Chapter 53

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"Headmaster...." Emma trailed off. The man stood in front of his student with joy eminating off of him. Emma quickly hugged him, the headmaster embracing her back. The two spilt, and the man wearing his usual top hat pushed David towards Emma, a whisper in his ear before he watched the two walk away with each other, David with red ears and a heated face.

"Go get her David, and Don't you let her go." The headmaster said quietly. The central headmaster looked for a dance of his own, stopping when he saw Mira.

She simply walked away when the two made eye contact, but it didn't hurt him, but simply, he understood why. Elites could not dance with lower levels, even if they knew they were family, friend, or anyone.

The black and white eyed man simply tipped his hat, and watched as love bloomed between his two students.


Emma and David was swaying to the music. With David's hands on Emma's waist, and Emma's arms wrapped around his neck, they moved in perfect harmony, the music giving them a happy feeling. David was blushing at the close capacity, fully knowing that he had been closer to her, but he didn't mean anything purposely.

But now, he was taking chances, flirting, occasional glances, he had realized he had fallen for Emma, and he knew that is best friend would have a hard time taking the fact in, he would find someone.

Letting the music guide them, the two split with a spin as the rest of the pairs did, switching partners for the next phase of the dance. Emma felt another pair of warm hands catch her, and she smiled as she saw her academy's headmaster. It was like a father dancing with a daughter, occasional giggles and jokes quietly thrown to each other as they swayed to the music.

"You look beautiful in that dress Emma, I'm sure David is falling for you." The headmaster joked quietly. Emma shook her head with a wide smile.

"You're nuts some days, thinking that David is falling for me, he's just a friend." Emma said cooly, although saying it made her heart twist with saddness. The man frowned, but was quickly replaced with a sly smile.

"You should look deeper then the surface." He whispered in her ear. Emma shivered, and saw that the headmaster was laughing to himself.

Another phase, another partner. As Emma went to her next partner, she didn't notice that the fire elite was no longer standing behind his perch with the other elites. His seat was empty, except for the red cloak that was missing of its owner. Dread filled her as she stood among the many people who were finding partners to dance with.

Only a few more left, but pairs upon pairs were being made, and Emma couldn't find any to dance with. Suddenly, a hand grasped the brunettes hand and pulled her closer to them, embracing her then putting their hands back on her waist. Emma looked up, but was immediately disgusted and terrified.

The fire elite was looking at Emma with the glint of a scientist looking at a specimen. He stared directly into her grey eyes, smiling as he made sure she was the one. The two reluctantly dance with the others, and the pair received strange looks from the watchers, and some dancers. Never had the fire elite, or any elite in the matter, left their posts to dance with a lower rank.

The song was over, and Emma politely walked away from the elite, not looking into his crimson eyes. She wandered over to the food bar, not knowing she was holding her breath. The heat in the room was beginning to become stuffy, heat rising in the room as people do to use to dance.

Emma watched as the colors of the room moved with a sway, taking a sip of the bright pink liquid in the punch bowl. The girl's grey eyes wandered from person to person, looking for someone to converse with.

She spotted Bailey, but he was dancing with a blonde woman with poisonous green eyes. She smiled as the two danced to the music that had a hard drop. It seemed like all the really formal dances was over, and now people could really let themselves go.

But it was all a system, Emma could see it. She noticed someone slip a few draining tablets into the punch, a dangerous mixture of vitamins and the smallest hint of geo dust.

She drank the punch anyways, not really caring for what had happened anyways. People would dance until they were exhausted, leaving them sore the next day to make eliminations easier. David slid next the brunette, his sleeve brushing against Emma's bare arm.

"Heya, is the punch good?" David asked, glancing at the contents in Emma cup.

"Nah, it's already been spiked, so I suggest you don't drink any alcohol right before the trial starts." Emma warned, finishing her drink. She tossed the cup in a nearby garbage can, the song switching to a New one and more dance moves were shown off.

Magic was like sunlight in this room, the diffrent colours swirling around the people and just hanging around their mages, waiting to be used. The magic was easily mistaken for tension, heat, or sometimes just a feeling in the air, but with trained eyes, anyone could see the magic whenever they wanted to.

"Emma, you shouldn't drink either, irony want you to be laying in my bed throwing up when I'm not there for you." David said kindly. Emma blushed a bit, the thought of him caring for her was a thought that made her heart do backfilps in her chest.

"Maybe you're right." She said, taking one last glance at the party before looking at David straight in the eyes. "I'd rather watch you win then anything else."

This time, it was David's turn to blush. His ears tinted red as he looked away from the brunette, pretending to be interested in the dances in front of him.

Emma sighed, waking back to David's room. She knew it wouldn't be fair if she took the bed tonight, especially since David needed a good sleep, so she finally decided to go up to her own room.

Taking her suitcase, she left a small note saying where she was staying and why, then headed up the stairs. No one was in the halls, except for a few northern students scrambling to get out of sight when such a large event was happening. Emma walked up the stairs and into her room, the cold from being abandoned present.

The girl took a warm shower as she waited for the room to heat up. Changing into some comfortable clothing to sleep in, she crawled into her bed, the gas fireplace pumping out heat into the room.

Closing her eyes, she heard the dragons go nuts downstairs, a cry of pain from them all. Dragons cried into their mind links, but all of them could be heard by the brunette. Cries of help, cries asking someone to let them go before they came. They could sense something far away that many couldn't. But a low grumble shook the ground, and the dragons went silent.

The girl layer in fear and she felt a small tingle crawl up her back.

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