Chapter 84

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Thank you lovelies!!


Emma had repositioned herself on Joel after he had regained some energy, stuffing the blood red book in a satchel attached to Joel's hip. The grew nervous as people began to swarm around her, asking questions about what the hell to do.

"Joel, how long is that wall going to last?" Emma said in the link. The Dragon perked up, ruby eyes staring at her with exhaustion.

"It can last up to six hours before the flames become completely fuel hungry. My magic should keep it going, but once it burns out, we're all done for." Joel turned his head to the cityfolk who were coming out of their homes and streets, surrounding the girl and red fire dragon.

"I'm just a student at an academy Joel, what do they expect me to be? A guest speaker?" Emma sighed thought the link, making Joel chuckle a bit, his laugh rumbling through his whole chest.

"You're a girl on one of the largest dragons here, of course people are going to look at you with hope. Don't fear anything now, you've dealt with much greater." In a comforting tone, Joel nudged the girl with his muzzle, making the girl relax in his small attempt at an embrace. Emma cleared her throat, waiting for the talk of the crowd to quiet down.

"Alright y'all, you're probably going to die in about six hours." Emma said blankly to the growing crowd. People gave the girl a confused murmur, some people disturbed. "This fire wall is able to keep the reborns out for only five hours, but with that time, we can create a defensive tactic to keep them out."

Matt looked at the girl with a newfound determination, but his eyes also longingly lingered on the book in her arms.

"We can get large water dragons to make another ice wall, but that was the reason for your last break-in. We need the earth dragons to make the wall taller than this fire wall, quickly!" Emma said, and earth dragons and mages began to scatter around the crowd to begin the wall.

"Water mages and dragons! You are going to cover the wall with the slickest black ice you can create over, and around the wall, that way the reborns can't dig their claws into the material."

"Everyone else, your magic can be used for defensive purposes if the reborns make it halfway up the wall; so stay alert for the time being. L If we are fast enough, we can get this done If we work together accordingly." Emma said with exhaustion. Joel nudged her gently his muzzle, comforting the girl as his warm scales as he helped her relax. People reluctantly shifted away as smaller dragons perched themselves on the house roofs, calculating eyes examining the scene below.

"Thank you." She mumbled, curling under Joel's wing. The dragon purred, his magic reserves slowly regenerating after such a powerful attack. As for Emma, She would have drifted to sleep too; letting the dream realm finally allow her to contemplate what was happening, but the sound of dirt crunching under boots kept her alert and steady. Cracking her eyes open relectantly,  she saw a small frame approach her and Joel, a mask covering every inch of their face aside from the eyes. Staring into the dark honey pools, Emma sat up from her brief resting place, stretching her seizing muscles that threatened to ache. Emma quickly felt the book in the bag attached to Joel's hip, dark magic swirling and latching onto air as it looked for it's key.

Looking over to the approaching cloaked figure, the girl could feel a hidden uneasiness each time they took a step closer, the tension around the two growing until there was only a few feet between the opposing sides. Emma carefully examined the figure, her eyes skimming the thick build only a few could maintain, although not too heavy as his small frame proved to be useful for speed as well as strength.

Hidden weapons were latched onto many places that created nearly invisible bumps that an untrained eye would easily pass over, but the glint of a blade here and there proved this man to be more dangerous than a soldier.

"What's your business here? Can you not go and help your fellow civilians in making the wall, or do you plan to go and exterminate those reborns with those pathetic knives of yours?" Emma but her tounge, mentally cursing herself for going to far for a potential threat. The man's eyes flashed with humor, his body shaking slightly as he held in a small chuckle.

"I thought I was crazy when I saw you riding that dragon; I thought you were a real dragon rider for a second, but low and behold, it isn't yours, is it?" The familiar voice was raspy as they spoke, therefore making Emma unable to pin it, but she didn't have much time to think before he began talking to her again, stance taking on an offensive position. "Its told me much about you, your magic, your dragon, powerful you are indeed; yet you dont know, do you?"

"Maybe that's a good thing."

The man held no mercy as he produced a knife from out of his pocket, the streetlights flashing across it's silver metal and producing a silver glow. Emma felt the adrenalin rush through her body, her mind going a mile a minute.

Who the actual fuck is this guy?!

Leaning backwards to avoid the blade, Emma grabbed the mans arm, using the momentum to swing herself behind the cloaked man with his arm in hand, pinning his arm against his back as he struggled to get out of her grasp. The man grunted, and began to walk back to the wall of fire, the inching heat begging to sting Emma's skin. At this point, Joel was up on his claws and trying to find a good way to grab the man without hurting his riders friend, teeth glimmering and snarls escaping his maw.

The man thrusted his body towards the fire, flames beginning to singe off some of Emma's T-shirt. She quickly moved out from behind him and threw herself away from the brown eyed male, watching as he nearly tumbled into the fire himself. Filled with rage, the man grabbed the tip of his knife, swinging his arm in a elegant manner. One blade had got itself into Joel's soft skin by his leg, a liquid pouring into the dragons body and knocking him out in a matter of seconds. The man let another blade fly, right towards the grey eyed girl.

As soon as the blade left his fingers and dug into Emma's skin, two ear piercing screams rattled through the air, one from the grey eyed girl, and another from a flaming reborn leaping through the flame wall.

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