Chapter 12

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Ravenna135 for also voting and reading my book! Early update!

A loud roar shook the school.

Emma sped up her pace as she ran up the stairs, avoiding any students that had fallen on the way up. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins and her head pounded with the sound of her sped up heartbeat.

Halfway up the final steps she notices a kid slip and tumble down the stairs, heading straight for her. Emma quickly braced herself and grabbed onto the railway, ready to stop the stumbling students. A head of pink hair collided with Emma's body and made her stuble back, making Emma use the railing to balance herself.

A set of familiar pink and purple eyes met Emma's grey ones and the student that stumbled immediately got off of her. Her face furrowed and Emma knew immediately knew who's annoying voice it was.

"Get off of me you cripple." Ashley spoke. The mob of people stopped and started at the scene, a few people at the bottom of the staircase yelled and asked why they stopped. A few grabbed their phones and started recording.

"I was just trying to help, I wasn't the one to fall." Emma snapped back. Ashley looked a little taken back but her face returned back to a scowl in a mere second.

"I wouldn't of fallen if I didn't feel your grimy eyes on my back!" Ashley began to shout.

"Well sorry your majesty, let me just get out of your way." Emma said with a sneer. She quickly ran up the stairs, ignoring everyone's stares. Another roar shook the building and that made everyone start running up the stairs again. Some people tried to step on the back of Emma's shoes as she ran for the door.

A burst of light made Emma squint as she ran outside on the roof. When her eyes adapted to the bright sunlight, she saw a dragon.

The dragon was none other than Ashley's dragon. It's golden rings in it's horns were no match to the other dragons.

"Cynder!" Ashley called out, pushing her way through the crowd, Emma quickly follwed. When they reached the front of the crowd that's when Emma noticed it.

The eyes were a deathly black.

A red glint could be seen when the dragon turned its head a certain way, and it's eyes locked straight onto Ashley. Tears brimmed Ashleys eyes as she took a step closer, separating from the crowd and safety. Teachers started to tell at the students to get back inside and find a safe place. The headmaster suddenly appeared with a gush of wind, sending any trash and rubble flying. The dragons head quickly spun around to meet the headmasters black and white eyes.

"Well, I see you have a new victim running wild again." The headmaster spoke, his new grey suit waving in the wind. His black top hat moved in the wind, but stayed on his head like he was using magic to keep it there.

The dragon responded with a roar that made the ruble on the floor shake, Ashley continued to call to her dragon but to no avail.

"Cynder please! It's me!" Ashley screamed over the loud wind. The pink dragon simply ignored her and kept its eyes on the headmaster.

Headmasters golden blonde hair danced in the wind and smoke was coming out of the dragons nose. Suddenly, headmasters eyes widened and his hands flew up to his head.

"Cynder no!" This time, it wasn't Ashley who called out, it was Emma. The dragons attention was now directed at Emma. Its eyes were now a red with black, and foam started to drip from it's mouth.

Cynders massive pink head was inching closer to Emma, and her eyes were going back to normal. That all stopped when Ashley collided with Cynders head. Jasmine suddenly teleported beside Emma and noticed the raging dragon. The dragon was swinging her head side to side, trying to shake off Ashley.

Suddenly she let go, flying through the sky at a fast speed. Emma felt the presence of Jasmine disappear and quickly materialize next to Ashley in the air. Suddenly they both disappeared And that just left Emma and headmaster with the pink dragon.

Headmaster was sitting down, his eyes were slowly transferring to reality and a daydream. The headmaster collapsed of the ground, a white aura coming from his hands straight into his head.

Cynder was using her mind control magic.

"Leave him alone!" Emma yelled. The dragon swung it's body to turn to Emma, causing her to be hit by the dragons massive tail. The air left her lungs as she collapsed to the ground.

Cynder noticed Emma once more and turned to her while she was trying to get up. The dragon quickly grabbed her by her back, it's theeth digging into her skin. Cynder then threw Emma into a wall, the whole thing collapsing on top of her.

All was still.

Headmaster was lying unconscious, Emma was buried under a pile of rubble, bleeding to death, if she wasn't dead already. A groan was heard from headmaster. He quickly stood in his feet, brushing his outfit off.

"Alright then, if bribing won't work,"
Headmaster cracked his knuckles, titling his head to the side.

"I guess I'll use force" Headmaster's voice rang through the school, making the out of control pink dragon shiver. Throwing a punch, headmasters fist was engulfed in his light magic, soon followed by a fist of his dark magic. Punch after punch the pink dragon would wimper but stood strong, as if deciding to fight or cower in a corner.

The rubble in the corner on the rooftop moved, and out came a bloody Emma. A few few scratches and bruises covered her body, but the blood pooled out of her back, covering the ground beneath her in a crimson red. Quickly running towards Headmaster and the dragon, she grabbed the magic-lit fists of her superior.

"What are you doing?" Headmaster yelled. Emma simply looked in the headmasters eyes, giving a silent plea. He simply nodded and walked away, giving Emma and the dragon some distance.

"Cynder, fight it, I know you can." Emma asked the dragon. It simply stayed still, staring at Emma with it's black and red eyes.

"Cynder please! Your stronger then this, take back control." A slight shift in the dragons eyes made Emma smile a bit, a bit of pink and purple flashed through Cynder's eyes.

"I don't know what made you turn, but I know that if you just talk about it, it will all get better." Emma lifter up her arm, ready to pat the dragons nose. The dragons head itched closer, and took a sniff of her hand.

Emma's hand inched closer, all was going smoothly until the dragon looked into Emma's eyes. The dragon roared it's loudest roar that day, and the dragons head swung, knocking Emma into the sky, over the edge of the roof.

"Emma!" The headmaster screamed.

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