Chapter 54

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Emma didn't know when she fell asleep, after the strange calling, sleep seemed impossible, but somehow, the girl managed it. A dreamless sleep aasnt the best one either, for her eyes felt heavy as she ate a few pieces with hazel nut chocolate spread over toast.

Getting dressed; she knew she was going to be sitting close, if not with the elites, so she would wear something formal, yet comfortable. Throwing on some black tights, Emma wore a crisp white shirt over top, then slid a long sweater that flowed over her back like water.

Walking through the glass halls, Emma finally made it to the stairs. Everyone watching the tournament was already sitting and getting ready, but the actual competition didn't start till an hour later. The brunette made her way to the stables, which was almost empty now.

Comet sat up, awaiting to see a close friend. The silver Dragon sent a mental picture of Emma waking through the hallway, alerting the headmaster of Emma's whereabouts.

"Comet, it's lovely to see your scales shining." Emma complemented, patting the large dragons nose. Comet let out a cat like purr, his crystal embedded in his chest radiating with joy.

'Thank you young one, I've been spoiled at this place, trying to win my heart I suppose.'

The two laughed, but Comet's laugh sounded like a chopped up grumble, which was cute in a way.

'but my heart will always belong to you and the headmaster dear Emma.'

Emma smiled, she knew that headmaster would protect anyone in his school like his own family, but when one's Dragon dedicated themselves to another as well, it was like a second bond.

But Emma didn't have a first one to begin with.

Letting out a sigh, Emma patted Comet's nose one last time, her hand leaving his scales reluctantly. She began to walk to the arena, where the trials were being held.


The arena was packed, and food like popcorn as already being scattered across the floor. A maid had spotted Emma and began to lead her to the elites section, where she had her own seat reserved for her.

None of the elites had arrived yet, so when the maid said to pick the chair in the front row, right in the middle, she didnt not expect the applause to start. She say down elegantly, trying her best to not make a cool of herself. The chairs were the soft, and when Emma sat down, she instantly wanted to sleep.

Camera's were pointed on the brunette, along with the captions of, 'who is this girl?' and 'random stranger sitting with the elites?'

This brought Emma questions of her own. Would the eilites explain the situation to the public, that they brought her here because of her fallen father? What about the other children that had lost parents and never received this kind of information? What would the public think.

The cameras were quickly diverted and now focused on the first competitors. They were earth users, all of them had a wide build and dark chocolate eyes or a light brown. The stadium went quiet as the competitors made there way to the 10 divided sections. Bracelets were snug against their wrists to keep track of there health, to make sure none went over the line. Mana, vitals, name, age, all the information was flashed on the screen for everyone to see.

The elites came in after all the commotion, each master mage waking down the stairs on the pedistual that overlooked the whole stadium. Emma was relived when Mira sat by her, but when the earth elite had sat on her other side, her stomach clenched with nervous butterflies.

The stadium had marble seating and some of the best sunlight the northern academy could provide, although most thought it was the work of the light mages making the great lighting.

Once each elite was snug in there seats, The earth elite stood up, taking small steps to the ledge of the platform that all the elites and Emma sat upon. The man in the green cloak stood on a circle that lit up with a bright green colour when he stood atop the circle.

The terrain began to shift, morphing into sharp edges and points that earth mages could use to their advantage. The earth moved with a creak, then cracks filled the land, ready to collapse of anyone came to close.

Bailey was down in the arena, his normal joyful face now serious. Unlike the other contestants, He was used to the ground shifting under his feet, and didn't stumble or fall like all the other's did. He let out a laugh as he watched a few fall, and looked up to the pedestal that the elites sat upon.

His light brown eyes looked at Emma's bewildered ones. Amazement filled the mysterious girls eyes as she watched the dangerous battle unfold. A loud and deep horn was blown, and all was hectic.

Earth was shot across the field, both large boulders and small pellets that ripped loose clothing like bullets. Bailey avoided most obstacles, waiting with a defensive strategy for the number of mages to dwindle down.

A few mages were knocked down and immediately taken from the stage by two healers and an earth mage, protecting the injured patient as they ran off the field. With the match only allowed being fifteen minutes, competition dropped like flies.

The last three competitors were left. Bailey, a female with short brown hair, and another male with no hair at all, except for on his face. The bald man took a chance, aiming for the female with the short hair. He shot multiple, razor sharp blades made of stone at the girl, giving her a few nasty cuts. Of she was going to win, she needed to do it fast.

She leaped away from the approaching medical team, a large boulder that turned into a spider web like structure. The webbing hit the man's ankle as he tried to run away, a scream of pain was let out when the web became ridged and rough, cutting up his ankle. His vitals were going crazy, and his mana was draining faster than a cloth to water.

Bailey watched and waited in the stone, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The girl finished the job by laying another sharp net in the man, turning around to find Bailey.

The girls chocolate brown eyes looked for the other male, her fingers twitching and ready for any movmemt. Emma could hear her own heart pump with fear, and exitement. The girl was approaching Bailey, but her keen eyes spotted the male before he could even move. The girl lifted her arms and waved them dowm, causing a cascade of boulders toppling over Bailey, crushing him.

A small alarm went off as Bailey's braclet flat lined.

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