Chapter 47

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"I hate those damn crystals." Justin's voice was wavering, his body limp on the couch. The magic he was once emitting was now only a small flame in a winter blizzard, his magic recuperating in him.

Seeing an elite drop their guard like that was rare, but when Justin, the light elite had collapsed in front of the brown haired girl, it sparked an common urge to help him. Without waiting for an anwser The brunette quickly scavenged some tea bags from a pantry and began boiling some water in a teapot.

Grabbing some honey, Emma poured the boiling water into a cup, stirring the honey into the tea. She dipped the tea bag in a few times until the water changed colour. Taking out the tea bag, Emma went back to the light elite, nudging his arms.

Justin hesitantly sat up, his cloak unwrinkled even after he layed on it. He gently took the mug and brought the warm liquid up to his lips, letting his mouth get used to the temperature before drinking the mixture.

"Thank you." He said before leaning against the couch again. Emma nodded her head, setting the cup into the sink.

"What...did it do to you?" Emma asked hesitantly. She stared at the place where the geo crystal once was, the grand chandelier a fraction of once it once was. The light elite had his eyes wander the room, searching for anymore cameras. Once he made sure it was clear, he pulled out a vial of a clear liquid, with white flecks floating around. He pulled a cork off the vial, and hesitantly brought the glass vial up to his lips.

The man took a sip, his irises shrinking as he took that one sip. His hand shook, and he looked like he was fighting an urge of some sort. With a shaking hand, he capped the vial and stuffed it down his pocket. He shook on the couch for a minute, and all Emma could do was watch curiously.

"My magic was drained by the geo crystal, thankfully neither of us touched it, or else that would have been much worse." Justin's voice was still shakey, but his magic was growing quickly, almost at a scary pace.

"Those crystals have a certain amount of what they can absorb, but the one in here Could possibly absorb my power and another elites before it was full."

"I hate the damn fire elite." Hatred was surely laced in Justin's voice, every word directed to the man who wasn't here. Emma pondered as question in her head, one over mangy others.

Did every elite hate the fire elite?

That would be impossible, since Mira had said the earth elite was practically as loyal as a dog to him. So the leader must have more dedicated people with him.

"Me too, and I haven't even met him." Emma joked, although she was being honest. Justin attempted a small laugh, a few hicks that turned into coughing.

"What was in that vial? Some regeneration potion?" The vial that was in Justin's cloak was eminating it's own enegy, one very concentrated enough to contain magic itself.

"You know how if one of the contestants lose?" Justin Asked the brown haired girl. She nodded, knowing full well how those people look after they get beaten up.

"Well, some people have heard we take there magic, and it's true, the vial is highly concentrated light magic, one especially for me. I use it to lengthen my life span and to regenerate magic quickly." Emma felt sick as he said that. If David lost, that meant that his magic could be drained, he taken as a simple getaway potion for the damn water elite.

Unknown rage built up in The girl, and some force she never knew made her growl, the sound awfully similar to a dragons.

She took a deep breath, knowing fully well that it was not the time for dark thoughts.

"Look Emma, I know you're mad at us, we all have these vials, but we're also forced to take these potions."

"You're forced too? Or do you just seek power that no one else has! Cause it seems like you normally go to that bottle regularly, your hands are shaking, your clearly addicted to it!" Emma shouted. She immediately regretted it as she heard her own voice ring in her ears.

'what have I done? I just went against an elite, I'm so dead.'

She began to tremble, tears pricking her eyes. She just wanted to find someone who knew she could feel at home with, someone who cared for her. Justin hung his head, taking out the vial once more. He stated at it, the light brown cork sealing the bottle practically begging him to dink more of its contents.

"You can drink it." He said. Emma looked at him strangely, being careful not to offend him again. She was still afraid, the feeling of a snake squeezing her stomach almost putting her in pain.

"And why would I do that?" Emma asked, looking at the vial of magic. That vial was a mix of many failed mages, ones who had thought they had a chance at winning the spring trials, but their magic, stuffed into a bottle for someone's disposal.

It made her sick.

"You don't have to be a grey-eyes anymore, you can have magic just like the rest of the population, you don't have to be targeted by the fire elite anymore. You can be free." Justin was practiacally begging, hoping Emma would considire his offer, or something of the sorts, the air was still, tension so thick it was hard to breath.

She wanted dearly to be accepted by everyone in school, to stop the constant whispers, to be able to compete in the many magic competitions. But drinking someone else's magic that's been stolen? Was that right?

"No, people might accept me after, but my real friends love me as I am now, I don't need magic to defy me. But thank you for the offer."

Walking out of the room, Emma decided it was time to go find the headmaster, but she knew that if she said anything about to vials, not only would she be used for experiments, but her friends would also be targets.

"Make sure to stay away from the fire lion, he's looking at you, so stay away from sight."

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