Chapter 13

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"Emma!" The headmaster screamed.

Wind was yelling in Emma's ears as gravity pulled Emma closer to the hard ground. She hadn't noticed it before, but snow was falling from the sky, it almost seemed like the snow was stuck in place.

Her hair was whipping her face, time seemed to slow down as she fell, the distant bird songs were slowing down, almost stopping completely. The only thing she heard was her heartbeat in her ears.

Taking in her surroundings, Headmaster was leaning over the side of the roof, reaching out to her when though it was too late. His black and white eyes were wide and the dragon on the roof was looking down, it's eyes flashing pink before turning down back to black and red.

So this is how I'm gonna go then? A simple 'fall off a roof'? Welp, I though at least I would have grown old with a bunch of cats, or maybe even turtles.



Your just going to die like this? Not see the world like a normal human?

Might as well.

No, I won't allow it

Time flowed back to normal, and the ground was getting closer by the second. Calmness washed over Emma as she accepted her fate, waiting for the hard impact of the ground.

A flash of yellow caught Emma's eye as it flew ever her as high speeds. Looping under her, she landed on a scaly and warm dragon.

It was Jasmine's dragon. She clung to the electric dragons spikes as the dragon flew back up to the rooftop. Landing with a loud crack, Jasmine's dragon roared, the air crackling with electricity.

"Good job Electra!" Jasmine shouted. She and Emma's other two friends were standing by the door way to inside, carefully watching. Peter and David were standing wide-eyes beside Jasmine as her eyes were glued to the scene.

"Thanks." Emma mumbled to the dragon, patting it's scales. The dragon let out a soft purr and it's eyes landed on the out of control pink dragon. The purr turned into a growl as the yellow dragon began circling the pink dragon.

'She is tainted Emma' Electra's voice echoed in her head.

'Yes I know, we have to snap her out of it before it's too late' Emma replied, sliding off Electra's back. Emma nodded to Electra and the yellow dragon quickly bolted towards the pink dragon, pinning it on the floor.

Cynder roared in pain as she tried to claw into Electras scales, the pink dragons black eyes filling with panic. Emma slowly approached the two dragons, avoiding the flailing limbs. Cynder's eyes locked in to Emma and it swung it's wing at her direction, smacking Emma to the ground with a thud.

"You're really testing my patience today, aren't you?" Emma said quietly to herself. Pushing herself up, Emma continued to move around the dragons body's and towards the headmaster.

"Why hello again Emma, I'm not in the best condition right now am I?" He said with a laugh, followed by a quiet cry of pain. A giant bleeding gash could be seen running from his shoulder to his stomach, blood pooling under his body.

"I'm sure you will be fine, I'm sure of it!" Emma said, tears brimming from her eyes, headmasters body was beginning to loose colour due to all the blood loss.

"Emma," Headmaster put his hand on Emma's shoulder. "You need to stop that dragon, that is your top priority."



Emma wiped away the tears threatening to spill from her eyes, and turned away from the dying man behind her.

"Sorry." Emma wispered. She quickly dashed away and towards the dueling dragons, now both covered in bood and wounds.

Feeling a little tear on her eye, Emma quickly jumped into Electra's back, waiting for the perfect moment. Her hands began started to turn cold from the blood loss, and she began to fade in and out of conciousness.

But being stubborn had it's perks.

For she was to lazy to pass out now.

The two dragons continued to collide with each other, biting each others necks in attempt to weaken the other, but their teeth kept sliding down their sturdy scales.

Cynder quickly used Her head to push Electra back, digging her claws into the collapsing roof to help.

"Don't wreck my school you lizard!" headmaster yelled weakly. Cynder spun her head around and swung her tail towards headmaster. Electra quickly stopped the attack by biting Cynder's tail before it got headmaster.

Emma had one last look at him before focusing back on the right between the two dragons. Now was not the time to worry.

Electra took a step back and her scales began to glow slightly. An electrical feeling was filling the air and the yellow dragon opened its mouth, letting out a blue and white thunderbolt heading straight for Cynder.

The thunderbolt hit Cynder right I'm the side of her body, making her cry out in pain once more before stumbling back. The pink dragon opened up it's own mouth and shot a pink beam of light straigh for Electra.

Emma quickly jumped off and landed on her hands and knees, scraping off some skin and making her bleed a bit more.

Electra quickly raised her wing up in defence but the pink beam went straight through, tearing a hole in the yellow dragons wing. The pink beam continued and hit Electra on the chest, cracking a few of her large scaly chestplates.

The pink dragon let out a growl as the recoil from the pink dragons attack made her fly back and crash into a wall, a bit of blood pouring out in between it's scales.

Electra got up and shook herself off before pouncing on the pink dragon again, grabbing onto the back of Cynder's neck, a loud and sickening crack of the pink dragons scales rang through the air.

Cynder did a 180° with her head and faced Electra, her black and red eyes boring into Emma's. The pink dragon opened its mouth up once more and a black-like beam shot out of it's mouth, heading straight for Emma.

Electra's bright yellow eyes widened as she let go of Cynder's neck and ran in front of Emma, taking the black attack from Cynder.

The black magic collided with the dragon, and Electra's body absorbed the magic, making the attack seem like an illusion.


Emma's head spun to the pink dragon, it's head in it's claws as it sent it's telepathic message.


Those were the last things it said before Cynder collapsed with a loud thud.

Electra stood proudly as Jasmine ran up to hug her dragon, David and Peter following closely behind.

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