Chapter 92

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void is an empty space devoid of anything.

Shadow mages can open up portals to these voids and store an endless amount it living, or non-living things inside.

Hope that helps!

Emma awoke to darkness, faint voiced echoing all around her. She was floating, somewhere in something. There was no air, yet she could breath.

She knew it wasn't a dream, for the strains of magic were floating everywhere, except they were all heading to one place. The girl sat in the abyss as she watched magic flow from different directions all collect into was she assumed was an exit. It was like swimming in the abyss, a pool of black ink that hid many secrets and hidden creatures, all waiting to be sought out.

When she reached the gathering place of the magic, extending her arms to widen the hole withholding her and the magic. With a flash, Emma tumbled out of the abyss along with all the contained magic, the different strands of magic shooting all over the room and dissipating. The girl was sitting on a floor with hardwood planks, a nice cozy room that was bathed in fire light. Quietly, Emma examed the room, noticing a sleeping body on a bed in the corner of the room.

She quietly scanned their features, soft short black hair tickled their close eyelids as they slept, fair skin with pale lips and long lashes. Emma took in a sharp breath as the male shifted in his sleep, his eyes fluttering open to state into Emma's silver ones. It took a few seconds of calm staring before the male seemed to notice that the girl was out of the abyss, his black eyes flecked with a dark grey to show where his iris began. Realization struck him, she was out of the abyss and in his room! How is that possible! Only other shadow walkers could escape each other's domains!

He shot out from his bed, nearly tumbling to the ground as he struggled to remain balanced. Emma shuffled back into a wall, her hands shaking as she grabbed a poker for a fire to defend herself with. Swallowing hard, she spoke.

"You better stay back ass-hat, there is no way I'm going back into that void." Emma said with a snarky tone. The male gave her a questioning look, listening to his heart race in his ears as he thought of a plan. The only way I get her back into the abyss was by touching her physically, and there was no way he was going by the crazy chick when she had a weapon in hand. The male sighed, taking out a chair out from the corner of the room and sitting in front of Emma, putting enough space in between them so the girl didn't spear him with the fire poker.

"Look, if you're going to shout, I can just hand you over to my leader right now and let him take care of you. Or, you can stay quiet, go back into the abyss and stay in there until I retrive you." The male put two options in front of the girl, a generous offer coming from his people, but this girl was having none of it.

"You expect me to choose from that? I would rather jump into this fire right now instead of going with you." The fiery girl crossed hers across her chest, keeping the poker ready for an attack. The shadow mage sighed, staring into the fire as he searched for something else to offer. Why was he offering anything to this woman when he could just easily chuck her into the pits with the giant mountain lizards and offer everyone some sort of entertainment? All he needed was for the outsider to examine his leaders dragon; and after that, she was lizard meat.

"My name is Noah," He offered, hoping to get this girl to trust him, "and you are?"

"Why should I tell you anything? Kidnapper." She snapped, her body tense unlike his calm stance. Noah resisted a growl, his bonded helping in keeping his temper down. With a deep breath, he tried again.

"I'm just asking for your name! What's so hard about that." He hissed, standing up from his chair. The girl stiffened and prepared the poker, her eyes cold and full of rage.

"You took me from my friends, you placed me into your abyss just so you could force me to help you. So I'll tell you this now, I won't do anything to help you, say anything that has worth to you, because all I know is that you probably want to kill me." The girl had a fire in her eyes, startling Noah with her quick tounge. He needed to make an offer, that way, she had to help him.

"Alright fine, let's make a deal then." She tilted her head at his offer, her attention now fully on him, ready to listen to the offer. "For your freedom, all I ask is for you to help my leaders dragon. He's sick."

Noah watched as she thought the offer though, her eyes flickering as outcome after outcome came into her mind. After a few minutes, the male began to grow impatient with her, tapping his foot on the ground. When he was ready to question the girl about her choice, she cut him off.


Noah felt his lips twitch into a small smile. Finally, some progress.

"Well then, you don't mind me asking for your name then again, do you?" He asked, sitting back in his chair. The girls eyes flickered with amusement, her own mouth curving into a smile.

"I'll tell you my name when I feel I can trust you." She said. "Can I trust you not to attack me while I'm sleeping?"

Noah shook his head. "You can guarantee on me not attacking you, but if my commander came in and saw you, I can't make any promises." The girl frowned at his statment. "You're going to have to go into the voice again-"

"No! Please no, it's awful in there." Emma said as she shook her head furiously. Noah sighed, looking up at the ceiling for an answer. That's when his eyes landed on a string dangling from the ceiling, his attic. He got up on his chair, tugging on the string until a small hole opened from the roof, and a ladder came down with a quiet slide. The girls eyes widened in shock as she examined the hidden extension of the room, her eyes sparkling as she dropped the poker and sped over to the ladder.

She wasted no time in scaling the ladder, examining the pre-decorated attic. It was fixed with a small hammoc made for a smaller body, a bunch of animal furs prepared for a cushion of it ever fell. Books scattered all over the room with layers of dust on them, the overall, the small space was perfect. The girl peered over the edge of the hole and right into Noah's dark eyes.

"Mine." Emma hissed, slowly sinking back into the attic. Noah let out a laugh as he retracted the ladder, closing the cover of the attic. He would have to discuss rules with her later in the morning, for now, he must rest.

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