Halloween Special

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(note: this is not part of the story line)

Emma sat on David's bed patiently waiting for the blue haired male. He had said something about getting a snack before they left to feed Aqua, but that was five minutes ago,and even though it has been a short time, Emma was growing restless.

She scanned through her phone, looking at the dead chat she shared with her three other friends. The last message sent was from her, saying that they were finally at their destination, the northern academy.

But that was two days ago.

Emma groaned, shifting on the bed and staring at the fish inside the walls. Ever since David had warmed up the water, fish of all colours and sizes swam in the bright blue water.

The girl decided to text the group again, saying a 'hello?' to them. The other two mages must have been in class by now, Peter must have been getting lecured by the teacher for leaving his phone on vibrate. The thought made the silver eyed girl laugh, thinking about Peter silently cursing under his breath as he handed his phone to the teacher.

At this time, David walked into the room, his eyes landing on the female laying on the bed, staring helplessly at her phone. David cleared his throat, gaining Emma's attention.

"Oh! Jeeze David you spooked me." Emma said, a smile spreading on her face. Although it was spring, Halloween was right around the corner, and David had a plan.

"Hey, I need you to get some comfortable clothes on, I'm going out somewhere and I need you to come with me. We'll have to ride a dragon to get to where we're going."

Emma nodded with no question; anything to rid of the bordem -_-:-), sliding off the bed like slime. She picked some black jogging pants and an orange sweater to wear. She quicky slid on the sweater and black pants, coming back out of the bathroom with a topless David. Emma blushed, quickly turning away and diverting her eyesight away from the male. Her mind was all over the place, some going into the dirty parts of her mind.

"Haha! Nope!" The girl said, walking over to the bathroom again. She waited until David knocked on the door, a muffled I'm done' coming from him.

The grey-eyed girl stepped out cautiously, her eyes staring at the ground as she walked out. Her face wasn't as red as before, but she could still feel her ears burning. She looked at David with an awkward smile, her grey eyes staring into David's light blue ones with a mischievous glint. David chuckled, although he couldn't deny the heat creeping up his neck.

The two walked out of the delicately decorated room and into the hallway. Tubes of water poured into fountains, but something weird was going on.

The water was turning red.

The fish seemed fine with the change, in fact, the only sign that they noticed the change was when the quickly swam around when they were first touched by the water. Emma stared as she watched the fish and water change, still walking down the hallways. David eyed the water suspiciously, but kept walking along side Emma, only caring for his destination.

The two followed a small map that Bailey had gave them earlier, and although the handwriting was in a neat and fancy cursive that was almost impossible to read, Emma managed to make out some of the writing. Making their way to the giant stables, they saw a very familliar silver giant waiting for them.

Comet has shining scales, and all the possible grime in between was plucked clean. His body was relaxed and his eyes were drifting in and out of sleep.

"Looks like someone's enjoying themselves." Emma chuckled, patting the dragons smooth and polished scales. The two continued walking to the next stall, entering the damp atmosphere of the room.

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