Chapter 16

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Emma and Jasmine walked to the infirmary once again.

Jasmines head was pounding from Ashleys mind control, and the bite on Emma's back wasn't healing, proving something was severly wrong.

The room the headmaster was in was no longer as full as before, but at least two or three doctors were checking his vitals every few minutes, some taking blood samples while a few changed IV bags.

The main doctor was not impressed when the two girls explained themselves, but none the less he gave Jasmine some herbs and a potion for her headache. Emma on the other hand had to get the teeth marks on her back cleaned and wrapped to prevent infection. She would have to come back every day to get the bandages re-wrapped so the doctors could check in on her healing process.

Emma's hand fumbled with the cold black rock in her pocket. The rock gave Emma a tingly feeling whenever she touched it but she messed around with it, no matter how intense the tingling got.

"Man, I felt like Ashley dug a hole in my brain." Jasmine complained. The doctors were taking a while to provide Emma with he painkillers, and Jasmine and Emma started to wonder if they had forgot about them, so they started to poke around the room. Emma's eyes landed on the brightly coloured poster in the middle of the wall, surrounded by some of the body diagrams of humans and dragons.

A colourful chart of magic levels clung to the wall, measuring from a scale of 0.1 to 10.

"0.1- 4.0, low rank. These magic users have magic, but don't have a lot of it to cause any serious significance to others." Emma read out loud. Jasmine's eyes looked at Emma then back to the chart she was looking at to read the next rank.

"4.0-6.0, mid rank. These magic users are the most common. Their magic is used for common and daily jobs in the world, and can do some signifigance to others. Jasmine let out a sigh. "I can't believe that we have to judge everyone on their magic level. Even the people who don't have magic judge each other by strength."

"That's how to world works Jasmine, they pick the strongest to look up to, and disgrace the weak. I've seen it many times." Emma stopped looking at the magic scale, and turned her attention to a small dragon model.

The dragon's body was a dark green, and it's horns were short and stubby, along with its small theeth, proving the dragon model was showing a dragon only a few years old. It had it's front legs replace with it's wings, and it's model eyes were lime green.

"That brings up the question Emma, what is your rank?"

Emma flinched at the other girls question, she had only known this girl for two days and she was prying for answers. Sure, maybe she was just curious, or maybe...

And then a doctor walked in

Emma let out a small sigh, and visibly relaxed, thankful the doctor stopped them from having the awkward conversation.

"Here is your prescriptions, take two a day, or every 12 hours so you don't overdose." The doctor said with her cold yellow eyes glaring at the two. Emma gave her an awkward smile but the doctor just rolled her eyes.

"You two can go now, and make sure you stay out of trouble." The doctor said, fixing the models the girls had touched. "I will see you tomorrow Emma."

Emma nodded and they both quickly shuffled out of the room, making their way to the library.


When the two arrived at the library doors, it was past curfew, and they were met by a whining Peter clinging into their feet.

"David, he's ignoring me and reading again!" Peter whined. Emma let out a laugh and the simple movement made the bandages on her back move, irritating the skin and causing her to wince in pain. Peter continued to whine and Jasmine picked him up by the collar, scolding him for being so un-gentlemen like.

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