Chapter 33

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Might not be here for a week :/


The group of friends lost track of time that night, all they thought about was trying to keep their minds off of the future worries.

The swan until they were all exausted, and Peter and Jasmine were the first ones to get out. They left the pool of natural spring water behind a long with David and Emma.

Once the two got out, Emma had realized she had forgotten something very important. She looked up and David akwardly and tried to think of a reason why she forgot it.

"Hey David..." She began. He hummed a 'mhmm?' to her and watched her as she played with her thumbs. "I may or may not have, um, Forgot my towel."

She spit out the last few words so fast that they We're almost jumbled together, But David was able to hear her loud and clear. He let out a laugh At Her clumsiness, and he couldn't help but wipe a small tear from his eye. He tossed her his dry towel, the fluffy fabric landing on her face.

She wrapped the towel around her body and followed David. They walked through the forest, the girl sending a silent goodbye to the beautiful pond. The only source of light was from the florescent plants that gave off a bio-luminescent glow.

Emma's eyes We're boring into David's back as she wathed his muscles move as he walked. The dark of the night was enough to hide the forming blush on her face. The two continued to walk down the path and make there way out of the forest. They both already knew they weren't going to catch up with Jasmine and Peter, so they took their time, glancing at the noctunal animals.

David spared a glance back and noticed that Emma was far behind and had stopped walking. He turned to the girl completely and walked back to her.

Emma was staring at the facinating owl-cats. The fuzzy four-legged creatures groomed themselves with there beaks as they ruffled up their wings. David crouched beside Emma and coud feel the amazment roll off her. He smiled as he looked at her face, her eyes wide with fascination.

"Aren't they cute? I used to have one as a pet when I was younger, we called her midnight." Emma began, the memories she thought she had once forgotten now coming back to her like she experienced it a day ago.

The cats played in some snow piles, not caring for the two that watched as They had fun. They had just woken up from there winter hibernation, and we're waiting for the first call to be made to find food.

"They are indeed, now I wish the headmaster would allow pets." David joked, although he did want to bring and raise a pet now, he knew that Once he graduated, he could do whatever he wanted.

"I think it's about time we go Emma, we leave on two hours and I need to make sure everything of mine is Peter-proof before I go." David stood up and dusted of his knees before me ding Emma a hand. She took it and he lifted her up with ease.

"You make Peter sound like a master theif." Emma let out a laugh while following David out of the forest.

"He is! One time he managed to find my collection of favorite books and drew lewd things all over the covers. We didn't speak for a whole week after that." David yelled sarcastically. Emma continued to laugh until her stomach hurt, causing her to double over. Her contagious laughter made David laugh a long side her, the two voices making the whole forest burst with liveliness.

Their laughter faded and the two looked each other in the eye. The two felt closer now, but Emma cleared her throat and lead the way to the exit. But when they saw the edge of the forest, Emma froze.

"My necklace." She whispered breathlessly. She immediately turned and ran back to the pond, ignoring David's frantic calls to her to stop and wait. She ran, almost stepping on a few cat-owls tails but just barley missing them. The towel David gave her was clenched in her hand as she ran as fast as she could back to the pond, the only thought on her mind was getting her necklace as soon as she could.

When she got to the pond, everything was silent, and the crystals on the bottom of the water had begun to to fade, which set alarm bells in her mind, but those were set aside at the raising panic crawled up Emma's skin.

She looked around frantically for her silver necklace, until she found the pure silver piece sitting on the rock She had set her clothes on. Taking the precious metal in her hands, she quickly clipped the chain around her neck and let the metal cool her skin.

She silently thanked whoever was watching over her in the heaven's and began to jog back to David.

The forest was growing darker, and the noises of the forest died as creatures frantically hid from Emma's presence, crawling on holes dug in the ground and hollows in trees. A dreading feeling when you know something is bound to go wrong filled the air thickly with it's appearance, and it scared the animals and plants that lived inside the forest.

Emma looked around at the scampering animals a they hid, but something in her mind was telling her to run, to find David and to hide back in the safety of the academy. But it was too late.

She had walked into something ice cold, and hard as a rock. The black slime of whatever she had just collided with caressing her skin. She stumbled back and looked at the creature that stood there.

Four limbs, four overly long limbs hung off the creatures body as it towered over the girl. It stood at sevral feet, it's shadow completely covering the girl as she trembled in fear. It's face resembled an ugly combination of a humans and dragons. Two completely diffrent species that had been spliced together to create a long jaw of multiple fangs.

It's body was a skinless husk of black, over-stuffed muscles. The black red-specked blood flowing in its clear veins, feeding the muscles energy.

It's eyes were small, almost non-existent. But it stared at Emma with hungry eyes, Just like Ashley's Dragon did during the law few days of fall. It felt like so long ago she as going to die just by falling off a building, but now, she felt as if she was going to die in the spot, whether from fear of by the monsters jaws.

It let out a scream, the combinations of a humans and a dragons, but also something demonic, making Emma's blood curl. It's teeth were barred, and the creature launched it's attack.

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