Chapter 65

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The three friends sat in the mental ground as Emma explained what happened. David and Aqua had some theories on what could have caused the girls transformation,  but none of the conclusions made enough sense to continue the topic. Emma had finally relaxed after David had huffed her, the emotions pouring off of the blue haired Male. It was only for a few seconds,  but both friends had felt their heart race at the contact.

"So you, Emma, knocked down the  fire elite!? Like, you knocked him down to the ground pretty much? Is that why no one will stop whispering about you? That's amazing!" David said with excitement laced in his voice. Emma shook her head as she felt her physical body being moved from her oridfinal spot. Panic rushed in her mind, but it instantly calmed down when she realized that it was her body twitching. Returning to the bonded pair, both were exerting a positive attitude from seeing the grey eyed girl unharmed, although David was a bit uneasy from the fact that she was in the cells below everyone.

"He was aiming fire balls at me, not at the damned creature that was attacking us all. Like who does that just for an expiriment?" Emma huffed in frustration as she paced back and fotrh from tree to tree. Whatever the fire elite expected from her was not going to be tested. She was no lab rat, and she sure was hell wasn't going to die in a place like this.

"No one will know that though. Are there any cameras in that room? Maybe we can prove you were just defending yourself." David suggested. Emma thought back to the fight in the medical room. When was go busy to look around for cameras, she was to focused on finding David, but when the creature showed up....

Emma gasped as the camera idea was forgotten. If the girl who used the magic had a dragon, then that dragon could tell them what had happened in that short time. No one understood what happened, but Emma faded out of the pairs mental land and focused on every nearby earth dragon. It wasn't easy, for almost every dragon had the same magic aura, but one dragon had a slightly warmer tint on the magic stream, fire magic laced inside it's own magic.

This dragon was small, and if it was curled up it could have been mistaken for a small boulder. Its mind was slipping from reality and its mental state, its conscious being pushed out by a darker force. Emma reached deeper, feeling into the dragon s mind d as if her own. Something was fighting for control on the dragons mind, and this voice was similar to the one the brunette was hearing more often. Temptations and deals were being attempted, but the small earth dragon was strong-willed, its choices always the same.

"You poor creature, your rider has decided to become lost in power, but I know you can be better than that" Emma's voice spoke tenderly to the trembling dragon. Her voice was like a warm drink on a cold day, instant relief from the thing bothering the one in the cold. The dragon felt the girls presence, mistaking it as their rider for a second, but was saddened as it realized it was another. The dragon collapsed, the darker mind taking hold of the young dragons. It whimpered a bit, but the existence of its soul was fading rapidly. Emma panicked, trying desperately to stop the dragon from leaving.

But it was too late

The spirit of the dragon had gone to a place filled with love and light, somewhere that all belonged. Now what remained was a husk of what it once was. But Emma was confused, for if the dragon was dead, then she wouldn't have still been here. The mental state of the dragon quickly collapsed, and a pain struck Emma as she realized that the voice taunting the small dragon had taken over. The husk loomed back with a grin, its eyes fading into a hollow black.

Emma rushed out if the area of evil, leaving the empty mind of the possessed husk. She slumped back into her physical body, the once more silent room greeting her ears. She was mentally exausted, so, just laying on the floor was enough as she got a few winks of sleep.


It had only been a few hours, but the guard was currently being rushed to the infirmary. The battle was hard, and he hadn't managed to knock down a single creature with his silver blade. The voices he heard were muffled as he bled out from half his face. The creatures managed to land a blow on half his face, tearing off his ear and just missing his eye. It was a world of pain, but his touch with reality was to far gone to focus on the pain.

His mind flashed to his small battle, the creature pinning him down with one large hand. It was ready to use the finishing blow, but a rumble that shook the school has stopped it from doing anything further. In fact, the tremor that made debris fall from the celing was like a small calling, making the attack seize and all opponents scatter. They had retreated, but they were winning. 

No one knew what had happened, but many died. Teachers were flying survivors to the central academy, and many stray dragons followed their riders in hot pursuit. Some dragons had seizures and died as their rider too left the world, and their bodies dropped from the sky like flies.

The guard knew that those creatures were difficult to destroy, for if they knocked down three academy's already, stolen multiple lives, and headed for the next, then what was the point in defending when all they could do was flee? The soldier watched as the final creature headed north, to where the elites were. He let out a breath of relief. If the elites were there, they could stop them.

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