Chapter 64

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Emma felt hand pull her arms back, magic shackles clamped behind her body. She knew what was happening, the blame was on her, and she wasn't getting out of this one peacfully.

"Hey, let my student go you fool!" The familiar voice of the central headmaster filled Emma's ears, and she was instanly relived. She walked with hesitation as the guard's roughly dragged her down the stairs, their laughter echoing through the empty halls as they made her trip from time to time. Emma would have done something, but she didn't need to anger anyone else. She saw her teacher from the corner of her eye, his face one of a father's watching their child being sent to execution,  a face full of terror. Weaving through the hallways without getting lost once was impressive, but the guards seemed to find  a secret passage that led to a downward spiral of stairs, the darkness enveloping the three.

Emma's mind jumped to Peter, his fire ability to light up the whole underground catacombs with just a few seconds of warmth and light. But Peter and Jasmine were an academy away, surely news about her would spread, but it would be a secret for as long as the elites could hold.  When the guards tossed her into a dark and stone cold room, the brunette waited until the one guard was partially out the door. Emma made her move and swung her leg, hitting the guard right in between the legs, the man howled in pain, but before he could turn around, his butt was kicked out and the door shut, a satisfying locking sound coming from the door.

"Aye, and you were thinking of using her eh? Looks like she got you good." The guard said to the other in pain. He didn't say anything and gave Emma a hateful gaze. Emma flipped him off and made a face, the guard filling up with fury. His hands searched His pockets for his keys, wanting to smack the girls face straight in.

"yCan't get to me if you don't have the keys ass wipe." Emma said while pulling out a ring of keys. The guards looked at the girl with faces that could only be explained as shocked, and pissed off. The guards yanked on the bars, hopng to get them unlatched, but he didn't succeed.

"We're so dead, if she gets out, then we'll be killed like them!" One of the guard's whispered to his friend. The two guards stood in thought, thinking of a way to keep the girl from escaping. One guard perked up, summoning some sewer water from a cell nearby. He surrounded the lock in water and froze the sewage water, locking the door in place.

"That'll hold her off until we can get the spare set of keys. You stay here and I'll go get the spare." One guard wandered off and left Emma alone with the other. His bright blue eyes locked onto Emma with a fierce gaze. The two stated at each other with growing intensity, neither one of them breaking eye contact.

It went on like this for a few minutes, the competition between them growing fruitless as both had too much pride to simply stop this glare of hatred.

"You know it wasn't me that destroyed the room right? I am magic-less, only a mage could burn the whole room down in an entire second. " Emma said with a bit of hope it might spare her life. Knocking the elite down like that out up a serious problem in her life, and with this simple act, would cause a great difficulty in getting a possible career in her future. The guard made no noise from his post, his ears trained to ignore prisoners cries and pleas for mercy. Emma huffed with disappointment as she opened her mind, the dragons mental cries echoing in her mind.

"Someome help us! They're taking our riders magic!" A dragons cry echoed along with many others. They all had depleting magic levels, their hearts weakening with the, which draining taking place, many floors above her head. The brunette decided to lean against a wall, her body sliding down the wall to make herself comfortable. If she was going into another dragons mind, she had to make sure no physical damage came to her body.

Letting her mind slip, she focused on one dragons mind. With enough focus, anyone could listen to a dragons conversation with its rider. Emma focused on the peaceful and resting mind of Aqua, the dragon talking to David who had just woken up. Listening in on their conversation, Emma grinned as she somehow made it in without being noticed by either.

"Aqua, how are you? I didn't get to use our plan like expected, so I apologize." David said with a weak mental voice. Leaping into another humans mind was much  more difficult, for their minds held more secrets than any other living creature, and unless the listener knew the names of those who they were mentally visiting, they also needed to somehow affect their lives in order to visit them at all.

"Precious one, you did well in the fight alone, you made it with your own raw strength, and that is truly impressive." Aqua's tame voice calmed both humans down to a point of relaxation. An unknown tension was now gone and abandoned as the settling aura set in place. Emma stared in shock as a mental area was building, one with plum trees in full bloom, water so clear and shallow that it softly carried out any fallen blossoms. To the girls right, a light blue dragon appeared next to her the blond the two shared making a physical mental escape for the both of them. On the other side of the girl was David, his body uninjured and clean like he never went to try fighting in the spring trials.

This sacred place was meant for rider and dragon alone, but Emma couldn't bring herself to leave, and instead stood their to welcome David. Both the dragon and David looked directly at Emma, their blue eyes softening when they saw her. Emma smiled as shook her head, watching the pair step together to reassure that they were both seeing the girl  Emma chuckled, letting out a breath of relief 

"So where should I begin?"

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