Chapter 99

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"I shall answer to the descendants of the prophecy." The shadow walker said.

This caught Aqua off guard, but she did not show it; instead, she nodded, then stepped forward to close the space between the two.

"Have you seen the girl?" She asked.

"I have seen no girl that matches your description, for no outsiders are allowed inside our haven. If one was to be brought inside, it would set off an alarm, for which we've never heard." The mage offered a detailed description for an anwser, and that lead to the next question Aqua had in mind.

"Alright, do you think you can get us inside your haven so we can search?" This question seemed to spark a war inside the man, his answer unsure.

"As much as we would love to have a descendant in our home, it's just not possible for an an outsider to come in now with our law in place. If the light walkers were to find out, our war would resume." The man sounded dissapointed, his eyebrows borrowing together in a frown. David sighed in disappointment, rubbing his temples in a way to subdue his growing headache, all the formalities were getting to him and wasting time.

Aqua backed down, giving David a defeated look. He had to come up with a different plan. Grabbing one of the roasted sticks of rabbit meat, he brought it towards the shadow mage, who was eyeing the meat with a drooling mouth. They knew that they had to keep this man alive for any chance of getting inside, and they were going to start with some tempting food.

"Here, if you're going to be here, might as well eat." The mage was suprised when David cut a rope to free one of his arms, allowing him to take the stick of meat and begin eating. The blue haired male watched carefully, handing the mage a bottle of water to drink from. When fed, David retied a rope to secure the shadow mages arm back to the tree, a grumble of protest coming from him.

"You know, the girl with grey eyes, what kind of magic does she have?" The shadow mage asked. Peter stopped in his tracks and looked at David, who was also thinking about his question. Then, with a click, he knew. After everything he had gone through with her, and her lack of dragon, he knew.

"She doesn't have any."


Emma woke up with a jolt, the golden dragon from somewhere in the building letting out a roar of pain that could be heard throughout all the hallways. It was a desprate cry meant only for it's rider, but the poor dragon was losing the only way to communicate with him, causing the golden beast to call out physically.

Noah heard the roar too, although he had less concern with it now. Hearing the call many times before made him more accustomed to the sudden burst of noise, but no matter how many times he hear the thunderous call, it was always disturbing. The shadow mage was currently doing laps around the place he called home, training his body as he waited for his kings command. Apparently the long wait for getting out of the haven was finally over, and the light walkers had finally allowed for his kind to walk on the surface after one hundred years.

Noah had little time to react when he saw a sword coming down on him, the blade catching the sun as it moved with great speed. Narrowly avoiding the blade, it hit the ground with a thud and retracted back to it's owner, who had a scowl on her face.

"The hell is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish?" Noah couldn't help himself from yelling, just the sight of this female was getting on his nerves. Savanna had her black hair twisted into a messy braid, her dark eyes piercing right though Noah's soul. If it wasn't for her hardened glare, he would have mistook her for someone else, although no one else gave him that kind of hated look.

"Your thinking of something, something that does not belong here. It's making you weak, I could have killed you if I wanted to." Savanna spoke in her cold tone. Her body was soaked in sweat, like she had just finished her training, and her body seemed more exausted than normal. Noah scoffed, trying to avoid her and walking past her, but to no avail did she move.

"Get out of my way." He said sharply.

She still refused to move.

Noah had enough. Opening the void, he let his arm reach into the cold place, his hand wrapping around the warm hilt of his weapon. Pulling his weapon out of the small portal, Noah watched as Savannah's face as the black metal of his blade caught the sun, the long weapon giving off a dark aura. He didn't use the weapon often, in fact, this was only his fifth time even trying, but his annoyance was clouding his judgment.

"I'll ask one more time, move out of my way." Noah had no kindness in his voice anymore, and it caught Savanna off-guard, allowing Noah to shrug past her. He tucked the sword back into the cold abyss of the void, the raw power being concealed once again. It was stupid what he did, he knew that, but his bed was more important than a silly girl trying to get his attention.

Climbing many stairs and fleeting hallways, he reached his door, hand over the knob, but he hesitated. The golden dragons roar had set him on edge, and he knew that they had to do something now, otherwise his plan would be ruined. The male opened the door and gasped when he saw Emma already standing at the door, her body battle ready and prepared.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Emma smirked, the voices in her head trying to tell her to abandon this crazy plan, but when she heard that dragon, she knew they didn't have much time left.

"I'm getting ready to do something good in the world."

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