Chapter 71

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It seemed like a long search before Emma had thoroughly searched the city for a place to stay, but the best place she could find was a small abandoned shack close to the makeshift wall. The presence of the creatures was undoubtedly noticed through the thick walls, their shrilling cries leaping over the wall that proved safety for so many.

As the day pressed on, more and more people left for their original towns, leaving the disaster they called home. The mayor of the city had initiated a lockdown and sent out many guards as they kept an eye out for any attempt or weakness of the walls strength. The elites had joined the city not too long ago either, and the fire elite was sent into a magic-proofed cell after Mira had told the mayor what he had done.

As for Emma, She was currently laying on the floor of the shack, watching as Comet managed to squeeze through the doors with only a few ear-piercing squeals. The silver Dragon let out an exhausted sigh as he closed the space between him and his rider, the older man shuffling when Comet was only a few inches away. Aqua purred in her own attempt to wake up the headmaster, giving his face a chilled lick to wake him up.

"What in lobsters name!- Emma? David too?" The headmaster said confused. The two students looked up from their spots, David shooting up from his rest beside Aqua. Emma laughed as she watched the headmaster take in the sight of his beloved grey Dragon. The quiet Dragon raised no questions as he pressed his face against the headmaster. The man smiled and caressed his drgon with a smile, his hands stroking his dragons scales.

"It's good to see you again, all of you. How long was I out for?" He asked, his eyes glancing around for a time indicator.

"About eighteen hours, that was one hell of a long nap if I do say so." David said with a chuckle, trying to stray off of the howls outside the shack. The headmasters head spun to the source of sound, but after hearing how distant it was, quickly dismissed it. "If I've only been out for eighteen hours, then how did my wounds heal so fast? I would expect eight months or so, but never....unless....David.....?"

"Yeah, I pulled a little healing act while you we're out." He said while cringing at the memory of the old lady. After David had finished healing most of the injured people, the old ladie's body was moved and buried in a small part of the city that held most of he dead or dying bodies of the fight, the pile only growing each and every day.

"So you Finally used your magic in front of the public, that's one step in the right direction." Headmaster said with a smile. He layed back down on his makeshift bed, staring at the ceiling. "We best get back to the academy as fast we can, we need to defend the students before those creatures can get to them."

Emma flinched in realization that there academy was the last one standing. But what she didn't understand was why the creatures were directly attacking the academy's, and not the towns in between. Sure, maybe they killed a few goats or sheep on their way, but they never killed the people inside the buildings when on run, or so they saw when they were following Comet and the three humans on his back.

"When do you think you'll be for to fly?" Emma asked, still dazing into the clouded sky. The headmaster shifted, his master plan slowly building in his head.

"In about an hour or so. Until then I want you two to get some supplies for three people. We can make it back to the academy if we carry lighter, so Only carry a few jerky sticks and two water bottles." David began to do as told, his shakey and weak body frail after using so much magic. Emma stood up as well, taking quick steps before placing her hand gently on David's shoulder.

"I'll handle this, take a rest before you end up passing out." The girl grinned. David didn't need to be told twice, as he collapsed on the ground and snuggled up beside Aqua, the Dragon letting out a sigh of relief when she made sure he was ok. Emma walked over to comet and pulled out a small pocket knife, the black jewel encrusted into the handle shining. The girl pressed the button and watched the blade fly out from its holder, ready to cut whatever it may be.

Emma lifted up one of the lifted up one of the leather belts if the saddles and began to cut them, making sure the knife stayed away from the silver dragons glittering scales. Strap after strap, the saddle leaned off the dragons back and landed with a thud, along with all the supplies spilling out of the bags. The brunette finished up with Comets straps, the Dragon now only having his Dragon metal collar weighing him down. Emma glanced at the dragons Crystal embedded in his chest, a source of glowing colours that seemed to swirl against each other.

Walking over to the blue dragon, Aqua sniffed Emma then gave her hands a lick as a sign of affection. Emma smiled and leaned on her scaly back, her hands reaching one they fur and latching onto the leather strap. She kept cutting and watched as this dragons saddle fell to the floor, it's contents staying inside the buckled bags. The dragon let out a sigh of relief as the weight she had held for the last week was finally taken off. Her fur was shorter where the straps had been rubbing, but it wasn't anything but an uncomfortable weight that Aqua did not enjoy.

"That's about it, now isn't it?" Emma said as she collapsed on a pole of musty hay. The two dragons and riders slept with content, ready to be awakened in an hour. Emma brought out her phone from her pocket, the device smashed to bits long ago.

She began to count the seconds, waiting for an hour to pass.

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