Chapter 17

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"Who's in there?!" An oh- so familliar voice called out. Jasmine disappeared with a yellow flash and Peter close behind with a blinding red light.

It was just her and David when they noticed the red glow of fire in the next aisle of books beside them. David made eye contact with Emma and put his index finger to his mouth and slowly started walking away, carful not to step on any of the creaky boards. Emma hugged the black book bag close to her, protecting it.

Slowly, the red of flames got dimmer and dimmer until the two turned a corner that completely block their vision of the burly man searching the library.

"Mr.Draco, it's the middle of the night! All the students are in bed at this hour, so quit with the yelling would you?" A soft feminine voice called out. The owner of the voice was given a guff for a reply from Draco as his footsteps continued to shuffle around, looking for the two students.

David then wrapped his arm around Emma's waist and they both continued to back away together, slowly making their way to the exit.

All was going well until they tripped in a pile of books.

Emma landed on David with a small squeak while David let out a large breath. The once small footsteps became full blown stomps as they came closer to the pair.

Emma scrambled to get off of David and she quickly pulled him up, almost throwing him to the other side of the bookshelves. She began to run with David close behind, quickly turning the corners of the maze of a library. Emma grabbed a book from the ground and covered her face, keeping her identity at least a little hidden.

"Stop running you fool!" Draco screamed, his voice echoing off of the empty walls of the large room. They made their way out of the emergency exit and ran down the hallways, their footsteps sounding everywhere into the school.

Emma kept in running, but David was slowly trailing behind, clearly not used to all of the running. The brown-haired girl turned the corner and into a small classroom. It took a few seconds before David caught up.

David was letting out heavy pants as his swear glemed from the moonlight shining from the Windows.

"David" Emma let out a small breath.
"We're going to split up, I'll make Draco chase after me, and you make it too the dorms, I'll see you tomorrow, whether it's in the office, or in class"

Emma smiled as she opened the class door just a bit and check if the coast was clear. Once she made sure she could get dracos attention, she dashed off, slamming a locker to get him to notice her.

"Hey! Get your ass over here now!"
Dracos voice was dripping with fury as he chased Emma down the school.
Her black flats skidded on the floor as she sharply turned a corner, almost slipping on her side.

A dragons roar shook the school, causing Emma to stumble a bit and almost drop the precious book bag on her shoulder.

Confusion swarmed Emma's brain as she puzzled what could be happening to the dragon to become so annoyed, then she remembered Draco.

A giant boulder flew past Emma's face And her eyes widened as she realized Draco was using his magic to stop her. She dashed as fast as she could and heard a loud thud behind her. Taking a quick glance behind her, she saw the old man lay on the floor, panting like a dog.

Emma fist pumpded the air as she faced forward again and made her way to her soft bed.

° ° °

Her legs were aching by the time she made it up the fourth flight of stairs. Emma slowly made her way to the very end of the hall to her shared room, remembering all the crazy events that happened that day.

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