Chapter 8

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The next morning, Emma got out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom, her hair a mess from tossing and turning in her sleep. She stripped and turned on the shower, waiting for the tempature to rise. Once the water was steaming, she hopped in the shower and let the warm water ease her muscles. She worked some soap into her hair and rinsed it out.

She heard a banging on the door and someone letting themselves in. The sound of the toilet lid being flipped up was heard followed by the sound of vomitting.

"Hangover?" Emma asked.

"Yep, I knew I shouldn't of drank all of those shots." Ashley said before she vomited again. This was one of the only times Ashley wasn't rude to Emma, once Ashley was hungover, she would let her guard down for a bit. Emma turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around herself before waking out. The cold air of the room made her shiver as she changed into her uniform, clipping on her silver emblem pin before grabbing her books.

"Aren't you gonna shorten that skirt of yours?" Ashley asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Nope, I don't know how and I don't care." Emma asked, trying to get past Ashley, but she just kept mimiking Emma's moves and continued to block her way. "At least let me show you."

Emma groaned and sat down on her bed crossing her arms as ashley adjusted her skirt. With a final 'done' Emma stood up and examined her blue skirt. It was now up to her mid thigh and Ashley smiled at her work.

"There, now you don't look so weird," Emma raised an eyebrow at Ashleys statement. "Maybe you wouldn't be bullied as much of you just learned some fasion tricks."

Emma was going to thank her but Ashley was already out the door, the sound of her fan group following behind. Emma shook her head and headed to first class.

When she arrived she noticed that David and Peter were already there.

"Hey guys." Emma waved, catching the attention of the two boys.

"Hey Emma did you hear?" Peter asked. Emma made her way up the class and sat by David. "The Eastern Academy has been destroyed, and the only survivor was that girl that crashed here."

Emma frowned. Did Jasmine know about this? How would she react? So many thought swamped her mind that she didn't notice the teacher walk in.

"Alright students, today we have a new transfer student," some people were hyped, while a small amount had some suspicion raised. It wasn't normal for this many transfer students to arrive in a year, let alone a month. "Please welcome Jasmine Sheif."

As the sound of her name, Jasmine walked in the class, her silver hair in a neat pony tail. Jasmine's eyes darted around everyone in the class and she stopped at Emma. A smile inched on her face and she made her was up to her, sitting down next to her.

"Nice to see you again Emma." Jasmine whispered. Emma smiled back at her and have her a pencil.

"Nice too see you too, welcome to history class." Emma joked. Jasmine rolled her eyes with a smile as she listened to the teacher.

"Alright everyone, I'm handing back your assignments from a month ago, the class average was a sixty-three percent." The teacher, Mrs. Lennons started handing out the marked assignments, some students silently cheered, while others groaned about how bad they did. When Emma got her's back, her eyes widened.

She got an eighty-five, one of the best marks she has ever gotten. Jasmine whispered a good job to her and David have her a thumbs up. Curious, Emma looked over at David's assignment and her jaw dropped. He got an outstanding ninety-five and a little smiley face from the teacher.

Peter snickered a little when he layed eyes on the smiley face, making David lightly punch his shoulder.

"Nice job." Emma complimented David. Peter lifted up his paper which was poorly organized and has some scribbles from pencil crayons.

"I did good too! I got an...81! See!"

"Peter, that's upside down. Its actually 18." Emma laughed. Peter looked back at his paper and flipped it over, staring at the mark. His eyes widened as his head slowly looked back over to Emma.

"In gonna die with an 18 on my first assignment at this school, kill me now so I don't have to suffer." Peter joked. The two girls laughed as David banged his head on the desk as Peter started to fake cry. Soon enough the laughter died down to a low giggle as Mrs. Lennons started the next lesson.

When class was over, Emma showed Jasmine to her next class. The two girls changed their clothes for gym and headed outside on the field. The cool autum breeze made Emma's hair fly out of place, making her put her hair up into a high pony tail.

A teacher with platinum blond hair walked out of the school with a silver whistle around her neck. Her hair was cut like a man's and she has faint smile wrinkles on her face.

"Today class we're going to be learning about simple hand-to-hand combat. Were going to be working in pairs so hurry up and choose you partners." Lots of girls came up to Jasmine, but she kept telling them that she already has a partner. Emma, on the other hand, was asking people to be her partner, and everyone she asked replied with a simple 'no' or ' already have one'.

Just as Emma was going to pair up with the teacher, a warm hand touched her shoulder. She raised her head to see who it was and she was greeted with a smile that she had met last night.

"Where ya going, partner?" Jasmine asked with a kind smile. Being a little taller then Emma, she blocked out the sun from her eyes and it made Jasmine's face glow. Emma smiled and stood beside Jasmine as she waited for the teachers instructions.

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