Chapter 55

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Emma got out of her seat and ran to the edge of the platform, clashing into the golden railing that stopped her from leaping off the raised platform. She wanted to scream Bailey's name, to find out if he was ok, but the lump in her throat was stopping her.

Medics came out right away, their white coats flapping in the wind as they ran across the field to desperately get to Bailey. The first medics began using their earth magic to move to rocks, the pile falling down as the men in white coats frantically moved the stones and threw them in random directions.

The girl smiled with victory, her face popping up on-screen with a giant title that said 'winner' below her face. A picture of everyone that has lost flashed on the screen, a total of 9 mages had lost and were being treated. Emma felt a hand on her shoulder, the warmth spreading through her body.

The silver eyed girl closed her eyes, trying desperately not to let the tears flow out. She clenched her fists around the golden bar, imagining Bailey perfectly fine and smiling, laughing while trying to impress his friends. She imagined him goofing off or stuffing his face just like when he did at the dinner.

Or was he really dead?

Emma imagined him lying in his coffin, the man once full of life now gone and never destined to move in his own ever again. A once powerful earth mage wasted on a stupid competition that only guaranteed a spot in the powerful Dragon guard.

Emma held her breath, focusing her mind on Bailey. She imagined him bursting out of the pile of rocks that was currently being removed. His soul flying right back into his body and him laughing with David and her after all this was over. Emma wanted Peter to meet him, make her best friend happy.

But he was gone, the medic team froze as they saw the horrific body squashed and smothered into the rocks. Bailey was gone.




Or so it would seem.

Bailey's eyes shot open, and the rock melted into a molten lava. The match was back on, putting Bailey back into the fight. The girl looked back with a shocked face, her expression filled with terror. Emma let out a laugh of relief, collapsing back into her chair. Mira took a glance at the girl and smiled, happy to revive information about the girl's relations.

Emma watched as Bailey moved the lava around like David's water. He used his body to move the molten rock with the movements of his body. He was fast, sending quick and painful flicks on the girl's body, burning her. Bailey smiled as he continued his was of action, the girl's pitiful attempts to block the magma with her large stone slabs simply melting away.

Bailey leg out a maniacal laugh as he pinned the girl down with a burning tentical of magma. The girl screamed as the medics rushed over to her, prying Bailey's hands away from the girl. Bailey watched at the flesh burned off of the body of the dark skinned girl, her face twisted in agony as she passed out from the pain.

The girls nearby Dragon screamed too, and Emma felt a pain twist in her heart, and She cried in her mind, a mental scream to stop.

Many other dragons let out roars and calls, asking the one who was putting another in unnecessary pain to stop. It was like a musical from wildlife, a beautiful yet gloomy aura. Bailey stopped and the roars stopped, the creepy song stopping. Medics rushed to help the girl who had half her leg burnt off the the bone, surely there was no way to repair what had been done.

But five mages managed to bring back the flesh and some tissue, the leg reforming it's lost cells. The leg of the girl became normal again, no more bones stuck out, and the look of pain in her face was now rested and relaxed, as if the magma never touched her.

The title 'winner' was displayed on screen, but Bailey didn't cheer, nor did he celebrate in any ways at all. He simply walked back to the door that lead to his room, so he could finally relax. But before he disappeared, he looked back to the girl, then at Emma. The grey-eyed girl looked at Bailey with worry, as the male cast a shadow down his eyes. He mouthed something that Emma could not decipher, but felt a tingle run across her hand.

Bailey walked into the darkness that lead him to his room. He would be treated for his wounds and be fed deluxe food and continue to watch the trials as he waited for the final fight. He had done what he desired, he had accomplished his goal that caused him to lose half his magic. He had won.

Emma sat in silence as the earth elite leveled the ground, resetting the battle field for the next fight. Stepping out if the bright green circle, the colour faded when his body left the circle. This time, the electric elite stood, standing on the now yellow lit circle.

Clouds of thunder surrounded the edge of the battle feild, the clouds ready to give anyone who came to close the shock of their lives. The next ten contestants stepped out to meet the loud crowd that cheered for the next fight. Of only they knew one of them wasn't coming back.

The fight was ecstatic, the lighting thrown between mages created a light show only beatable by the light mages. The whole stadium as lit in either yellow, white, or blue lighting strikes that everyone managed to doge.

A few more minutes had passed, and a few floating balls of concentrated electricity began to shoot from the clouds and towards the remaining mages. There were only three people left, and the ones who didn't make it that far were left with severe injuries and slight heart rate increase.

Emma kept on thinking back to Jasmine and Peter whenever she saw the lighting, her heart clenched to see them again.

'soon' She told herself.

She saw a giant lighting bolt being charged up carefully in one of the competitors, his braclet went off a bunch of times, warning the audience and the mage that he was going over his limit. But he didnt stop, he continued on expanding the ball, aiming it at another male mage that was watching in horror.

But then, a small strike of lighting was shot directly at the growing ball of lighting, causing the ball to explode.

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