Chapter 45

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I'm in an art gallery right now.

Is that a naked statue?!?


The fire started with the screaming woman.

Her screams of terror were replaced with a scream of pain. The smell of burning flesh flew with the autumn breeze. What was thought to be the woman's husband came charging out of his house, his eyes landing on his dead wife.

"Have you ever heard of the Phoenix's rage? The fire that killed hundreds of people in just hours, with no suvivors?" Mira said blankly, although a bit of saddness was laced in her voice. Emma nodded, her mind remembering going over countless articles from 15 years ago.

"They said a rouge dragon created the fire, and it was an accident, nothing else."

"It was no accident Emma, it was purely intentional."

Emma could only stare in agony as the man in the red cape lifted up his hand, setting the house he came from ablaze as well. The man who just ran out of the house ran back in, clearly screaming something, but Emma was unable to tell what. The fire elite turned around and began setting the whole settlement.

"He burned my mother alive." the younger Mira said. She was now standing, her face a pure portrait of terror. She ran to the first house that was lit up in flames and charged inside, looking for her father.

After a bit of time, the roof of the house collapsed, but just in time, Mira managed to jump out, carrying something priceless.

A baby's cry came from Mira, who's chest was heaving as she cried. She layed there, sharing tears with her younger sister, some tears from the smoke, others from the loss of their parents. Mira eventually got up, her body shaking but ready to move. The fire elite was almost done his job with the houses, and soon would move on to the people.

"I had to take my sister and run, get her somewhere safe before the fire got to her too." Mira ran through me and across the small forest they surronded there village with. No doubt the flames would soon make they're way through the forest once it was done it's job in the village.

Younger Mira used illusion magic to deceive anyone who was behind her to see nothing, a smart trick to keep chasers confused and off your tracks.

The baby she was holding was silent, small burns on her body but no major damage. Mira ran, for what seemed like hours until she reached one of the widely known safe zones.

A house, perfectly untouched by weather or any damage sat in the middle of the safe zone, light and dark spirit crystals poking out beside the the house. Mira stumbled to the house, joy coming off of her as she tried to wake up her baby sister. The little one fussed, her cry bursting out into the air. Mira quickly left her sister by the door, a classical move she saw puppeteers do in sad plays.

The older girl was off, running back the way She came. Passing the safe zones boarder, she felt worry come back to her, pain racked her body but she kept pushing. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she sent her sister a silent goodbye.

Mira ran to her village again, she wasn't suprised when she saw ash replace her old home. She collapsed on the burning coals and let herself just lay there, hoping to burn like her parents did.

But a strong hand picked her up by her collar.

Mira's eyes were dull as the fire elite turned her over to examine her, his eyes looking for some attributes no one else could see.

"You seen like a fine specimen." He stated. He threw the girl onto the back of his saddle, letting her hang loosely on the leather seat. The red dragon took off with a few wing-beats, ash flying up into the sky.

They passed the house Mira had just visited hours ago, the little girl no longer on the doorstep, but surely inside being treated for injury.

"Goodbye Ashley..." Mira said one last time, her body, and illusion going out.


Emma was thrown back into her chair, the real world piecing itself back together again. Mira's illusion was over, and now began the real challenge.

Mira looked drained, even a powerful master like herself would be tired after creating such a powerful and detailed illusion. Mira reached into her pocket, pulling out a purple pill and stuffing the bean shaped medicine down her throat. She grabbed a glass of water from the coffee table and drank some.

Almost instantly, Mira was recovered from her magic drain, and her face seemed to become a bit younger, but not by much.

"Do you see why I help you now Emma?" The illusion Elite said, staring at the brunette as they both had a gaze held with one another. Emma shook her head, still baffled with the information she found out. If she told anyone else, who would stop the fire elite? They are all close in a society and no one can beat them.

"I want to help you so you don't have to go through the same pain, save as many people as we can. I'm done being and elite, I want the normal life I was supposed to have." Mira explained. Emma stared at the other woman with saddness in her eyes.

"What do I do then?" Emma asked. The illusionist looked up, hope emitting around her body. Mira smiled, her face still looking like the child she once was.

"Me and the light elite had come to terms with a plan, but we need more to take down just one of us. Emma, I need you to lay low for now, stay away from the fire elite at all costs, alright?" Mira looked at Emma, her eyes pleading with Emma's. The brunette let out a tense sigh, nodding slowly before getting up.

"And Emma, keep an eye on your friend too, he's strong, but people play dirty in these games."

Those were the last things Mira said before Emma walked out of the room, a small burning sensation settling itself on her back.

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