Chapter 34

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Emma immediately ran, only missing the creatures bite by an inch.

Its face dug in the dirt, mud filling its jaws as it recovered from the blow meant for the silver-eyed girl. Emma ran beside the creatures starved body, it's muscles almost showing the bone in between. Emma ran, but the monsters thundering steps followed close behind, catching up the the girl in only a few seconds.

It swatted her with its clawless human hands further up the path, causing her to gain a few scratches along her body. It was like a game of cat and mouse, only the mouse had no chance.

Emma shook as she tried to get up, and only managed to make a few steps forward before the creature stomped on her, crushing her to the ground. Saliva dropped around her from the creatures mouth, the same colour of its blood, and it seemed to be insane, only killing what moved.

Its black beast eyes scanned Emma, looking for something but only succeeding in catching some more prey. It cried out in frustration, a more deep, childish gurgle that settled in the back of its throat. Emma cried back, but it was more of a desperate cry of help.

"David!" She cried. "Jasmine! Peter! Help." Her voice died out as the creatures face inched closer to the girls neck, It's human-like hands pushing there way closer to the ground, squeezing the air out of Emma in the process.

She let out a breathless scream before she turned red, the lack of air suffocating her. All she wanted was to breath at that moment, all of her minds focus on the one simple task. The creature seemed to smile as its eyes flashed a deep red, and it opened it's jaw and revealed its rows of teeth.

It was about to bite her, and it would have succeeded, only a slice of water cut its neck and knocked it back, the force of the attack making the demonic creature fly back a few feet.

Emma's lungs expanded, her heart racing as it worked to move the oxygen-starved muscles and organs around her body. She was so focused on breathing that she hadn't realized David sending multple blades of water into the creature. His eyes were setting off a bright blue glow, a tint of green now noticible after the truth of his healing magic being revealed.

The creature whimpered, but not from The pain, but rather from its first experience of magic. It licked its lips, it's mind racing as it set its new target for the water mage. David continued to send blades of water at the creature, but it only seemed to absorb the attacks, leaving only small, irritating cuts.

David continued to send blades of now frozen water at the creature, making more blood seep out of the creatures body, and while he attacked the creature, he yanked Emma to her feet, and pushing her forward.

She stumbled but began to run, the bones in her body quickly mending as she ran, David summoned a wall of ice and prayed that it would hold of the creature for a few minutes, if not seconds. He took Emma's hand and ran with her, breathing heavily to let air into his lungs. His eyes still glowed blue, but not as wildly as before.

"Hurry!" He yelled, causing Emma to quicken her pace. She ran as fast as her legs could go, but she felt as if it wasn't fast enough.

A chilling scream filled the air, the sound almost like a choked in pain combined with a wolf's bowl. But Emma's blood froze as more screams ripped through the silence of the night, joining re call of death. Adrenaline pulsed through both of the students as they ran as fast as humanly possible.

They saw the edge of the forest, and Emma almost cried as they exited the forest. She continued to run but risked a look back to the forest.

She almost stopped in her tracks as she realized that the creatures were stalking the edge of the forest, but not daring to get any closer, one tried to set It's foot on the grass, this one had claws instead of human-like hands, but it immediately burned as soon as It's skin skimmed the ground. It let out a small cry of pain as its brothers shrouded its injured ally.

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