Christmas Special

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Ha, you thought this was a real chapter?

Merry Christmas, or any other holiday you celebrate! Or just a happy holidays to those who don't celebrate at all!

Also a Happy birthday to me and the others who were born today!


It was a simple day of snow. Dragons played with joy on their faces, and every store in the country was closed for the holidays. The white powder still fell endlessly from the sky, snowing people inside sometimes. But water and fire dragons became a necessity during this time of the day.

David was going around with Aqua and helping the small children that wished to play in the snow, using his magic to create snow forts of all kinds to make the children of the nearby town happy.

The town was named after a great ice Dragon. A rare creature that came from water dragons that lived in the tundra. Its skin was a frost blue, and it's eyes were the same colour as it's scales. It was a large Dragon that had been recorded in history, before dying at the age of six hundred with its old rider.

The town was called Shalixa, the name did not represent anything cold in the world, for the ice dragons rider was simple minded, and hated deep lore, so he kept it simple, and that saved David from all the questions from Peter.

"What do you mean you can't make one for me?! You just made like, fifty ice holes for these kids! And yet you say you can't make an igloo for me?" The redhead asked, fake tears rolling down his cheeks. The water on his face immediately froze, causing him to panic and wipe the ice off. David chuckled, continuing to morph the snow into a tightly packed small snow fort. He loved his friend, but he really needed Peter to get a girlfriend soon.

"Peter, for the last time, your old enough to make your own. Go get Amber to help you make a snow pile. Then maybe I'll help you." David said while finishing the snow fort. As soon as the blue aura faded around the snow, he covered the fort in water, freezing it to make the fort sturdy. Kids soon flooded into the fort, laughter exploded from them as they made themselves kings of the hill.

Peter groaned and slumped on the snow, sulking as his face got buried in snow. David chuckled, buring the boy in more snow, leaving only his head visible. David continued to build off Peter, making a slide of some sort that cascaded off his friend. When kids saw this, they immediately ran to it, running to Peter.

The red head dared to look up from his snowy tomb, and saw a herd of kids running to him, kicking up snow like a storm. The male screamed, trying to wriggle his way out, but David was smart, and made it right enough to keep him encased in the snow slide. Peter used his fire magic, breathing fire out of his mouth and directly below him. He had made a tunnel, and the boy gave a smirk to David before crawling into the six feet deep snow.

David panicked, now knowing where Peter was. He could hear the boy melting the snow easily with his fire breath, but that still made him worry about the snow collapsing onto his friend. He saw the snow glow orange right in front of him before Peter burst out, his hair covered in snow.

"You are gonna pay water boy!" Peter laughed, chasing David with his fire. David ran for his life, knowing that of he stopped now, he would be tickled to death by his life long friend. The kids stopped their fun on the snow and now watched as David and Peter chased each other, fire and water dancing all over the place.

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