Chapter 37

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The silver dragon landed on the grassy soil, it's weight making a deep thump travel trough the ground.

The headmaster Was the first to jump off, his white and black eye scanning the area quickly but effectively. The wind created by the dragons wing-beats still shook the tree tops as some small buds fell off the tree. The forest was full of skeletal trees, the effect of winter still evident that the unbarable cold had left it's mark.

The headmaster began to walk into the forest, but David grabbed onto his sleeve, shaking his head.

"We have to make sure these things won't cause trouble for us in the northern academy. Or else the elites..." Headmaster trailed off with a shiver, clenching his fists together close to his sides. Emma watched with confusion.

"Or else they'll do what?" David pressed.

"Or else they'll do things a different way, and let me tell you, for the past 33 years I've known them, they have a tendency to bring others in when not needed." The forest went quiet after he had said that, and the world only seemed to grow darker the more they talked.

The silence was unbearable, nothing could we head or seen except for the quiet breaths of the three humans standing in the middle of the forest. The silver dragon was waiting patiently on the other side of the clearance, but even the largest of creatures couldn't deny the off-putting feeling the forest was giving.

A snap was quickly heard and everyone turned to the noise, David had blades of water in his hands like extensions of himself, but undeniably it was like a razor blade itself.

Headmaster was fading in and out of visibility, his power radiating off of him. Emma stood between the two, standing in the most defensive pose she knew. Although she was shaking, the other two were too, David a little more then the headmaster.

"Keep your guard up, we're only here to test their strength, once I've analized them enough, we head back to Comet and continue our way to the northern academy." Headmaster said with a deadly whisper. The feeling of eyes watching them was painfully obvious, but the fear that brought with them was intense under their glare.

The first creature leap out, it's long, skinny arms reaching for David. It's yellow teeth shone as it opened its mouth, ready to bite it's victim.

David barely dodged the attack, ducking down just in time to miss the creatures arms and jaw. It tumbled behind him, almost catching Emma in the fall, but it steadied itself, running back into the woods where undoubtedly there was to be more.

Emma's eyes frantically searched the woods, but the long, skeletal limbs of the creatures seemed to work as a disguise, blending in with the similar skeletal trees.

The second creature reacted quickly, but unlike it's brother, it didn't pounce on them, but rather took a doge and attack pattern. David looked at the headmaster as the top-hat wearing man cloaked himself, making the creature completely stop and stare at where he used to be.

Underneath the creature, a powerful blow attacked it, aiming right under it's almost non-existent ribs. It squealed out in pain, causing maore of it's kind to come out of the forest and check on it. Another lept over it's brethren and charged at David, but this time he was ready.

Waiting for the first strike, using his water blades, he cut the hand off of the creature. It cried in pain, black and red blood pouring out of it's wound, but Emma stared wide-eyed at what happened next.

The wound was closing itself, the blood practically moving on it's own to clog and cover the injury. For a second, questions rang through that the creatures knew healing magic, but the thoughts were cut off by a gigantic hand slapping her away from the safety of the other two.

"Emma!" David screamed, but that only attracted the attention of the now, one-handed monster, it's tiny black pearly eyes shining red, it's fury radiating off of it. Its brethren had seemed to exit the fight, and the headmaster was a panting mess, but he got up from his slouch and walked to help David.

Emma was was experiencing her own pain. Although she didn't do much, the wounds on her back were re-opening from the collide with the ground, but they didn't hold pain, instead they held very, dark thoughts.

They hurt you.

'I know'

Let's hurt them back, show them what real pain is like.

'I don't wish to do that. I should just stay out of the way, even the creatures knew that I should.'

So prove yourself to them, show them you're not just a cripple, a dragonless, show them how powerful you can be, use my power.

Give you mind to me, let's be reborn.


The sensation of being burned first filled her body, making her feel like she was going to over heat. Then it felt like she couldn't breath, the feeling of water filled her lungs, choking her. She looked down to see her chest still moving, proving her inner thoughts that it was an illusion.

But this couldn't be caused by illusion magic, not with the wall she had been taught to put up from the headmaster, he had guaranteed that is shouldn't be broken by any caster except the elites, so why was she so vunrable now?

She screamed as she felt her own blood go to work, trying to mend itself together and patch the damage, but an unknown force was slowing the process down, making the bunette weak from the blood loss. It had now felt like a boulder crashed on her, breaking every bone in her body, ready to reshape.

David was taking glimpses as he cut up the remains of the creature. It was still screaming out in fury, but the blue-haired male was smart enough to cut off all it's legs so it couldn't attack with it's long and dangerous claws. It's head was still intact though, and every chance it got it would try and bite David or the heamaster.

"I've got the creaure, Go heal Emma now!" The heamster yelled, quickly approaching the defenseless demon. David ran to the silver-eyed girl. She was laying on the gound, eyes still opened as she took deep and quick breaths. She clasped onto David's arm, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"H-help me please." She wimpered. David nodded, his hands delicately turning her over, careful not to put her in anymore pain. He lifted up her sweater and shirt, silently blushing as he put one of his hands on her back.

Then an aqua aura surrounded his hand and wrapped around the girl, instantly sealing the wounds, turning them into large scabs. David decided to push it a little farther, and continued the healing process until they were fresh scars. Although a grayish colour, the wounds were looking clean and uninfected.

For now.

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