Chapter 11

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Dedicated to abigailstewart0314 and tsunami4 for being great support for the book even though it's not too popular yet, your positive comments make my day!

Emma was the first one to arrive at her final class. The class was scented with multiple herbs with the smell of lavender incense mixed in. The dark green paint was beginning to crack and crumble apart in the corners of the room.

She sat down and took out her black sketch book out of her bag, passing multiple drawings of different dragons to reach a blank page.

She began to draw her father's dark purple dragon, Kayla. Her father was an expert in mind control, along with the ability to control shadows; because of that, he was part of the eleit's court.  But many years ago, the eliet's were attacked and her father was killed, but his dragon lived.

Sketching the feathers for Kayla's wings, she thought back to after her father's funeral.

Her mother was long gone before that, so she just had her father's dragon. Sadly, due to the bond of her father's dragon driving it slowly insane, Kayla eventually took her own life by jumping off a cliff, unable to bear the pain of being without her bonded.

She finished the drawing, the sight of the sketch made Emma frown a bit, but she knew it was just fate, but they never found the body of the dragon.

She finished the drawing, the sight of the sketch made Emma frown a bit, but she knew it was just fate, but they never found the body of the dragon

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(Emma's drawing^^)

Emma's final teacher finally came into the room, her green hair bounced in her shoulders as her small frame hopped around the three students in the class.

"Good afternoon you three, I hope today has been well for you!" The teacher, Mrs. Sparrow chirped. Emma gave her a faint smile and listened to the teacher.

"Today we are going to be brewing a magic boost, this will help your magic levels rise and possibly get you farther in life." Mrs. Sparrow smiled and took out a few ingredients. A kid beside me scoffed and put some headphones in and put his head in his arms. I watched as the teacher reached into a jar and pulled out some strands of unicorn hair out. She gave each of us one strand and a small bowl with a water like substance.

"Now, I want you to cut the unicorn hair into The bowl of the dragon tears; both of these items are extremely hard to get so don't lose them." Mrs. Sparrow said sternly. Emma carefully broke apart the unicorns silver hair, a small surge of energy flowed through her each time.
When she put the hair into the tears, the water slowly turned silver and and the mixture started to smoke a bit.

"Good job Emma, now, I'm going to put in some contasia syrup, just to make the taste more bearable." As Mrs. Sparrow was putting in a teaspoon of the glowing purple syrup, the sleeping student suddenly woke up with a jolt.

His eyes darted everywhere in the room and his pupils were like a deers in the headlights. His breathing started to calm down as he took in the scent of lavender; his body relaxed and he was slumped over the desk, but his eyes were distant, like he was daydreaming.

Emma quickly pushed over the students questionable actions and put a silver spoon into the jar of purple contasia syrup. Soon the mixture was giving off a scent of milk and honey, and strangely enough the mixture was a light purple with some silver.

"Now, when we come into class everyday we need to mix these until a month has passed, that way the potions will have time to are and give us a stronger boost." The teacher quickly swiped away the labled bowls of the strange purple mixture and set them on a high shelf. "The reason why is because the unicorn hair has not had enough time to combine with the dragon tears, making the magic inside still useless to us."

A girl on the other side of Emma raised her hand, poking at the table of her pencil. "How does this slime make our magic stronger? It's just hair and tears."

"That's a good question, you see, when we drink or eat something that comes from a dragon, we get a boost of physical energy because our souls will absorb the dragon, causing our soul to get what you call a high." The teacher took a few seconds to think before continuing.

"The dragon tears go into your blood and because we have half of a dragon soul, the tears react and give you a burst of energy. When we put the unicorn hair in though, it's magical properties are stronger then the physicall genes of a dragon so, when we consume both, we have a boost to our magic rather than a physical boost."

Emma quickly noted down what the teacher was saying right beside her sketch of her father's dragon. Once she was finished, her hand was aching and the bottom of her hand was covered in lead.

Mrs. Sparrows eyes landed on Emma's drawing and she stared at it, her eyes taking in every detail. Emma noticed this and closed her book, looking at the time to see that class was almost over.

"Alright, class is over, I will see you on Monday." Mrs. Sparrows said with a wave of her hand. The two students dashed out of the room, while Emma just walked out of the room quietly, putting in one of her ear buds. When she took out her phone she realized that she had 52 missed calls.

She opened her phone and looked at her call history, seeing that the only callers were only Jasmine, David, and the lousy Peter. She quickly called back Jasmine, pressing the green button on her screen.

One ring

Two rings

Three rings


"Emma!" Jasmine screamed on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Come to the roof, it's a dragon rampage!" The call ended and Jasmines screams were still ringing in her ears. Tucking her phone in her pocket Emma quickly dashed up The stairs, some students joining her.


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