Chapter 38

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The two men quickly exited the forest, Emma lazily perched on David's back. The demonic creatures had seemed only now interested in watching them now. Their red and black pearly eyes staring at them through the skeletal trees as they made their way back to the giant dragon.

Comet was waiting patiently as he looked at the three. Once he saw Emma thought, he growled, almost letting out a roar of anger from the sight of blood on her shirt, but calmed down once the headmaster told him that she would be fine. Although the dragon was still enraged that something would do that to the brunette.

David carefully set Emma down on the saddle, still holding onto her as he got in himself. He held her hand, checking her pusle. It was slow, but still beating at a strong pace. The girl groaned a bit, her silver eyes opening as she refoucused on the world around her.

She leaned into David for support, which he gladly obliged to, holding onto her shoulders as she came to.

Headmaster smiled as she woke up, relief finding all of them to be out of the forest. The dragon was watching too, and it's anger had seemed to fade as it watched the three humans all relax.

"The hell happened?" Emma said, the last bit of drowsiness still evident in her voice. David finally let go of her, deeming her ready to once again do things on her own.

"The creatures knocked you unconscious, and reopened your wounds on your back." The Headmaster began to explain. The memories of the fight had retuned, along with a bit of schock, but she knew it was over.

"Then I healed you, so you shouldn't have to worry about those scars re-opening with any force." David said proundly. Emma have him a smile, but her memory after the knockback was foggy, She remembered hearing something.

She shook her head, greatful to be alive. A feeling of glee washed over her as she smiled.

"I think it's about time we get flying, I don't know how long the creatures will be sitting in that forest, and I personally don't want to fight them again." David chimed. Emma frantically nodded and Headmaster parted his dragon, giving the signal to take off.

Comet flew off the ground with one flap of his wings, the powerful gust knocking over some dead trees. The dragon flew north, keeping the now already risen sun to its east line of vison.

They flew for a few more hours, the silver dragon not complaining about the time or being tired. In fact, it felt as if it could go on for days.

David and Headmaster told jokes to each other, Emma laughing at almost each one as she made a few ham sandwiches. They ate happily, thank you's and welcomes thrown all over as they tried to keep the thoughts of the early morning at a minimum.

"So why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road?" David asked, almost laughing at his own joke. Headmaster smiled, trying to think of an answer but failing.

"I don't know"

"Because it got stuck in a crack." David laughed at his own joke while the Headmaster howled with him. Emma laughed too, her face turning red from the joy. Her stomach began to hurt as they laughed together, even the dragon giving out it's own, grumble-like chuckle.

When Emma wiped the tears from her eyes, she smiled widely as she stared at the mountains ahead. The northern barrier. It was a dome almost, one of the most safest places to stay. The mountains curved around a large area that was filled with farming fields and open spaces. And he treacherous mountains made it almost imposible to climb to.

The only way in was to fly, and the dragon riders in the northern academy we're always busy with deliveries and other necessities that could only be obtained outside of the northern barrier.

David was also staring at the view with awe, sending a mental picture to his dragon. The headmaster just sat and watched the two students react, a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Like what you see?" the headmaster asked. David was breathless, his mental conversation with his dragon blocking out any other voice close to him. Emma gave a nod, a smile of her own growing in her face.

"Were just about 2 more hours away from the academy, then we can all get off and stretch." The dragon grumbled in agreement and picked up it's pace, the snow-tipped mountains slowly growing in size. Emma's silver eyes peered down, goddess knows how many red and black eyes met hers.

She shivered, giving the demons the finger and quickly hiding back to the saddles safety as one of them snarled at her from so far below. The headmaster Was also staring at them with wary eyes.

"Do you think those things can get past the mountains?" Emma yelled over the wind, just barely reaching the headmasters ears. He shook his head, and shook David out of his mental conversation.

"I don't think they can, only a few earth mages have been able to, and they all said that was the toughest challenge they had ever done." It sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more then his two students, but either way they all relaxed a bit, sending silent prayers to the ones above.

David took some water from the clouds, a small blue orb now hovering above his hands. He split the waters into small parts, turning them into needle-like splinters.

"Are you going to throw those at them?" Emma asked. David looked at her with serious eyes, but they immediately softened once he looked at her.

"Maybe, but water won't do much." As he said those words, he froze the spinters of water, creating a sharp weapon. He flicked his finger and the splinters flew at amazing speeds, almost as fast as Jasmine's lightning. The splinters hit on target, a wave of multiple howels ringing loudly through the air.

All the creatures stopped and looked at each other, staying behind for there injured kind. David let out a cheer of success and high-fived the headmaster. But Emma continued to watch the creatures, all their red eyes turning to meet her silver ones.

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