Chapter 7

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It was a week after the Eastern academy had news on being attacked

Emma couldn't sleep that night. Multiple nightmares were taunting her brain as all the worst case senarios of the day played out in her head. Thoughts of the dragon rider that had crashed came into her mind.

Eventually, one of the dreams were enough to wake her. Sweat covered Emma's face as she layed in bed, staring at the roof. The fimilliar sounds of owls and snoring dragons filled her ears. Her ears listened in on the distant midnight conversations next door, but the ringing in her head blocked the noise out

Emma got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and locked the door. She turned the tap in the sink and splashed her face with cold water, shaking the last of the drowsiness from her mind.

It was at time like this where she would go and exercise her legs a bit. Getting rid of any nightmares. She silently unlocked the latch on the window, letting a cold night breeze fill the room.

Sleeping in the bed on the other side of the room was Ashley laying on her back, her hair was sprawled out in different directions and her clothes smelled like alcohol. Drool was hanging from one corner of her mouth and one strap of her dress was torn. Emma stepped back into the room and turned Ashley onto her side, placing a small garbage can beside her bed just in case.

'Hope the hangover using to bad' She silently wished.

Peeking out of the window, Emma took a deep breath, looking at the night sky. Oh how she longed to be up in the air again, to feel the wind against her body and the smooth scales of a dragon under her hands.

Tears pricked her eyes from the cold but she quickly blinked them away, focusing back to reality.

She stepped onto the small ledge the window supported, letting her body stretch as she held onto the window frame. Jumping into the next window up, she pulled herself onto the window, being careful not to wake the people in the room. She was now on the top floor, only one jump away from the roof. Preparing her hands, she bent down. Letting out a huff she jumped and held onto the ledge of the roof.

Swinging her leg onto the shingles of the roof, half her body was on. Gripping onto the roof for dear life, she finally inched her up and she layed there, taking deep breaths to calm her heart.

She held the cool medal of her necklace, fiddling with it in between her fingers. Her grey eyes reflecting the starry sky. Her breath was showing in the cold, indicating that winter was almost there.

She stood up and starting walking on the roof, letting the wind make her hair fly. She slowly made her way to the other side of the roof, putting out her arms to make sure she was balanced. When she reached the end of the roof, she slid down one side, towards the infirmary.

She starting running down the side, gaining speed as gravity helped pull her down roof. With one jump, time seemed to slow down as the wind seemed to push her towards the sky. Landing, Emma let out a little 'oof' before she rested on the infirmarys roof. She dropped down on the large deck that was supplied for patients for comfort. She slowly slid the tinted glass door and stepped inside, her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the long hallway filled with beds. Shivering, Emma walked through the long hallway, keeping an eye out for the mysterious crashed rider.

A glimpse of yellow in the corner of Emma's eye caused her head to whip around to see a silver haired girl in the bed, holding a ball of electricity.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" The girl whispered, Emma raised her hands in defence as she took a step forward.

"I'm Emma, and I came here for you," the girl raised her eyebrow, and her electric attack shrunk to a small ball in her hand. "I came to talk."

The girl finally put her magic away and she sighed, letting her head hit the feather-stuffed pillow. She patted the spot close to her legs, telling Emma to sit. Emma obliged and sat down, looking at the girls yellow eyes.

"So, your and electriciry user huh?" Emma asked. The girl simply gave a nod. "What's your name?"

"Jasmine," She grumbled out, breaking the eye contact with Emma and turning her head to the side. "And what's your magic?"

"Uh, I don't have one." Emma said, a pang of saddness washed over her, but the feeling was becoming numb. Jasmine tilted her head to the side, confused.

"So then how did you get in here?" Jasmine asked. "I mean, if you are a cripple, shouldn't you be tending to crops in the fields? This school is for the gifted. Isint it?"

"Yeah, it is a school for gifted, and in any normal circumstance I shouldn't be here, but what's normal about this world?" Emma looked Jasmine in the eye again, and a smirk played on Jasmine's lips. "By the way, what attacked your school?"

Jasmines eyes became clouded as she searched through her memories. "These creatures made of pure black did, the didn't have any eyes; none that I could see anyways, I was too busy running. They came at dawn, but their veins were a gross crimson red. There limbs were extended to in-human lengths, and they were so thin too, yet they snatched so many kids like demons from hell. Some were larger then others, and they killed anything that moved, I only made it out thanks to many sacrifices."

Jasmine's eyes started to water so Emma wrapped her arms around her to comfort her crying form. They stayed like that for a minute, and soon enough Jasmine's shaking came to a halt.

"Is late, I think you should get Some rest, I will come here during lunch to see you with some friends of mine." Jasmine nodded and let out a yawn, signaling that it was time for Emma to go. Jasmine sank down into the covers of her bed and Emma walked back to the sliding door of the room. Looking back Emma waved to Jasmine and slid out the door. She quietly closed the door behind her and walked out. Feeling the moonlight on her skin she started scaling the roof.

Once again she jumped to the girls dorm roof and made her way back to her room. Dropping down a window, she quietly slid open her rooms window. It turns out the small garbage can was useful seeing as though it has been used once or twice. Emma yawned as she tucked herself in her now cold bed, and stared out the window. Thoughts of the creatures filled her mind, and where they could of possibly came from.

Her heavly eyelids slowly pulled down and Emma was embraced with a peaceful dream.

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