Chapter 5

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When you look back at old chapters and cringe


"Lets train our powers" Peter yelled with excitement.  He was just about to dash away, but David caught him by the back of the collar, nearly falling from Peter's acceleration.

"Is that all you think about? You haven't even had time to study yet, remember the assignment?" As soon as David said those words, Peter let out a groan, catching some people's attention. He let his arms fly up in the air.

"Oh no, I'm going to die of studying! Help me someone!" he called out sarcastically, making David laugh and Emma to roll their eyes, ignoring the strange glances she received from the other students.

"Fine, studying first, magic later." Peter whined. Emma led the way to the library. The talk of magic was...abnormal to the girl, but she grew excited as she thought of their possible abilities.

When they arrived at the doors of the library, Emma stepped beside the doors and gestured them to go through. Peter walked into the doors with a groan and David closely followed. When Emma walked in, She was greeted with the familiar scent of aged books.

The welcoming warmth of the fireplace made all of her tensions melt away. Even the faded covers of the old books were a welcoming sight. Peter took a seat on a Brown wooden chair that sat around a table, David's eye were as wide as saucers as he looked at all the range of books. He looked like a smiling idiot as he looked through the books titles and the like of books slowly piling on the table.

"David, by the time you read all these, your gonna die a lonely virgin boy." Peter chuckled. Emma scanned through section of the books, trying to find the correct title of the book she was looking for.

She found the book titled 'Origin Of Dragon Riders' and pulled it out from the rest of the books. The book itself with as thick as her forearm and was bigger than her head. The book was made of black dragon leather and had golden markings sewed into it. When Emma dropped the book on the table it let a large amount of dust from in between the pages, the writing was all smudged and some of the pages were ripped but the farther she read, the more readable it became.

Dra__ns wer_ the fi_st beings to come into thi_ world. The goddess A__r_ m_de two d__gons. The t_o d_ag__s were the o_p__ite of each other in every way, the_ we__ t_e cr_ators of bal__ce,

Bl_ck and Wh_te

The two dra_ons continued to create bal_nce, the white dra_on created life, while the black dragon took l_fe. Once hu_ans came into the world, the creators of bal_nce disappeared, continuing their work in secret.

The humans continued to evolve without contact of dragons, until one day, a human w_ndered out of their village, and came across the white dragon. The dragon, battered from a battle with the black dragon, was on the brink of death. The human was fast acting, and brought nine others to care for the giant beast. Once healed, the white beast stood before the humans, and gave them each a gift.






Mind control

Shape shifting


And light

Each human was gifted with a talent, soon to be known as magic, and along with the elements came a bond to a dragon somewhere in the world. All but one.

Th_s human was giv_n a speci_l gift for their b_ave_y. T_ey w_r_ gi__n t__ __wer _o __op ___ b____ d__g__ a__ ___ curse.

The humans with magic flourished, making magic a necessary sight in the world. The white dragon, spreading its power with the humans, also spread itself among the human, and became part of each and every mage. But a legend says, it still lies, waiting to be awakened and to finally de_tr_y t_e bl_c_ dr__on_ _ur__

As the last few words of the book became unreadable, Emma's eyes widened at the word curse. She never learned about this, head master or the teachers never talked about it.

She grabbed another book on the nine elements, taking her time to read all of the handwritten words. She was so engrossed in reading, she didn't notice the time pass by.

"Emma, Emma! It's time to go." Peter's voice snapped Emma back into reality. Looking at the clock, it was almost eight and the library would be closed soon.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Let me find out where your dorm rooms are." Emma shuffled out of her chair, using the table as support. She carefully put the book away and David checked out all of the books he couldn't read at that time.

Emma knocked on the headmaster's office and waited. The familiar older man opened the door and greeted the three with a smile.

"Hello again Emma, what have you come here for, tea?" he asked, holding out a out a steaming cup of tea in a fancy cup. Emma shook her head and returned the smile.

"No thanks. But these two don't know their dorm numbers, I was just wondering if you knew." the Headmaster adjusted his top hat, and went through the drawers of his desk, taking out a file and some papers.

"David Tyrim, and Peter Frase. Room 667 and 668. Your right next to each other, what luck!" Headmaster cheered. David quickly wrote down the room numbers on a sticky note and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Thank you very much headmaster, and thank you Emma for all the help today." David bowed.

"Anytime, now curfew is at ten, so go and try to memorize the school in this time." Headmaster waved the three goodbye as Emma sped the two boys where the male dorms were.

Once they arrived, Emma stopped at the front door.

"Now, I'm not allowed in there, so if you get lost, just ask around, I'm sure the people here will help you." She said with an exhausted sigh. The boys picked up on her drowsiness quicky, feeling the days draining effects immediately.

"Emma, you have a phone number or something?" Peter asked.

"Oh sorry, oh!" Emma quickly grabbed her phone. "If you need me, just call or something, if I'm not busy, I can probably text back right away. David pulled out a weird flip phone, making Peter laugh under his breath. They both put Emma's phone number in their phones.

"We'll see you tomorrow." Peter said, David gave a nod and followed him inside. Emma let out a sigh and watched then head inside, leaving her standing outside.

"What a day." she mumbled to herself. She ran a hand through her hair and started towards the girls dorms. When she got back inside her room, she noticed that Ashley was there, which was a surprise, seeing as though she was never around Emma. Ashley's purple hair was glowing in the light of the room, the pink tips of her hair shining with a positive aura, but the girls face said otherwise. She looked at Emma with her magenta eyes, scowling at her.

"Why are you here?" Ashley asked.

"Bish, I live here." Emma replied. She was having none of Ashley attitude today, not after such a great day.

"Shouldn't you be sulking in a corner, complaining about your oh so miserable life?" Ashley asked with a smirk. Emma took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Ashley, not today, please." Ashley was about to say something, but Imma put her hand up to silence her. Scoffing, Ashley left the room, knocking over some of Emma's belongings. "Jeeze, how childish." Emma snickered. Her laughing was cut of my a major headache, causing her to sink to her knees and hold her head in her hands.

"I am not Childish Emma Dragonstar." Ashleys voice rang in Emma's head. The headache dissipated until it was just a light ringing and Emma could finally get up. Her mind felt invaded by Ashley, the mental fingers of her powers slipping off her mind, but leaving an awful dirty feeling in her head. Changing her clothes, she out on Black jogging pants and a white T-shirt.

"Maybe not childish, but rather foolish," she said as she crawled into bed. "Let's just hope tomorrow goes better than today." those were the last few words she said as sleep dragged her into the darkness of sleep.

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