Chapter 56

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The whole arena was engulfed with electrifying light, and thankfully the magic barrier put up had stopped the whole stadium from being swallowed up.

A braclet flat lined, and another braclet went off for a complete surrender. The winner was badly hurt, but was easily healed by one of the three healing mages. The crowd went wild, but Emma spotted a family that was crying.

They were awfully identical to the one who had just been electrocuted to death, they must've been the family of the competitor. The brunette grew disgusted with the games, the thought of just risking their lives to be certified as a high ranked Dragon rider. People do stupid things for their disired goals.

The electrical arena returned back to flat land, signalling that another epic battle was about to take place. Mira shifted in her seat, waiting for one of her fellow elites to move and activate the next battle. The shape shifting elite stood, their bright pink cloak waving in the wind as they stood on the circle.

The transfomation of the arena was diffrent, and instead of an element or the ground shifting, large and small animals came out and ran in a circle on the outer side of the arena. The competitors were then put in the middle, where they chose a certain animal to form into.

With the mages animals selected, the real animals ran back into the arenas doors where no one knew what would happen to the animals. The battle now begun, and the first to collide was a komodo dragon and a lion.

Animals of all kinds fought until one was too weak to keep it's form, turning back into the mage they were originally. One of the competitors had somehow managed to make themselves a griffin, but at the cost of so much magic being used, they couldn't fight for long.

It was the griffin and someone else that is done the same trick but at a diffrent scale. The were a wolf with bat wings and a large snake tail that spiked out into a wicked spikes club at the end. The two large animals fought with hatred, but Emma saw that their aura was so similar that they could have been...brothers.

Now that she thought, she could see the diffrence in the magic that the two had. They moved exactly the same, and their eyes, they were so similar.

With the griffin winning the fight, the to mages returned to their normal form, it was obvious the two were siblings, maybe one year apart, but they didn't look that diffrent. The older brother left to celebrate his victory, while the younger brother limped back into the infirmary.

The third battle of the wa was over, and when Mira got up to start her battle, it was one of the most boring things she saw.

Because specific users were being targeted, no one sitting in the arena watching the battle saw the attacks being thrown, making the mages look like they were fighting thin air.

After the illusion mages fought, the light mages fought, almost blinding everyone with their attacks. The dark mages had pillars of shadow made for them to hide and attack in. The winners all held victory in their eyes when they left, and the losers....they knew what was coming. They had heard rumors about the magic stripping process, but now they knew it would be true.

Finally, the fire elite had stood from his seat that reeked of burnt wood. The fiery man patted the water elite's shoulder and Emma gulped, David would be going after the fire battle, and the brunette prayed to the goddess of fate to pull her strings in David's favor.

The fire elite immediately engulfed the battle field in fire, the ground looking like a giant fire pit. Some of the fire was extinguished, making a maze with fire walls, and some kind of creature was flying above the maze.

With the camera pointed directly at the flying creature, Emma and the rest of the onlookers could finally see what was flying in the air. Made of concentrated fire, a snake like creature with fins placed randomly all over its body. The creature flew around and looked for the mages that would fight.

"Of course the fire elite chose something to get rid of all the competitors." Mira said with a huff. Emma looked at the woman with confusion, sure, the fire elite was a sick and twisted man, but would he really kill all of the mages just for the magic?

"Mira, are you really draining the magic from the ones who lost?" Emma said quietly. Mira didn't answer her, just giving the grey-eyed girl the cold shoulder. The wind on the stadium was moving the heat of the fire around, causing many to get hot and sweat. The water mage then made her own sheet of water, freezing it, but the sheet of ice was flexible, covering the the water elite like a blanket.

"Emma, don't look into the eyes of the water serpent, for they entrance the ones who are diffrent and more powerful than them." Mira said. Her serious tone could make any one feel a dark force crawl up their spine, sending all previous thoughts to be locked up in the back of the mind.

The fire mages stepped out and into the maze made of fire. Some were shocked to see the walls of fire three times as tall as them. The creature floating above the maze cried out, a mix of crackles and sparks that echoed throughout the arena. The mages began to run through the maze, looking to find each other and win.

The first pair to find each other had a quick battle. A fire mage with long blonde hair had turned the corner and was attacked by surprise, burning her clothing and attracting the medical team.

"I'm suprized they aren't sick of this by now." Emma said with a laugh. Mira huffed in acknowledgment, but smiled at Emma's joke.

"They do, trust me. My friend is the lead healer down their, and all she does is complain about how many people get injured during the trials." Justin said.

"Do you mean your girlfriend?" Mira asked With A sly smile.  A few other elites laughed quietly as Justin quietly mumbled something under his breath.

"Look Emma, see that straggler?" Mira asked pointing to a young boy. He couldn't seem to find his way through the maze, and had just began walking through it.

"Watch as the fire elite pulls his trick on him. It makes the competition to much faster."

Mira had a slick smile on her face as the two girls watched the long fire snake collide into the ground, forcing the struggling boy to start running. The snake had quickly gained and was ready to pounce.

The boy took one look back and realized his mistake.

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