Chapter 39

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It was as headmaster had said, only 2 hours until they arrived.

They were just beginning to fly across the mountains as they spotted the first glimpse of the northern academy.

Small, white farm houses with the locally mined red stone used in the top of their houses. The mountains provided the northern sector mainly gems and stone for display, but sometimes they also provided powerful spirit gems, provided for simple enhancements for certain aspects of one person.

Either way, the northern sector was one of the most heavily guarded places in the whole country, and it had the most relaxing things any person could get used too.

Hot springs.

And from all the rumors always thrown around the farther areas, most people that went didn't want to leave, so most stayed and lived by the mountains protective barrier. The hot springs and spirit crystals were the main income for the city close by, and it was a large part for trading with other countries.

But the northern academy was like the prize jewel. Walls made of quarts, and a roof so polished red it looked like it was made of rubies.

Most northern folk took pride in how they looked, so they mainly had blue spirit gems for beauty and grace, but they also kept green spirit gems for power.

"Look!" David shouted over The wind. He was pointing to the demons close to the edge of the mountian, they were slowing down as they looked at the huge obsticals ahead.

They watched as the first one tried to scale the rocky mountain, but it's hands had no useful purpose and just got in the way. The creature fell right after the first few steps, the loose rock tumbling down with it.

David and the headmaster cheered, thankful that the norther barrier was once again protecting the northern academy. They high-fived each other as they slowly flew away from the dangers.

But Emma continued to watch them, her silver eyes locking with their black and red ones. But something was diffrent, their eyes weren't filled with rage or fury as expected, but instead with sorrow of losing one of its own.

Emma gasped as it threw it's head back, it's ear-piercing scream shreding through the sounds of the wind. The others joined in, and some other calls came from beside the mountians, others.

"There are more..." Emma trailed off.

"Pardon Emma?" The headmaster asked. He was confused, unaware of the growing groups of monsters.

"There are more of them, the're all over the start of the northern barrier." She confirmed. From their view on top of the dragon, the creatures looked like large beetles, but more were coming from all around the mountains.

They began heading westward, the large group scattering and entering a large forest that protects them from the three's view. David growled in frustration, his aura growing a little bit darker.

"What are they doing?" Emma asked, her eyes still on the area the creatures disappeared to. David shrugged while the Headmaster thought of a few possibilities.

"Maybe they are trying to go around, see if there is any other way in ya'know?" David suggested. Headmaster shook his head.

"No, the mountains end close to the ocean, and the only way in is either to fly or swim around." The headmaster said. They all stayed silent as the grey dragon flew closer to their destination.

"So what do we do then?" Emma asked, determination filling her eyes as she though of some way to stop them from destroying other people. She suggested one plan. 
"We could try and stop them before they reach the ocean."

"No. They will rip us to shreds if we get ambushed again. We need an upper hand, like the sky or sea." The headmaster used his hand to stroke his non-existent beard. He looked shocked for a second before realization filled his eyes, setting his hand down.

"Maybe we could use dragons?" David suggested. Both headmaster and Emma perked up, the thought of using dragons might work.

"Use them in the water! That way the creatures are defenseless and we can emiminate the danger of them coming here! David your brilliant!" Emma hugged David hairedin exitment, earning a small blush on the blue-haired male's face.

Headmaster watched the two and he gave David a wink, causing David to grow even more shades redder. He laughed awkwardly as the two students separated, smiling at one another.

"That sound like a good idea David. When we land you two go with the advisors and I'll go visit the elites. I'll talk to them about a plan." Headmaster then mind linked with his dragon, showing Comet a previous memory of the northern academy and where to land.

The grey dragon was getting closer, and the three people in its back were playing games when two dragons and riders pulled up beside either side of the larger dragons body. Emma immediately shot up and watched at the riders slowly hovered above the saddle she was on.

"Hello central academy! We are preparing to land right on-" The student with bright green eyes was cut off by the headmasters hand.

"We know what were doing! I've been here before, now, return to post L2 please."

The two students looked at each other and hesitated before flying back down onto the schools platform. The sliver dragon follwed close behind, once again closing its wings completely for a free fall.

David screamed as he clung to the Headmaster, Emma doimd the same to David. Headmaster laughed and relished the feeling of the wind being strong enough to bring tears to his eyes. Emma laughed along with him, the deja vu so clear to her.

The silver dragon opened its mouth as it fell from the sky, it's large tounge flapping in the wind. It gave a cry of joy out to the world, to sound so powerful it was heard echoing off of the mountains.

The dragon spread its wings slowly, very gently bringing itself to a stop right before they landed.

It's claws touched the ground first, then it's tired wings. Comet layer on the ground as his three passengers got off with there bags.

"Well, wasn't that fun?" Headmaster asked loudly. Emma nodded frantically while David shook his head, clearly not used to the feeling of free falling.

"Glad to see you three actually did know where to land." The boy from earlier smiled and clasped his hands together. He was no older then David, perhaps a few months, but the same age none the less.

"Of course. Do you mind getting the gales to take Comet here to your stables, flying for 5 hours is draining in my old dragon." Headmaster gestured to his dragon, who was now looking around for a place to rest.

"Oh sure!" The boy whistled, and two people with dark blue robes, almost black, came out and gently lead the giant silver dragon to the stables.

Right after the dragon was out of sight, sounds of multiple footsteps echoed off the quart walls of the academy, their very presence stinging chills to the warmest of fire mages.

"Ah, central headmaster, it's nice to see you again." They greeted the three people who had just landed.

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