sunlight, but a few green blades made there way up from the frozen soil.

Emma walked back to the school, the warmth of diffrent fireplaces warming her instantly. Electricity wasn't a popular choice in culture nowadays, and because of the elemental magic most people possesed, heating and lighting wasn't a problem. But when a cold storm flows past the skys, they can manage to create strong enough breezes to put the golden flames out.

But now that spring was here, fire and lanterns were now replaced with glowing plants that grew from small pots place high on the walls.

The plants hung over the students scattered throughout the halls as they let a soft gold glow fill the halls. The blue petals creating a calming vibe.

Water users would get up early in The morning to water the plants, and the blue blossoms drank greedily every time they were offered a sip of the liquid.

Emma walked through the halls, David's black book bag on her shoulder as she walked through school. That day, she and David would be preparing for their departure with the headmaster to the spring trials.

Otherwise known as the trial of new begginings.

Yawning, the brunette smiled confidently as she made her way the her room. The day was over and she had to be ready at 5 in the morning so they could leave to be at the trials in time.

When she arrived at her room, the breeze from outside pushed its way into the room from the wide open window. Emma hung the blue book bag down on a chair and pulled out a black suitcase.

The suitcase was the academy's property, provided for students that needed a way to transport items on trips. The silver C printed on the front of the black, hard plastic case was shining like it was brand new.

Opening the clips on the case, Emma tucked in a few days worth of clothing inside, a silver water bottle, and a night gown. The three would be staying in a room provided by the trial owners, and would also be given 3 meals until they left. Although she would miss the little floating blue orbs above the tables in the cafeteria, she knew it would only be for 6 days until she was back in this room.

She also pulled out the crimson red book from under her bed. The two weeks of neglect had made the hard covered book collect dust on the front, but it still held it's eerie magic.

Tucking the book into David golden and blue bag, she set the bag into the case, filling the remaining space with its mass. The black bag and suitcase seemed match each other, and the colours weren't off by much.

Emma closed and locked the silver latches of the suitcase can slung it carfully onto the floor, wheeling it to sit aginst the wall.

When she looked up, she saw the headmaster looking at her with a suspicious glare.

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