Chapter 32

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He was standing in a fancy suit, a mysterious aura surrounded his as he eyed the black suitcase suspiciously. Had he seen the book? Did he know they were the ones who caused the chase so long ago? Headmaster looked at the suitcase then back at Emma.

His black eye darkened as his white eye faded, he must have seen or sensed the book because his voice was cold.

"Emma," He began. Chills ran up her spine as she looked at the man's nose. She couldn't bare to look at the cold eyes of disappointment that his eyes held.

But then he laughed.

"I hope you brought a swimsuit, because there will be a hot spring waiting for us there." Emma let out a sigh of relief as the headmasters contagious laughter rang through the room. He held his stomach as he doubled over as he tried to regain his breath.

"I don't know, I might not go swimming and might just read." Emma replied honestly. She hadn't gone swimming for a long time. Her life was too busy for leisures like that. She would rather just sit and read on a beanbag on a porch where she could listen the calls of nature.

"But David would be sad, you should have seen his face when I told him there will be hot springs." Headmasters words made Emma flush a bit, but she quickly shook her head.

"Thanks for the offer, but I would rather finish this book I received a while ago, I'm in the middle of a really good part and I can't let any minute go the waste." She tried to avoid the subject of swimming, mostly because she was self-conscious about the way she looked, but also because she didn't want the attention from the other people.

"Oh well, if you must I understand, but remember to let loose once in a while, to much stress is bad." The headmaster began to walk out of the room, but he turned around and bowed before leaving, he placed the small box with the swimsuit on her nightstand. 

She smiled as she heard her door close with a click, but wondered if she should bring a swim suit just in case, a hot bath was sounding good and a natural hot spring soaked with the earths minerals would be nice. She carefull pondered but her phone buzzed, and the group chat that the four friends created had shown up on one of the girls notifications. She opened up the chat and was greeted with a suprising message directed at her.

Bad Kids

Emma, meet all of us outside at the yard.

And bring something to swim with!

That was the end of the new messages, and it left the brunette confused. Why, at this close to midnight, would she be called to a field alone in a bathing suit?

Linking the peices together, it was probably a midnight swim, but all her senses were telling her not to go. But the feeling abandoning her friends out there weighed down on her heart, she she opened one of her drawers and pulled out a white bikini. She then put on a thin, white T-shirt and a short pair of black shorts over top and deemed herself ready.

Phone on her night stand, charging as it waited for departure, Emma snuck out of the building, careful to avoid any cameras along the way.

She slid through the doors that led to outside and began to run out into the middle of the field, the feeling of freedom making herself feel like she could do anything. She laughed like a dork and made her way to the large tree isolated on the field. There, her friends were waiting for her, all with smiling faces.

"Emma!" Jasmine said in exitment. She hugged her friend as the brunette ran into her arms. They twirled for a second before Jasmine set her down.

The yellow-eyed girl looked at her friend, exitment filling her face as she slightly jumped up and down. She had her yellow towel wrapped on her waist.

"You ready?" David asked, stepping in front of Jasmine. Emma cocked her head to the side and played looked at David with a confused face. 

"For what exactly?" She asked like a child. David ruffled her hair with his hand and chuckled.

"For the swim before the trials, let's relax and have fun before the work begins." Peter let out a cheer at David's words and Jasmine slung her arm around Peter's neck, cheering with him.

"Lets go." Emma said, her eyes shining with confidence. David grinned and Peter began the charge towards the place they were swimming at.

The walk was long, but the floating bunny bees were shining as they were communicating with different colored lights.

Although everone was barefoot, the trail Peter led them was soft and worn down by the amount of times the trail had been walked on before. The forest was singing with life as the group approached there destination. The closeer they got to the water, the more the night songs grew louder.
When they all finally reached the swimming area, Emma gasped.

The water was glowing a beautiful blue because of the glowing crystals that layed buried under the waters depths. Little glowing fish swam around as water from a spring leaked from a small cave burying itself into the earths bepths.

Jasmine squeled and threw her towel on a tree branch, not hesitating to jump in the crystal clear water, but as soon as she did, she immediately regretted her choice.

"Its freezing! Get me out get me out! David!" She electric user yelled. David paniced and used his powers to make the body of water push her onto the shore, then the water gracefully receded into the small lake.

"We were planning on making the water warmer with my fire magic idiot, you should have waited." Peter put his head in his hands and faked a dissapionted sigh.

"But of course you decide to act out and jump in, you could have frozen to death." The blonde explained. Jasmine then walked up to him and put her hand under his neck and Peter immediately flinched out of her touch.

"Jeeze you're cold, shoo!" He tried to push her away but Jasmine proceeded to put her cold hands on Peter to make him shiver from the cold. Emma stifled a laughed while David watched with a smile as the other two played for a bit. Finally, David decided to put the playhousing to an end.

"Guys, I like how you two are flirting and all, but I think Emma would like to go swimming now before we have to leave for the trials."

"We're not flirting!" They both yelled in sync, Emma burst out laughing as Peter and Jasmine proceeded to yell at David.

Eventually, Peter stuck his hands in the water and began rising the temperatures. The crystals glew even brighter along with the living animals inside the water. When he was done, Peter just dove  into the luke-warm water, not giving it a second though.

Second, Jasmine stripped and stood in her blue baithing suit and Jumped in after Peter, the two immediately beginning to wrestle each other. David took off his shirt and tossed it with the growing piles of clothes but waited for Emma.

The brunette just stood there, her fears whispering in her ears dark thoughts like they did so long ago. They tried to taunt her, tease her out of the idea, but David's warm hand drove all of those thoughts out of her mind, the cold grip of fear slowly being replaced with a growing confidence. 

She took off her shirt and shorts and stood proudly in her white bikini. For once she was dealing with one of her fears instead of backing out or running.

"You ready?" He asked. At that moment, all the dark things in Emma's mind vanished, all she thought about was having a good time. David's hand enclosed around her's and he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm ready." Hand-in-hand, they jumped in together into the clear water.

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