Chapter 41

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The three students walked though the marble halls that were encrusted with spirit gems. The feeling of magic constantly swirling around the school was powerful, almost sickening.

Bailey tried to keep conversation with a bunch of stories of his, but the one's only really interested was his echo around the walls. He waved his hands around when he talked often, trying to express himself more clearly, but only confusing David more and more.

The brown-haired male lead them through twists and turns that surely no one could remember, but he said he knew them like the back of his hands, which was odd for an eastern student. David decided to finally state the obvious.

"So, how do you know this place's interior building if you attend the eastern academy?" David asked Bailey, suspicious lacing his voice. The other boy simply smiled confidently, he seemed to confident for David's liking.

"I've been watching the events for 5 years now, so if course I gotta know how to get the best seats!" He said proudly. David grumbled something as Emma's eyes sparkled.

"Do you mean you can get us to see some of the competitor's dragons too?" She asked. Bailey looked at Emma with a questioning look, but quickly dismissed it as he saw the passion in her eyes.

"Maybe, but we'll have to take another hour to get to your rooms then." He said with a grin. Emma clasped her hands together, the thought of seeing new possible species of dragon exciting her.

David waited till Bailey was out of earshot before he leaned over Emma's shoulder, his face so close to hers that they almost touched, but Emma was too into her own mind to care.

"You know I don't really trust this guy, why would he be helping us if I was his competitor?" He whispered. Emma slowed down a bit, David's voice tickling her ear. She thought for a second, staring at Bailey's broad back before whispering back.

"He probably wants to find your weakness to gain power in the competition, so don't show him anything, ok?"

"Ok." David said with a bit of hesitation.

And with that, Emma quickened her pace, catching up with Bailey in an instant. She was sure he had no ill intentions, but she had to be weary.

For David's sake.


"Woah!" The brunette said breathless.

The stables were tucked away in one long hallway that extended farther then most parts of the entire academy. Being one of the most important places in the whole building, the wood that was a dark oak was built with the finest materials. Gold from the mountian leaked out power as spirit gems alighned and shone from the previous metal.

The hallway was tall, tall enough for even the headmasters dragon to fit through easily. Large doors with large holes in the center of them held a dragon behind them, all waiting for the trials to begin.

The dragons had stables they could go to and from willingly, letting them relax for the competition or to train, or maybe just to take themselves on a leisurely fly or walk. Soft sand that had been doused in fire magic kept the dragons warm, and comfortable as they slept, layed across the ground for the dragons disposal.

A few large dragons heads poked up from the wooden doors windows, their eyes scanning the new people who came to see them. They flashed their colours, all trying to impress them.

There were a few species of dragons, most stood on their winged front arms, otherwise known as the wyvern. Some had more then two or four legs, and there was even another water dragon with three heads. One of the earth dragons looked like a plant itself, loads of nature growing on its back.

One of the most interesting dragons was a fire One. Flames burned brightly on the dragons back, the fire growing brighter as the group of people passed it, showing off its flames of pride.

There was even another electricity dragon that reminded Emma of Jasmine and Peter. She missed them, even if it had had been a few hours. 

Multiple dragons were mindlinking with Bailey; David, and Emma, all saying hello and even a welcome back to Bailey. Emma walked behind the two men, quietly waving the dragons hello. 

Whenever she passed a dragon they all gave her respectful looks, but smiled at her and went back to their own business. They passed a total of 12 stables until they came to a full stop.

"This is my dragons stable, she might not like you right away, but that's just because she has a temper. I'm sure she'll warm up to you soon, but I'll warn you, you might not like what happens next."

"What do you mean, might not like what happens next?" But before anyone could do anything, Bailey opened up the giant door, his light brown magic making the door glow and rise into the walls. He stepped in first, turning around and giving the other two a welcoming smile.

"Well come on then." He said. David walked in second, Emma close behind. The sand was warm even through their shoes, and the light wasn't very bright, in fact, the only light source was the window from the door. But that wasn't the weird thing.

There was no dragon.

"Umm, is this a joke?" David asked. Bailey shook his head, his smile no longer in his face. The door they had just came through closed with a thud, Emma's eyes straining themselves for light.

"Not a joke David, a precaution." Bailey's voice was now a little quieter, and a snap of his fingers echoed throughout the whole room. Emma panicked, stumbling to the ground as she felt the sand move under her hands.

She felt her body be moved by the sand, Bailey's earth magic written all over it. She was pushed against a wall, a thud right beside her And the sound of David's grunt. They were both pinned against the wall, sand now inside their clothing.

"Come on out Elmyra." Bailey's hushed voice called quietly. A slithering noise came from the ground, along with the rattling that sounded much like a rattle snakes.

"Bailey what the he-" Emma's screaming was cut off with a mouthful of sand. She was quick the cough out the hot sand, spitting as much of it out of her mouth as possible.

"Elmyra, say hello, won't you?"

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