Chapter 61

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The room smelled of chemicals. Loads of healing magic was also in the air, but it was weak compared to the medicine floating contagiously in the once clean air.

Groans of pain came from many of the occupants of the room, but Emma was only interested in finding one of them. Looking around the white room, the only male with natural hair had blended in the world of white. Emma hesitated, but walked over to him.

Healing mages were all over him, making sure he was alright, one of the doctors noticed Emma and began to push her back, and away from David.

"Please miss, we're trying to figure out how he managed to heal so fast, so if you wouldn't mind coming back in about an hour." The doctor began, pushing Emma far enough away to the point where he seemed satisfied. The outer doctors pulled in the same machine that was just used for the transfusion.

'they're going to strain his magic anyways.' Emma's worried voice axhowd through her mind, and she watched as the other doctor walked away.

"Uh, no thanks, you are not touching him with your plastic fitted hands." Emma spat, rushing over to David. The doctor that just ushered Emma off turned around just in time to see The girls rage in her eyes. He jumped back from her path, not wanting to be completely obliterated.

"Miss! He needs to be checked!" The doctor shouted, gaining attention of a few other patients and healing mages. Emma ignored them though, heading toy he group of doctors about to go back on their word.

"Don't lie to me! He didn't lose, so you can't touch his magic! You can't do anything to him, this is a violation of code 45!" She began, making a few doctors hesitate and stop. But three were persistant, continuing to unhook tubes and test needles.

"You better back the fuck up, or else I'll make you worse than all the competitors combined." She growled, making two more stop their job. David flinched in his bed, still unaware of the clamps that held him down. One doctor stole a glance from Emma, a threatening challenge of domanance. She could sense the doctors Dragon from beneath the eyes of the mage, and Emma knew that this doctor was much Morse loyal to another entity that made him belove he was higher in society.

The doctor looked away, and that was his first mistake. Emma kicked him in the back of the knees, bringing him down to the floor. He shot a look at Emma and shouted a command, a few doctors turning tail end running from the scene. The ones that stayed still had no idea what to do, staying loyal to their pledged code.

"You have no idea what you doing grey eyes. You are going to die here, one way, or another." He chuckled, his lime green eyes shining with hatred. Those words were his last he ever spoke to the girl, for she kicked him stright in the jaw, cracking his teeth and knocking him unconcious.

"Code 45, first round doctors don't touch the winners." Emma said, spit flying in the man's face. He was dragged away by fellow colleagues, and three more mages stepped out, examining the scene. The brunette ignored the doctors, heading over to David.

His body was cold to the touch, but he had lost a lot of blood, so it was to be expected. Emma felt her mind link up to Aqua's, asking for warmth from her. The Dragon cooed in delight and happily shared her warmth, David's body warning up immediately. The male shared in his thin white sheets, and one lone healing mage took notes, scribbling them down messily on her paper.

"How was he able to gain such warmth? Are you a fire mage by chance?" The small doctor asked. Emma looked over to her, showing off the colourless eyes that shined brightly. The girl frowned, not quite expecting someone of such rarity to be in her presence.

"N-never mind then..." The doctor stuttered, walking away and closing the curtain to seclude the two friends. Emma sat in the chair next to the bed, holding onto David's hand as she waited for him to regain consciousness. She listened to the beeps of the heart monitor going off every second, the only indication of time in the room. To keep her mind busy, she kept from link to link with the dragons, having conversations about them and their sudden drain in energy.

Emma had somehow mind linked to a doctors Dragon. He was extremely small, able to fit in the girls palm, but was able to kill a human with its venom.

"So, you know anything about the magic draining and it's effects?" Emma asked the small dragon, hoping to get a few answers. The dragon let out a small squawk before flying over the curtains and onto David's bed, it's weight like a small bird.

"I do actually! The magic only comes from the humans, and of course, The lie dying we drain half their magic is a lie, we only drain one bag each." The Dragon said proudly, smoke puffing out of it's nose. Emma frowned, the dragon had no clue that what it was doing was an awful thing.

"You realize that once that magic is extracted, that it never comes back, right? That's logic everyone's taught. Most trained magicians were told to never cut themselves at all, for their magic is like a limb, you can't get it back, but you can use it over and over again until it's gone." Emma said to the now confused morals. It didn't understand. How could humans not regenerate their limbs? But it wasn't a long topic that they stayed on for long, instead, Emma asked a different quesion.

"What about the dragons? Does this affect them at all?" Emma said with curiosity. The small dragons eyes lit up once more, knowing this topic her well.

"Ah! The dragon is never effected physically, for the magician and Dragon have different magic capacities. You see, when a Dragon and mage are born for each other, the Dragon shares half of their magic with the mage. That's where the mage gets their magic!"

This sparked so many more questions in Emma, ones about herself. About her eyes. Her dragon, did she not have one at birth? Or did it not share any magic with her?

"But the Dragon had a choice whether to share the magic or not. But once a mage loses their magic, they can get more. Just like how much money one has. If they want more, they can ask friends, parents, or even their dragons. But the catch there is that they have to be The same magic type!"  The Dragon squaeked happily, flying over to Emma's hand.

"But what happens when they don't use the same magic?" Emma whispered out loud. The Dragon shrunk, hiding in the sleeve of Emma's sweater.

"That happens." The dragon said sadly. Emma was confused, but then heard the excruciating cries of a female right behind her.

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