Chapter 23

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Morning brought a cold breeze that whistled through the whole school.

It was late morning, and due to a blizzard late at night, the power source to the academy was frozen, causing the whole school to be doused in a dark aura.

The students went to class at normal times, and thanks to a few fire student's magic, the school was lit with a warm glow.

Headmaster and Emma we're playing cards against dragons with a male doctor, and the three of them were having the times of their lives.

"My Dragon was caught..." Emma, the cardzar that round bagan.

"Licking my dad or mating with a turtle." She burst out laughing, the Headmaster and doctor soon joined in as they read the two cards over and over.

Emma had tears of joy pricking her eyes as she soon settled down, a few giggles escaping her as she got the laughter out of her system.

The three we're playing cards against dragons on a dark black marble table, and the winter storm was echoing off the roof as the weather seemed to get worse.

Soon enough, lunch came around and a nurse with short light green hair came around to meet the three.

"Emma, your free to be discarged right after we change your bandages on your back." The nurse said. Emma nodded and exuded herself from the game and followed the nurse into a separate room with no Windows.

The white light given from the lights of the room reflected the white walls perfectly. Emma stripped off her hospital gown as the nurse took out the IV feed out from her wrist.

The green haired female expertly put the bandage over Emma's wrist and began to unravel the yellow bandage from her back.

The doctor inspected the three claw marks on the brunettes back and she took a cotton swab and swiped the white cotton over the wound.

The sudden pressure made Emma gasp and made her arch her back away from the nurse.

"We still don't know why your wounds aren't healing as fast as normal, but we will let you know when we have a few explanations." said the green haired nurse.

Carefully putting some Dragon gel on Emma wound, the nurse wrapped up the old bandage and threw it out and got a new, pure white bandage from a cupboard.

Emma lifted her arms up as the nurse wrapped up the wound for the third time that week. It was a painful process, yes, but the pain would dissipate after a while. The nurse passed Emma an over-sized uniform and the brunette quickly put it on, blushing from the nurses judgemental gaze.

"Alright, your done. Please, stay out of trouble,we have enough work as it is." The nurse said, shoving Emma towards the exit.

Headmaster was the next one to go inside the infirmary. When he came out though, he was fully dressed in his suit and had his top hat fixed.

"Good as new." The headmaster said enthusiastically. Emma smiled and walked behind the headmaster as the two waved the male doctor goodbye.

Emma and the headmaster walked along the seemingly endless amount of hallways. Many scented torches were lit on each side of the hallways and the fire filled the hallways with trusha flowers, grown in higher-ups gardens.

"This is my stop," Headmaster started. He stopped by his office with a red door and a golden door handle. He turned to Emma and ruffles the brunettes already messy hair. "Go find your friends, they've been missing you."

Emma's face was filled with determination as she nodded and took long strides down the hallway, leaving a smiling headmaster behind her.

"Its good to see her finally happy." He said to himself.

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