Chapter 20

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Peter and David were sitting on the lunch room's tables when they heard a loud thump and an exhausted sigh escape their lips across from them.

They stared at the figures silver hair, only to realized that it was Jasmine.

"You look dead, what's happened?" David asked kindly. Peter looked at her intently and Jasmine groaned, sliding her head up the look at the two best friends.

"The jerks that hurt our friend didn't even know who she was, let alone why they did it." Jasmine said blankly. David and Peter looked at each other with concerned faces, and looked back at Jasmine.

"So they just attacked her for no reason then?" Peter asked. Jamime nodded before slumping her head into her hand. "That seems stupid."

"You just figured that out?" Jasmine shouted back. Peter was taken aback and David looked at her with wide eyes.

"Ever since day one here, all I've seen happen to her is either being ignored or hurt! I just don't understand." Jasmine's shouts bounced off the walls of the lunch room and gaining a few strange looks from the nearby students.

"All I'm saying is, it's suspicious." Jasmine let out a final huff and quickly left the table to get some food. David let out a deep breath and rubbed his temples to sooth his pounding headache.

"You all good David?" Peter asked his friend. David nodded and looked up to the roof. Silently praying to whoever was playing with fate.


A white light pierced through the darkness as they opened their eyes. At first they thought that they were dead, until their eyes adjusted to the light.

Sitting on the hospital bed was Emma, skinny and thirsty, at first she thought the room was bright, but it was only a small light that still let the corners of the room be drenched in shadows. Her eyes scanned the room and the first thing she did was sit up and look for some water.

Thankfully, a plastic cup of water had been placed by her bed stand along with one get well card.

The brunettes shaky hand grasped the room temperature water and let the cool liquid slide down her throat, cooling the burning sensation in the back of her mouth. Her eyes closed and she let the feeling of relief fill her as she finished the drink.

She licked her lips and set the cup down, throat not quite quenched but enough for her to last a while. Her eyes picked up on some movement by the end of her bed and her head quickly shot towards the figure.

Standing there was a nurse, her face hidden by her clipboard. She had seemed to be writing things down and her green eyes glanced at her, then went back to her clipboard.

The doctor was checking multiple machines hooked up to Emma and The doctor furiously jotted down results, tests and other things for the medical records.

A bit of time passed until Emma decided to break the uncomfortable silence with a bit of small talk.

"H-" Her speech was cut off with a loud cough as she struggled to stop the burning sensation in her throat again.

Her coughing for continued until the nurse shoved a bottle of water close to Emma. The silver-eyed girl greedily took it as slowly drank it, careful not to choke.

"Thanks." Emma said, Her throat still tingling.

"You should be discarged in about a days time, we have been changing your bandages everyday and your wound had seemed to be getting better." Her eyes piercing into Emma's soul.

'who pissed on her breakfast?'

"Thanks." Emma repeated. Honestly, she didn't know how to respond to the doctors saltiness. She just say there, silver eyes darting around the white room. The female doctor arches one of her brows and walked out of the room, taking the tension with her.

Emma let out a breath she didn't know She was holding and relaxed, staring at the closed blinds of her room. She layed down on the poorly made hospital bed and listened as her bed made an uncomfortable crippling sound as she shifted her weight.

Getting as comfortable as she possibly could, she lifted the thin sheets up to her chest, struggling to get any warmth from them.

She let her eyes wander the room, her eyes taking in the new rooms every detail.

'I just wanna be back in my dorm, all snuggled up in my feather blanket'

Emma's eyes landed on a digital clock, it's numbers in bright red letters.


Her eyelids suddenly became heavy, as if an invisible force was tugging on her eyes. She gladly accepted the thought of sleep and she layed there, sleep slowly dragging her into a dark abyss.


David's eyes were Slowly dragging down as he read his tenth book. After one day of non-stop research he still couldn't find anything about what happened to Ashley's Dragon, Cynder.

The night was dragging on to morning when David let out a groan of frustration.

His mind couldn't stop thinking about what caused The pink Dragon the go rampant, or what Emma said bofer she passed out, and he couldn't stop thinking about how Emma was doing.

He let his hand support his head as his eyes lazily read the next page of a book.

Hamiliex: A disease in dragons where the tail of a Dragon spilts

Cause: Poor living conditions

Cure: Strengthening of a bond, cleaner living conditions.

Halitex: A mental disease where a humans or dragons body's turn a tint of black, not including eyes or internal organs.

Cause: Death of a bond

Cure: None

"None of these are what happened to the Dragon though!" David banged his head off the table and intantly regretted it as the book flew off the table. His hand quickly flew to his nose to subside the pain but he succeeded in doing was making it worse.

"Gah!" He yelled. Blood gushed out of his nostrils and he quickly ran to the bathroom, locking the door begins him.

Red blood was leaking from his nose but it healed soon and the blood stopped pouring out of his nose. David wiped the remaining blood from his nose and he looked back in the mirror.

What was staring at him through the mirror was not himself, but another version of him.

His skin was turned black, and red flecks were catching light as they moved around in his blood. His eyes looked exactly like the pink dragons except his eyes seemed the be hollowed out, like he had been starved.

His eyes widened and he scampered out of the bathroom and under his bed covers, shaking at the image he saw.

It had been give minutes before he began to move, and his body was still shaking, his eyes framicly darting around the room.

"Oh hell no, I ain't dying today." David's trembling voice echoed into the bathroom. The blue-haired boy grabbed the book he was reading and swing it in front of his as a weapon.

"I-I'll use the power of knowledge against you demon!" He called out. His smart comment gained a chuckle from beside him.

"Scared of the dark David?"

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